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New Card Drive Started @ AA--Mechanic and Related

Update for the AA'ers following AMFA's growth and Expansion.
More and more aviation professionals are wanting the Mechanic Class and Craft Representation. Now Engineers at L3 Harris Technologies MAS in Canada are working to get AMFA to represent them and they want to replace the IAM due to way too many other groups all tied up into one union.
Congrats to all the Engineers, and hope to see AMFA as your representation entity soon.
Well, AA'ers, more and more aviation professionals also bringing in AMFA. This years drive has got to be the one, even if it happens in 2023.
The AMFA snowball effect has now crossed the border to our north.
No better time than now to get AMFA in at AA too. Good luck to all, hope to see you all soon with an announcement as well.

P.S. Ask that twu entity how that card drive is going at SWA they claim is still in the works. NOT!!!
C'mon fellas, let's make it up to 6 airlines joining AMFA in 22 and 23 (that's counting JB if/when they purchase Spirit...

Press Release: Aircraft Maintenance Engineers in Canada Seek Representation by AMFA
September 14, 2022 – The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) is happy to announce the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) authorized and ordered a representation vote for the Canadian Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs) from L3 Harris Technologies MAS Inc. at Trenton AFB, who approached AMFA seeking representation in July this year. "This is the start of a new chapter for both AMFA and the AMEs in Canada,” said Bret Oestreich, AMFA National President.
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Update for the AA'ers following AMFA's growth and Expansion.
More and more aviation professionals are wanting the Mechanic Class and Craft Representation. Now Engineers at L3 Harris Technologies MAS in Canada are working to get AMFA to represent them and they want to replace the IAM due to way too many other groups all tied up into one union.
Congrats to all the Engineers, and hope to see AMFA as your representation entity soon.
Well, AA'ers, more and more aviation professionals also bringing in AMFA. This years drive has got to be the one, even if it happens in 2023.
The AMFA snowball effect has now crossed the border to our north.
No better time than now to get AMFA in at AA too. Good luck to all, hope to see you all soon with an announcement as well.

P.S. Ask that twu entity how that card drive is going at SWA they claim is still in the works. NOT!!!
C'mon fellas, let's make it up to 6 airlines joining AMFA in 22 and 23 (that's counting JB if/when they purchase Spirit...

Press Release: Aircraft Maintenance Engineers in Canada Seek Representation by AMFA
September 14, 2022 – The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) is happy to announce the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) authorized and ordered a representation vote for the Canadian Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs) from L3 Harris Technologies MAS Inc. at Trenton AFB, who approached AMFA seeking representation in July this year. "This is the start of a new chapter for both AMFA and the AMEs in Canada,” said Bret Oestreich, AMFA National President.
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Another Raid. A leopard doesn't change its spots.
And yet another aircraft mechanics group is added to the "organizing" list on the AMFA's web site.
Gee wiz, twu, where in the world is your "organizing" list of airline mechanics looking to bring in the twu to represent them? And more specifically, where in the hell is SWA mechanics listed as requesting representation from the twu?? Matter fact there is "0" airline mechanics or any aircraft mechanics reaching out to the twu for any kind of representation, period...

Here is the added L3 Engineers looking to bring AMFA in to represent them.

And yet another aircraft mechanics group is added to the "organizing" list on the AMFA's web site.
Gee wiz, twu, where in the world is your "organizing" list of airline mechanics looking to bring in the twu to represent them? And more specifically, where in the hell is SWA mechanics listed as requesting representation from the twu?? Matter fact there is "0" airline mechanics or any aircraft mechanics reaching out to the twu for any kind of representation, period...

Here is the added L3 Engineers looking to bring AMFA in to represent them.

