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What's the matter with proving citizenship to vote?

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Libertarians don't necessarily lose become they're Libertarians. They lose because they can't effectively communicate how Libertarianism isn't necessarily the lunatic fringe that some paint it out to be.

Part of that stems from what I've seen is a tendency to stay home and not vote when there isn't a Libertarian candidate running.
eolesen said:
Libertarians don't necessarily lose become they're Libertarians. They lose because they can't effectively communicate how Libertarianism isn't necessarily the lunatic fringe that some paint it out to be.

Part of that stems from what I've seen is a tendency to stay home and not vote when there isn't a Libertarian candidate running.
Everyone is a Libertarian until they get a pink slip, want a Pell Grant for school, subsidy for their crops, a law a passed for something they don't approve of, medical coverage when they retire because the company they worked for no longer provides retire medical etc,etc.

A federal appeals court has struck down North Carolina’s voter identification law, holding that it was “passed with racially discriminatory intent.”
The ruling also invalidated limits the same state law placed in 2013 on early voting, same-day registration, out-of-precinct voting, and preregistration.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/court-strikes-down-north-carolina-voter-id-law-226438#ixzz4Fp8tNmng
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