Where's the Birth Certificate?

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  • #92
Too funny! Orly Taitz is the lead attorney for the birther case you linked above and is the person, who you cited, that released the clearly FAKE Kenyan Obama birth certificate. Unfortunately, Orly has just been lambasted by the court and may be disbarred for unauthorized actions. Not only did the court note that her birther argument was frivolous, but the plaintiff (currently serving in Iraq) in the case wrote a letter that Orly was not authorized to file the motion or make any birther arguments. The Plaintiff will file a complaint with the California Bar due to Orly's "reprehensible and unprofessional" actions.

I report , you decide....... :lol:
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  • #94
State GOP leaders grab issue of Obama eligibility

That's because in Pennsylvania, and in at least a couple of other states, there are Republican-controlled Houses, Senates and governors' offices where being developed right now are plans to use state law to demand proof of constitutional eligibility from presidential candidates before they would be allowed on the state ballot.


This will make a 2012 run interesting to say the least. Anyone say 'one term' due to a technicality?
Could make things a lot easier if they just send Obama on a vacation to gitmo for a date with a water and board perhaps?
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  • #97
Proof the Republicans have nothing better to do with their votes.

Don't need a certificate to prove that.

Wanna bet?

Even 14.6 percent of the Democrats said they do not consider him a legitimate president, along with 52.2 percent of the Republicans. Significantly, 31.8 percent of the independents said no.

Source WND
Unemployment, deficits, poisoning the planet, big business run amok. Gee, what should we focus on.

I know, lets appease the birthers, That will fix everything.
Wanna bet?

Even 14.6 percent of the Democrats said they do not consider him a legitimate president, along with 52.2 percent of the Republicans. Significantly, 31.8 percent of the independents said no.

Source WND

Running out of new material?
Looks like a lot of states think something was amiss....never was proven....as per the Constitution
Point of order. US law is based on the premise of innocent till proven guilty, not the other way around. IIRC that has been mentioned on this thread a few times.
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  • #105
The rule of law says that he need not prove his innocence but that you must prove his guilt.

This is the rule of law that hasn't been adhered too:

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Hmmm....wonder how one would comply with that section?