Information costs money. You don’t have enough to pay the price.
Some may think that this is no big deal since this LOA is only dealing with uniforms, however, let's look at the overall "BIG" picture of the power that comes from the membership with LOA's. LOA's in an AMFA membership is Letter of Agreements that are "VOTED" on by the entire membership to be added to the contract book. With AMFA "ANY" change in words, language, intent and of course pay and or work rules, or ANY change what-so-ever in the contract (and yes, even punctuation) has to be Accepted, approved and even voted on by the entire membership by a vote. UNLIKE the industrial unions who can and have taken LOA's and simply agreed with the co and added it to the contracts without a membership vote (TWU/IAM and the teamsters are all known for doing this in the past)
Just think, something as simple as a uniform change in language and or rules takes a full membership approval and vote to be cleared to enter the contract book. As does anything and everything else in your contact book, where other industrial unions have too much power to do as they wish with your contracts.
One reason why AMFA is growing at so many airlines right now...

AMFA-QX Uniform LOA Referendum Results
September 27, 2022 -- The votes for the AMFA – Horizon Air (QX) Uniform Letter of Agreement (LOA) Referendum were tallied on September 27, 2022. Votes for this referendum were counted and certified by ElectionBuddy, and the results are as follows:
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Some may think that this is no big deal since this LOA is only dealing with uniforms, however, let's look at the overall "BIG" picture of the power that comes from the membership with LOA's. LOA's in an AMFA membership is Letter of Agreements that are "VOTED" on by the entire membership to be added to the contract book. With AMFA "ANY" change in words, language, intent and of course pay and or work rules, or ANY change what-so-ever in the contract (and yes, even punctuation) has to be Accepted, approved and even voted on by the entire membership by a vote. UNLIKE the industrial unions who can and have taken LOA's and simply agreed with the co and added it to the contracts without a membership vote (TWU/IAM and the teamsters are all known for doing this in the past)
Just think, something as simple as a uniform change in language and or rules takes a full membership approval and vote to be cleared to enter the contract book. As does anything and everything else in your contact book, where other industrial unions have too much power to do as they wish with your contracts.
One reason why AMFA is growing at so many airlines right now...

AMFA-QX Uniform LOA Referendum Results
September 27, 2022 -- The votes for the AMFA – Horizon Air (QX) Uniform Letter of Agreement (LOA) Referendum were tallied on September 27, 2022. Votes for this referendum were counted and certified by ElectionBuddy, and the results are as follows:
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There you go swampy. You sell it baby, you sell it. Uniforms LOA. That’ll get them signing those cards toot sweet. Uniforms.

Truth is though why AMFA does this is because it’s the Lawfirm (Seeham Seeham Meltz and Peterson) who puts it all together for AMFA Members to vote on the most frivolous of things CHARGING FEES for every teeny tiny bit of work they do.

AMFA is nothing but a glorified Ponzi scheme for a Law Firm to bilk blue collar workers who can’t figure it out.
AMFA has never negotiated a first time contract. Let them brag about shirts and pants Weaasles
AMFA has never negotiated a first time contract. Let them brag about shirts and pants Weaasles

You know Jimmy all Unions use Lawyers. Especially the larger they get and the more people they represent. The facts are though that they don’t use just “one” Law firm for EVERYTHING. And they don’t have the Law Firms set up sham votings charging members on whether or not members need shoelaces or not.

I need a replacement rain jacket. Maybe the Association should set up a vote on whether or not I can get one? Ridiculous……
C'mon my fellow AA'ers. More and more airlines and mechanics groups choosing AMFA representation. Below is an announcement about L3 bringing in AMFA as their representational entity. They overwhelmingly wanted to go with a Mechanic specific Class and Craft Union and chose AMFA to do so. Congrats to all involved...

