Where's the Birth Certificate?

This is the rule of law that hasn't been adhered too:

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Hmmm....wonder how one would comply with that section?

What proof/evidence has been presented to support that theory that he does not meet the qualifications?
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What proof/evidence has been presented to support that theory that he does not meet the qualifications?

I think his spending some $1.3 million on lawyers regarding the issue makes one or two people scratch their heads and wonder why it isn't cheaper to cough up the original.
Same goes for all his college and school histories....Big secret.........
Being an idiot.

Just like those still beating this dead horse.

As far as I am aware being an idiot is not illegal and as far as politicians are concerned, it is a job requirement.

May want to take a trip down memory lane with your former self.

By all means lets. Where did I say she was guilty of a crime with out any proof and request that she prove her self innocent? If that happened I certainly do not recall when but if you have the post, lets see it.

What proof/evidence has been provided to support that theory that he "Does" meet the qualifications ? :blink:

I believe his cert of live birth satisfies that requirement, but as I have stated, US law does not require proof of innocence but rather proof of guilt. The burden is on those who say he was not born in the US to prove that not the other way around.

being a conservative................................ :unsure:

Also not a crime under US law.

The only thing I can recall was that she skipped out on her Gov job to avoid an ethics investigation. No idea what that would have turned up but the fact that it did not go through as far as I am aware will haunt her should she ever be foolish enough to run for public office in the future. Other than that I do not recall her being suspected of criminal wrong doing.
By all means lets. Where did I say she was guilty of a crime with out any proof and request that she prove her self innocent? If that happened I certainly do not recall when but if you have the post, lets see it.

You are well aware of what you said in the past. An identity crisis is not a valid defense.
You are well aware of what you said in the past. An identity crisis is not a valid defense.

I am relatively sure of what I said and I am pretty sure I have not advocated that someone prove them self innocent as opposed to prove someone guilty of a crime. If you can find a post where I said differently by all means post it. I assume you already have the link ready since you have made this accusation. Right?
Yes, the law of the land is to prove guilt. And if Obama has spent $1.3M on lawyers, then it's his own fault. He could have simply answered the question two years ago and not had to pay any more lawyers.

Next time I'm asked to provide proof of citizenship for employment purposes, or maybe to re-enter the US, I think I'll tell them that the burden of proof is theirs to show otherwise. ;)