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What's the matter with proving citizenship to vote?

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Ms Tree said:
Ms Tree said:
I gave you directions.  The rest is up to you.
Interesting Tree! But did you really read that report? Here's just part of what I found.
The Virginia State Board of Elections identified two voters registered in seven different states,
ten registered in six different states.
Did the the folks move around? Did they vote more than once? If they voted by absentee ballot how would ID solve that issue? Unless the people involved actually drove to multiple states on election day and voted in each states I fail to see how ID will solve any of this. How likely is it that they went to multiple states to vote? How much money do you want the government to spend solving a problem that does not seem to exist.
I have lived in 10 states since I have been voting. I registered to vote in all of them.

I have never "de-registered" to vote at any. So I could be a registered voter in all of them. I have only voted in the state of my residence in every election.

There goes that theory. Voter ID is for one reason only.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I have lived in 10 states since I have been voting. I registered to vote in all of them.

I have never "de-registered" to vote at any. So I could be a registered voter in all of them. I have only voted in the state of my residence in every election.

There goes that theory. Voter ID is for one reason only.
You both have your heads up where the sun don't shine!------- Without a proper I.D.what's to stop someone from voting twice? Once for you, and and then himself?
Not sure. Since there have been only 10 convictions from 2000 -2010 I would think the odds are pretty slim unless of course you have proof that it's happening more often. Of course if they have use an absentee ballot they could do so and the ID would not matter.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I have lived in 10 states since I have been voting. I registered to vote in all of them.

I have never "de-registered" to vote at any. So I could be a registered voter in all of them. I have only voted in the state of my residence in every election.

There goes that theory. Voter ID is for one reason only.
I've lived in three states as a voter.  A couple years ago I moved to another state. Have no idea if I'm still on the voter rolls back in my previous state.  I was getting information on voting in the 2012 election forwarded to me.
777 fixer said:
I've lived in three states as a voter.  A couple years ago I moved to another state. Have no idea if I'm still on the voter rolls back in my previous state.  I was getting information on voting in the 2012 election forwarded t
I've lived in three states as a voter.  A couple years ago I moved to another state. Have no idea if I'm still on the voter rolls back in my previous state.  I was getting information on voting in the 2012 election forwarded to me.
I have no doubt you are. So without proper I.D., who's to say anyone couldn vote on your tab?
Ms Tree said:
How does a voter ID help prevent absent ballot fraud? According to the Republican lawyer group who conducted the study on 10 cases of voter ID fraud have been prosecuted from 2000-2010. How will voter ID laws help fix all the other cases of fraud?
That's the thing, it doesn't.  As seen in the recent court in Wisconsin the only case of voter fraud cited voter ID would not have prevented it.  Ironically in that case the person accused of it voted for Walker, five times.  Three times under his own name and twice using other peoples absentee ballots.
Election fraud is rampant. All one needs to do is look at recent history for stinging examples.
Is showing ID going to help? IMO it won't as the very people responsible at the polling place to check ID are affiliated with a political party.
Having the fox guard the hen house never works out very well for the hens.
I've played the game with the party hacks. In PA if you set up an area to hand out ballot cards and do some electioneering you must be Five Feet from the entrance. Because I got there early I got the prime spot for the Libertarians. So out comes the "Judge of Elections" to inform me I'm "to close" to the door and had to move "over there". Good thing I had a tape measure and a copy of the rules which I produced. I told the "judge" (Hack) the rules and then showed them to him, plunked down the tape and said "You know you're right, I'm NOT 5 feet from the door, turns out I'm 63 inches away so I WILL NOT be moving anyplace today".Boy were they pissed.
Told you that to tell you this. The above is an example of how the deck is rigged. All voter ID really gets you is another way to harass voters. Then there is the way they try to deny you access to ballot box if you're a third party of some flavor. Statements like "you're not registered" when you can look right down and see your name on the print out. My experience is with 3rd parties, however you don't think that type of BS goes on in wards that are heavily R or D? How does voter ID address the underlying problem?
SparrowHawk said:
In PA if you set up an area to hand out ballot cards and do some electioneering you must be Five Feet from the entrance.
The political equivalent of Jehovah's Witnesses.
It's the dead people vote that is the issue.Virtually impossible to stop. One reason Dems flip out over the ID gig.
Clinton signed 'Motor Voter' into law a state by state effort to purge the rolls of dead people and since 1997 and only some twenty states are on board since then. Ain't that something?
Looky here:




  • Was appointed U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia by President Bill Clinton
  • Vetted the Clinton administration’s 176 last-minute pardons in January 2001
  • Was deeply involved in Clinton's pardons of Marc Rich and the Puerto Rican FALN terrorists
  • Condemned the Guantanamo Bay detention center as an “international embarrassment”
  • Was appointed U.S. Attorney General by President Barack Obama
  • Strong opponent of gun rights
  • Sought to try islamic terrorists in civilian courts rather than in military tribunals
  • Filed suit against several states that had passed laws designed to stem the flow of illegal immigration
  • Opposes efforts to purge voter rolls of ineligible names, or to enact voter-ID laws

Evelyn E. Burwell’s family was surprised to learn she voted in the 2012 general and primary elections. They knew she was an avid voter, but she’s been dead since 1997.
Burwell is one of about 6,100 deceased people still registered to vote in Nassau County, a Newsday computer analysis shows. The former Wantagh resident, who died at age 74, is also among roughly 270 people that records show voted in Nassau County after dying, a group that includes a man who voted 14 times since his death.
John Burwell, Evelyn Burwell’s son, said he will ensure his mother is removed from the rolls. Burwell, 66, of Levittown, said someone should be held accountable for the condition of the voter rolls.
delldude said:
It's the dead people vote that is the issue.Virtually impossible to stop. 
The Dead People vote may be the only demographic the Republicans aren't chasing away.
The funny thing is that the voter ID bs that is being pushed through Congress will not solve any of the voter fraud that is claimed will be prevented by said voter ID laws.
Dog Wonder said:
The Dead People vote may be the only demographic the Republicans aren't chasing away.
actually nothing changes until you get the scale back down where its Representative of the people that live there.  when the USA stopped adding numbers to the representatives in the with the apportionment act of 1911 it was locked in at 435 in 1929 we stopped being represented in congress by realistic numbers...
think about it
the population in 1911 was almost 93 million...  we havent added representatives since then at that point our representation was 1 representative for every  212,430
now our population is 317 million we have 1/3rd the necessary representatives now its 1 representative for every 709,760
i say we get our government back in line...  by taking back the peoples house... (democrats you should be for this it would give you alot of seats most of those increases will be in urban areas...  
even if we need to build a new building to house congress...  or a bigger wing on the current one... more representation is a good thing...  and this isnt as far as i would want reasonably go, i think we should be back to the original apportionment which was roughly 1 for every 40,000 
to give you a comparison 
Great Britain has a parliament of 650 members for a population of 65 million
we pride ourselves as being this perfectly representive government but stopped adding representatives 103 years ago... 
SparrowHawk said:
Election fraud is rampant. All one needs to do is look at recent history for stinging examples.
Is showing ID going to help? IMO it won't as the very people responsible at the polling place to check ID are affiliated with a political party.
Having the fox guard the hen house never works out very well for the hens.
I've played the game with the party hacks. In PA if you set up an area to hand out ballot cards and do some electioneering you must be Five Feet from the entrance. Because I got there early I got the prime spot for the Libertarians. So out comes the "Judge of Elections" to inform me I'm "to close" to the door and had to move "over there". Good thing I had a tape measure and a copy of the rules which I produced. I told the "judge" (Hack) the rules and then showed them to him, plunked down the tape and said "You know you're right, I'm NOT 5 feet from the door, turns out I'm 63 inches away so I WILL NOT be moving anyplace today".Boy were they pissed.
Told you that to tell you this. The above is an example of how the deck is rigged. All voter ID really gets you is another way to harass voters. Then there is the way they try to deny you access to ballot box if you're a third party of some flavor. Statements like "you're not registered" when you can look right down and see your name on the print out. My experience is with 3rd parties, however you don't think that type of BS goes on in wards that are heavily R or D? How does voter ID address the underlying problem?
Libertarians don't loose because of voter fraud.  They loose because they are Libertarians.
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