National President Welcomes L3 Technologies MAS at CFB Trenton Aviation Professionals
October 3, 2022 -- AMFA is extremely honored that the professionals at L3 Technologies MAS (L3) at Trenton, Ontario have chosen us to represent you as your union. We look forward to starting the collective bargaining process and working to increase the standards in your workplace. The focus of AMFA will be to build the craft/trade, highlight and recognize the importance of aircraft maintenance engineers, aircraft technicians and apprentices (the maintenance group), and occupational support services (OSS). You should be extremely proud of your accomplishment in becoming the first AMFA-represented trade group in Canada. Canada is among the top five most prosperous countries in the world and has a vast unionized workforce that includes more than 100 Aerospace and Defense Contractors, many wanting a trade-specific union like AMFA.
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C'mon my fellow AA'ers. More and more airlines and mechanics groups choosing AMFA representation. Below is an announcement about L3 bringing in AMFA as their representational entity. They overwhelmingly wanted to go with a Mechanic specific Class and Craft Union and chose AMFA to do so. Congrats to all involved...

National President Welcomes L3 Technologies MAS at CFB Trenton Aviation Professionals
October 3, 2022 -- AMFA is extremely honored that the professionals at L3 Technologies MAS (L3) at Trenton, Ontario have chosen us to represent you as your union. We look forward to starting the collective bargaining process and working to increase the standards in your workplace. The focus of AMFA will be to build the craft/trade, highlight and recognize the importance of aircraft maintenance engineers, aircraft technicians and apprentices (the maintenance group), and occupational support services (OSS). You should be extremely proud of your accomplishment in becoming the first AMFA-represented trade group in Canada. Canada is among the top five most prosperous countries in the world and has a vast unionized workforce that includes more than 100 Aerospace and Defense Contractors, many wanting a trade-specific union like AMFA.
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Nothing to do with AA.
Take your snake oil somewhere else to sell
C'mon my fellow AA'ers. More and more airlines and mechanics groups choosing AMFA representation. Below is an announcement about L3 bringing in AMFA as their representational entity. They overwhelmingly wanted to go with a Mechanic specific Class and Craft Union and chose AMFA to do so. Congrats to all involved...

National President Welcomes L3 Technologies MAS at CFB Trenton Aviation Professionals
October 3, 2022 -- AMFA is extremely honored that the professionals at L3 Technologies MAS (L3) at Trenton, Ontario have chosen us to represent you as your union. We look forward to starting the collective bargaining process and working to increase the standards in your workplace. The focus of AMFA will be to build the craft/trade, highlight and recognize the importance of aircraft maintenance engineers, aircraft technicians and apprentices (the maintenance group), and occupational support services (OSS). You should be extremely proud of your accomplishment in becoming the first AMFA-represented trade group in Canada. Canada is among the top five most prosperous countries in the world and has a vast unionized workforce that includes more than 100 Aerospace and Defense Contractors, many wanting a trade-specific union like AMFA.
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Fellow AAers?

You don’t work for AA.
C'mon my fellow AA'ers. More and more airlines and mechanics groups choosing AMFA representation. Below is an announcement about L3 bringing in AMFA as their representational entity. They overwhelmingly wanted to go with a Mechanic specific Class and Craft Union and chose AMFA to do so. Congrats to all involved...

National President Welcomes L3 Technologies MAS at CFB Trenton Aviation Professionals
October 3, 2022 -- AMFA is extremely honored that the professionals at L3 Technologies MAS (L3) at Trenton, Ontario have chosen us to represent you as your union. We look forward to starting the collective bargaining process and working to increase the standards in your workplace. The focus of AMFA will be to build the craft/trade, highlight and recognize the importance of aircraft maintenance engineers, aircraft technicians and apprentices (the maintenance group), and occupational support services (OSS). You should be extremely proud of your accomplishment in becoming the first AMFA-represented trade group in Canada. Canada is among the top five most prosperous countries in the world and has a vast unionized workforce that includes more than 100 Aerospace and Defense Contractors, many wanting a trade-specific union like AMFA.
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And here is the official press release of the CIRB certifying AMFA as representative of the AME's, aircraft technicians and apprentices of the OSS, by an overwhelming majority vote.
More positive and great things happening within our airline mechanics industry and proof that more and more want the Class and Craft representation of AMFA.
Again, in hopes my fellow mechanics at AA can achieve the same and get AMFA in to represent them too...


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