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Would You Support an AMFA Card Drive?

Would you support with all your effort an AMFA Organizing Campaign at AA?

  • YES

    Votes: 34 61.8%
  • NO

    Votes: 21 38.2%

  • Total voters
TWU Informer, I would also like to ask what do you see as the benefit of a new union when we will have exactly the same membership? What type of benefits or pay raises will a new union be able to affect when it will be the same people who vote?

AA knows mechanics as a group are leveraged through their teeth and will not strike. We can't even get people to turn down overtime and field trips. Am I to believe these same people who can't make their mortgage without the overtime will suddenly walk a picket line for weeks? Or even days?

These are my honest concerns, I am not trying to disparage my coworkers. But I see it everyday. I hear them tell me they can't make it without 16 hours OT weekly.
That didn't last long. Less than 72hrs. and accountability and transparency were tossed out for a more private setting...lmao
It always amazes me the ease some individuals have at being complete XXXholes and while convincing themselves that they are so clever and intelligent.... LMAO
Another fool added to the ignore list ;-)
TWU Informer, I would also like to ask what do you see as the benefit of a new union when we will have exactly the same membership? What type of benefits or pay raises will a new union be able to affect when it will be the same people who vote?

AA knows mechanics as a group are leveraged through their teeth and will not strike. We can't even get people to turn down overtime and field trips. Am I to believe these same people who can't make their mortgage without the overtime will suddenly walk a picket line for weeks? Or even days?

These are my honest concerns, I am not trying to disparage my coworkers. But I see it everyday. I hear them tell me they can't make it without 16 hours OT weekly.

I will keep this to one reason for now, and it is important.

It is also the most glaring reason why I struggled to support AMP.

The AMFA idea is to place all AMT's into one Union.
Then negotiate experience recognition clauses into the labor agreements.
This would mean an AMT could be hired by any represented Airline at top pay based on experience instead of starting at the bottom of some industrial union 10 year progression pay scale.

If this were in this industry the fears of strikes and bankrupt carriers would be much less as we would not have to fear starting over.

You might even like to just leave your employer and go to work for one that has management that treats you as the professional you are, and you could do so at the top of the payscale without starting at the bottom.

Sounds nice....No?
It always amazes me the ease some individuals have at being complete XXXholes and while convincing themselves that they are so clever and intelligent.... LMAO
Another fool added to the ignore list ;-)

What is most amazing is that some will choose to hold me to a standard that they refuse to hold the TWU too.

Like any of us have a clue what is happening at the negotiating table, or ever have for that matter.

Some just fear change, and they hope they can read our plans on here to gather up some lies and fear mongering info for the membership before the truth hits once again.

He wants me to be accountable and transparent, but could care less that he is part of one of the most secret keeping organizations known to man. LOL

Of course since he is part of the secret handshake grievance committee he cannot see his hypocrisy.

Maybe he will offer to be transparent and tell the welders and machinist when they might be paid for the CFM-56 Grievance we were cut out of by the superior TWU.

In other words I am willing to take on any TWU sympathizer regarding the issue of accountability and transparency anyday of the week and I really prefer Sundays.
Please educate yourself regarding the NO-RAID clause of the AFL-CIO that leaves us no choice but AMFA or Independent Union.
JAFI is so clueless to how things work he must be a new hire and wont be around in the end
There are other unions like IAM who have the resources and political affiliations.

I believe we need to get a vote. It would be a win-win situation. Either we get a new union or keep the TWU who will realize they can be voted out.

Like I said, I will sign any and every card that comes around. But when it comes to actually handing my career over to a new union, not so sure I will do it.
Then why bother signing a card. After all, it sounds like your NOT WILLING to VOTE in new REPRESENTATION.
I would ask that everyone please disregard most if not all of what is being addressed on this thread. I actually thought we could hold some adult conversations on the idea of spooling the AMFA organzing comittee back together.

I was wrong for posting this thread and opening this can of worms. My apologies for that mistake.

I will continue my review of the idea in a more private setting with my fellow workers in Tulsa.

You guys at the line can await some official information before entering into meaningless arguement and debate.

Tulsa needs to take the lead on this, and Tulsa must produce. We will need your help if the deicision to proceed is affirmed.
However, ulitimately Tulsa must have enough support and effort to succeed.

I am still open to reviewing those possibilities and get back with you.

Thanks to those have already made contact, and those that express support.

This will now go to more private review.

Thanks for your understanding.

Help me understand. You really do present some sound discussion on the topic of the thread of which I tried to be civil and thank you for in a previous post.I also believe this is a path we need to pursue. But it's obvious that your attitude of Line makes you out as a nutjob! Your passing judgement on a few comments that have gotten under your skin and don't even know who's posting.Look, your willing to take a role in fixing the damage that our Craft has incurred, yet twice now your indicating that when you can't control the discussion to your satisfaction, your going to 'take my ball and go home '.Your right that a majority in TUL needs to wake up and engage .The one fault I've noticed in my involvement in the card drives is too many sit back and want to be spoon-fed everything. We need strategies to get folks to make an effort. Either follow through on your efforts or get out of the way. Debate is good but to squabble over a Line vs Ovrhaul issue sets us back .Maintenance and Related! Mechanics representing Mechanics!
Help me understand.

Debate is good but to squabble over a Line vs Ovrhaul issue sets us back .Maintenance and Related! Mechanics representing Mechanics!
I think his main point is that TUL has got to get on board with amfa or there's no point in going forward with a drive. That will be a monumental task in and of itself.
I am serious also. I just figured that the line cannot stand the fact that the TWU is not going let AMFA or anyone else knock them out. It appears to me that many posts on hear despise the skill of welding.
It is a shame that a welder cannot bump the line.

Hey Buck, your a sharp guy who also makes a great contribution to the forum but I gotta tell ya that if you think the Line won't fight to expel the TWU, you need to put down that crap your smoking! And if "welders " want to bump the line, our "welders " are "A&P 's ".
I think his main point is that TUL has got to get on board with amfa or there's no point in going forward with a drive. That will be a monumental task in and of itself.

"You guys at the line can await some official information before entering into meaningless arguement and debate."
Hey Buck, your a sharp guy who also makes a great contribution to the forum but I gotta tell ya that if you think the Line won't fight to expel the TWU, you need to put down that crap your smoking! And if "welders " want to bump the line, our "welders " are "A&P 's ".
It's about time someone from the line made a logical post in the OH vs Line debate. Now if we could just get together and fight our common enemy. The AFL-CIO, the TWU International or ATD and anyone who believes that either political party can make a difference today.
So why have the thread? The TWU are masters in perpetuating the "I got mine " strategy. Examples are; "As long as the CS policy benefits me, I won't upset the apple cart ": or; "If you struggle in the high cost areas, you can transfer. " The problem with that suggestion is that it really flys in the face of unionism . OK fine, if I were to disrupt my family and make a change, I'll have mine but what does that say for my brothers I leave behind? Or for the fella who fills my void as he begins to raise a family in that same high cost area? To be attentive to ALL our needs, and I include Ovrhaul in this statement, is true unionism.The "I got mine " attitude that the TWU promotes, and that runs all the way to the top, continues to feed the ever expanding beast perpetuated by the TWU known as "divide and conquer ".

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