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Help me understand. You really do present some sound discussion on the topic of the thread of which I tried to be civil and thank you for in a previous post.I also believe this is a path we need to pursue. But it's obvious that your attitude of Line makes you out as a nutjob! Your passing judgement on a few comments that have gotten under your skin and don't even know who's posting.Look, your willing to take a role in fixing the damage that our Craft has incurred, yet twice now your indicating that when you can't control the discussion to your satisfaction, your going to 'take my ball and go home '.Your right that a majority in TUL needs to wake up and engage .The one fault I've noticed in my involvement in the card drives is too many sit back and want to be spoon-fed everything. We need strategies to get folks to make an effort. Either follow through on your efforts or get out of the way. Debate is good but to squabble over a Line vs Ovrhaul issue sets us back .Maintenance and Related! Mechanics representing Mechanics!
You can read back through these forums and find that I am not the fire starter or a flame thrower on the dreaded Overhaul vs Line debate. I was actually more disturbed that Tulsa based AMT's troll and agitate the situation by posting questions designed to accomplish nothing but make the division worse. Similar to your comment about welders. you think we don't know line welders are A&P's? Buck in particular is not helping us but instead thowing eggs from the peanut gallery. He is entitled to do so but in my opinion this is wrong and angers and disgust me more than those he is hitting with the eggs.
And my comment about the line awaiting word from Tulsa is simple.
There are many who once their card is signed, feel their obligation to an organizing campaign is complete and getting more than that from them is impossible.
There is no need in the line AMT's running over themselves to get cards signed until Tulsa has reached a designated card count. The need for financial support and reconciliation of our issues is far more important than showing us how easy any station can get cards signed.
My advice would be to NOT sign cards at the line until Tulsa proves they can reach the required percentage to get the election. WE all know the line supports change. We all know cards are easy to get signed there. What we need is their financial and moral support to succeed instead of cheerleading, infighting, and cards signed counts.