If someone brings cards around, I am always willing to sign. But if we do get a vote, I will have to contemplate who to vote for. For me the issue isn't whether TWU has done a bad job, but whether anyone else could have done better. I believe the crisis we are facing now has more to do with poor management and industry trends than with TWU misleadings.
Of coarse, I could be wrong. 🙂
Of course,
Coming to the conclusion that your union structure sucks and it needs to be replaced should always be considered serious business and an important decision to make.
That being said, it is not just this current situation that one should judge the TWU upon.
There is a 25 year history of the TWU leading this industry in concessions and inadequate bargaining.
Some could also argue that this was also due to industry trends and mismanagement. But at what point should the AFL-CIO affiliation be also held accountable for failing to use the so-called political influence to change the industry trend via legislation? So many AFL-CIO members have beed raped and decimated by the Bankruptcy Laws and lack of modification of the rules governing overseas MRO's, by now something should have been changed. At what point should your union be held accountable for not taking the required action to correct mis-management before it bites the members in such a demeaning way? This Union has never challenged management, it has always reacted in a cowardly fashion. It is a predictable organization and that is why management always enjoys the benefit of strength in bargaining. All American Airlines has to do is threaten some job loss, and the TWU Concession Train comes down the track at full speed ahead. Each time, some jobs are temporarily saved via massive concessions, and then through attrition, the head count is still reduced and concessions for management still enjoyed and in place. This time will prove to be more of the same, it has already been decided, we are now watching the playing of the game to prepare to place blame on Judge Lane or someone or something esle other than the unrelenting fact that your union is failing you miserably.
And, If was not for the threat of a card drive to remove the TWU, they would sellout even futher and with great pride.
Have you forgot 2003? Have you forgot 1995? Have you forgot 1983?
Above all, for over five years of the last AMFA Organizing Campaign, the TWU pointed ever "trend" and every "mis-management" at Northwest, United, Alaska, and each and everytime, blamed AMFA for those outsource percentages, heaad count reductions, and maintenance base closures.
Now. As it happens to the TWU it apparently is something other than the UNION's fault.
This is not only patently unfair, but is survival based on lies, manipulation, and initimidation of their own members.
This is not Union Leadership, it is called unethical and immoral.
And any one that believes in what goes around comes around realm of good vs evil, should not be shocked when the TWU finally faces the last curtain call at American Airlines.
Your comment reminds of a person who always has sympathy for the under dog.
That is fine, but at what point should your union establish itself as the favorite and stop negotiating from a negative position?