Is the AA Pilots 401K the same for all employees @AA?


Apr 26, 2005
Hate seeing articles like this. Hope everyone gets made whole again, if required. Ours is the same here.
Glad to the suit by an observant pilot as some fault was found. And this is why everyone should always be very active and involved with their 401K's and investments. Can't wait to see our rate of return after one year with Trump back at the helm. If he can do the same or even better than last time that would be enough for me.
Hope you Pilots get this all worked out for the better...

Pilots get a heavier 401K package also because they are forced to retire at 65 while other work groups can work longer. Being a IAM represented ramp employee at AA we only get the 4% 401k match. The company does contribute a % to the IAM pension fund though. I for one would trade to have the 401K 5% AA contribution in a heartbeat over the garbage IAM pension!
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