Where's the Birth Certificate?

Dobbs challenges CNN

Dobbs has acknowledged that he believes Obama was born in Hawaii. But he gives airtime to disbelievers, and has said the president should try to put questions fully to rest by releasing a long version of his birth certificate. He's twice done stories on his show after the public leak of a memo from CNN U.S. President Jon Klein saying that "it seems this story is dead."


:shock: :shock: :shock:

Looks familar...

This represents a dilemma to all the birthers out. They have all dismissed the birth certificate presented by the State Of Hawaii as not being genuine. Yet there is nothing to support this Kenyan birth certificate other than Ms. Taitz word. So what are they to do? Jump on it and call it legitimate which makes them look like hypocrites. Or ignore it which takes them no closer to exposing the "truth" as they were before.

As we have seen in the post by GTL those in the latter category choose wisely. Last night when I saw this my first thought was I wonder how long it will be before someone exposes this as a fraud?

Just looking at the "Kenyan birth certificate" you get the feeling something is not right. The words are all a bit to perfect for something supposedly typed in the early sixties before the days of Microsoft Word and laser printers. Just compare it to the real Australian birth certificate where some of the letters in various words are either higher or lower than the one next to it.
This represents a dilemma to all the birthers out. They have all dismissed the birth certificate presented by the State Of Hawaii as genuine. Yet there is nothing to support this Kenyan birth certificate other than Ms. Taitz word. So what are they to do? Jump on it and call it legitimate which makes them look like hypocrites. Or ignore it which takes them no closer to exposing the "truth" as they were before.

As we have seen in the post by GTL those in the latter category choose wisely. Last night when I saw this my first thought was I wonder how long it will be before someone exposes this as a fraud?

Just looking at the "Kenyan birth certificate" you get the feeling something is not right. The words are all a bit to perfect for something supposedly typed in the early sixties before the days of Microsoft Word and laser printers. Just compare it to the real Australian birth certificate where some of the letters in various words are either higher or lower than the one next to it.

I like this better...
:lol: :lol:
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  • #85
At least it has supporting documentation from the State of Hawaii. :)

Obama's sister who was born outside of the US also has a certificate of live birth which is what its used for....persons born outside of the USA.

So where's Barry's?
Obama's sister who was born outside of the US also has a certificate of live birth which is what its used for....persons born outside of the USA.

So where's Barry's?

Tech posted a copy then lost it... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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  • #88
Shocker! Judge orders trial on eligibility issue
Arguments planned Jan. 11 for major Obama challenge

The judge did comment that if there are legitimate constitutional questions regarding Obama's eligibility, they need to be addressed and resolved.

Duh........... :eek:
Shocker! Judge orders trial on eligibility issue
Arguments planned Jan. 11 for major Obama challenge

Duh........... :eek:

Too funny! Orly Taitz is the lead attorney for the birther case you linked above and is the person, who you cited, that released the clearly FAKE Kenyan Obama birth certificate. Unfortunately, Orly has just been lambasted by the court and may be disbarred for unauthorized actions. Not only did the court note that her birther argument was frivolous, but the plaintiff (currently serving in Iraq) in the case wrote a letter that Orly was not authorized to file the motion or make any birther arguments. The Plaintiff will file a complaint with the California Bar due to Orly's "reprehensible and unprofessional" actions.
These people won't be satisfied with any result. They will claim any documents released to them are forgeries.