Where's the Birth Certificate?

Except that there's no real proof that mom was in the US for the year preceding birth... borders were a lot looser back then.
The statute does not provide for the one year period of continuous presence in the United States or one of its territories to be during the year immediately preceding the birth.

The requirement is that the U.S. citizen parent had been "physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year at any time prior to the birth of such person."

The intent appears to exclude children of parents who grew up and were raised outside of the U.S. and who only had minimal contact with the U.S.
Wanna bet?

Even 14.6 percent of the Democrats said they do not consider him a legitimate president, along with 52.2 percent of the Republicans. Significantly, 31.8 percent of the independents said no.

Source WND

WND a source, that's rather funny dell. More like a partisan hack site that twists the truth, tells half truths or just flat out lies to advance their agenda. Here's what another conservative publication said of the whole birther non-sense.

Except that there's no real proof that mom was in the US for the year preceding birth... borders were a lot looser back then.

If you want to play that game then show me the proof as to the location of Barbarra Bush the year prior to the birth of GWB.
Let me reiterate....................................

Yeah.............next time they ask me for my "Birth Certificate", instead of wallking all the way to my dresser, which is all the way in my betroom and getting it, I'm going to tell those basterds to speak to my "$$$ ONE POINT THREE MILLION DOLLAR LAWYERS $$$" !

So again enlighten everyone as to why Obama couldn't go to his dresser , in his betroom and get his birth certicate...........................instead of spending 1.3 million dollars on attorneys ? :blink:
Have you ever lost an important document and had to have it replaced? :eek:

As for the legal costs, it may be for the same reason Cheney spent the money to protect his secret meetings. Separation of powers and until someone presents sufficient legal cause to see the documents they have no right to them.

The cops cannot come knocking on you your door for proof of citizenship with out cause. I believe that is in the COTUS some where. Try the 14th and let me know what you find.
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WND a source, that's rather funny dell. More like a partisan hack site that twists the truth, tells half truths or just flat out lies to advance their agenda. Here's what another conservative publication said of the whole birther non-sense.


The director of Hawaii’s health department and the registrar of records each has personally verified that the information on Obama’s birth certificate is identical to that in the state’s records, the so-called vault copy.

Great....then why spend 1.3 in legal fees??? :lol:

Like I said before, and obviously you guys miss the point by a mile:

Pay close attention to the following Hawaiian legal statute:

“[§338-17.8] Certificates for children born out of State.
(a) Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.
(B) Proof of legal residency shall be submitted to the director of health in any manner that the director shall deem appropriate. The director of health may also adopt any rules pursuant to chapter 91 that he or she may deem necessary or proper to prevent fraudulent applications for birth certificates and to require any further information or proof of events necessary for completion of a birth certificate.
(c) The fee for each application for registration shall be established by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 91. [L 1982, c 182, §1]”

Everybody get that?

As long as an adult can walk into Hawaii’s version of the Department of Records and provide proof that they are a legal resident of Hawaii, the document is issued.

The child, on the other hand, could have been born in Hawaii, Kenya, or a back-alley in Budapest.

How much more proof do you disciples of the Messiah need before you will admit that there are legitimate reasons to demand answers on this issue?

Yeah.............next time they ask me for my "Birth Certificate", instead of wallking all the way to my dresser, which is all the way in my betroom and getting it, I'm going to tell those basterds to speak to my "$$$ ONE POINT THREE MILLION DOLLAR LAWYERS $$$" !
What is the source of the information that $1.3 million were spent on attorney fees to defend the "Birther" lawsuits? WND?

I recommend reading this article.

WorldNetDaily has noted that FEC filings show that Obama's presidential campaign has paid out more than $1.7 million since the election to the law firm of Perkins Coie. Until recently, that firm was home to Obama's campaign lawyer, and now White House counsel, Robert Bauer—the very same DC lawyer, says WND, who has defended Obama in many of the birther lawsuits. Ergo, WND concluded, Obama must be devoting that entire $1.7 million to crushing birthers in court. This is a ridiculous claim: Even after an election is over a presidential campaign has plenty of need for lawyers as it winds down operations and meets campaign finance law requirements.
The child, on the other hand, could have been born in Hawaii, Kenya, or a back-alley in Budapest.

Really? Then why does the Certificate of Live Birth state that the city of birth is Honolulu, the island of birth is Oahu and the county of birth Honolulu?

Some people believe anything that supports their line of thought, no matter how nonsensical it may be.

If it doesn't agree with their preconceived notions it must be a lie.

They are incapable of learning, and grow up to be birthers.
Really? Then why does the Certificate of Live Birth state that the city of birth is Honolulu, the island of birth is Oahu and the county of birth Honolulu?

What part of that is wrong? HNL is a city, on the island of Oahu in he county of HNL.
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What is the source of the information that $1.3 million were spent on attorney fees to defend the "Birther" lawsuits? WND?

I recommend reading this article.

Maybe you ought to check this out:

In fact, a study from the United States Justice Foundation has released information showing that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign funds with 11 law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Gary Kreep of that foundation stated that the investigation is still going on and the final report will be provided to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Holder has refused to comment.
What part of that is wrong? HNL is a city, on the island of Oahu in he county of HNL.
Nothing is wrong. You need to read my question in the context that it was posted. I challenged dell's assertion that "[t]he child, on the other hand, could have been born in... Kenya, or a back-alley in Budapest."

The child, on the other hand, could have been born in Hawaii, Kenya, or a back-alley in Budapest.

Really? Then why does the Certificate of Live Birth state that the city of birth is Honolulu, the island of birth is Oahu and the county of birth Honolulu?

Maybe you ought to check this out:

In fact, a study from the United States Justice Foundation has released information showing that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign funds with 11 law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Gary Kreep of that foundation stated that the investigation is still going on and the final report will be provided to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Holder has refused to comment.
Let's see. You are citing a right wing "guest columnist" who in turn quotes from a study by the United States Justice Foundation.

Lets' see who is the United States Justice Foundation; it is a radical right-wing organization that is actively pushing the “Barack Obama is not a citizen” conspiracy.

Right Wing Watch - United States Justice Foundation

Right Wing Watch - Gary Kreep

SourceWatch - United States Justice Foundation

Their claims concerning the legal expenditures to defend against the "Birther" lawsuits are about as credible as their preposterous assertion that the President was born in Kenya.
Nothing is wrong. You need to read my question in the context that it was posted. I challenged dell's assertion that "[t]he child, on the other hand, could have been born in... Kenya, or a back-alley in Budapest."

Sorry. My mistake.