Where's the Birth Certificate?

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  • #61
"Kenyans were amused at how gullible Americans could be when it came to obvious things like the fact that Kenyans overtly admit to Barack Jr.'s Kenyan birth, yet the Americans continue to believe that they know better," colmado_naranja wrote. "I delved further and found that a birth certificate was on file at The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa."

Latest.........on Ebay
or it could just be that the vast majority of us don't buy it ... i mean he was already a US sentaor before becoming president of the united states of america ....i think most of us common trusting types just tend to assume that it's oftely strange how this became an issue upon him running for the highest office in the land ..... i mean you would have thought someone would have been checking on all of this when he was running to become a sentaor .....

oh well , i guess i'll just have to remain navie ...
No, you're not naive.

If there were any truth to the rumor that Obama weren't born here, then the republican-controlled FBI certainly would have uncovered that fact during the campaign. Those that believe otherwise are the naive ones.
OK, I just cannot keep my nose out of this thread any longer.

During the days of J.Edger Hoover, it could be said the FBI was Republician controlled. Not long after his death, with the natural order of things taken out of the hands of that ultra right wing paranoid nutbag, the persons occuping positions within the rank and file, being to the man,(And now, woman)not just well educated, but highly educated persons. I have found group dynamics plays a big role in the additudes of persons in a group, and education plays an even bigger role in an individuals perception of the world around them and highly educated persons control over the dictates of group dynamics.
The FBI, and pretty much all persons in controlling positions of government agencies are individuals with Masters Degrees, Phd,s and awareness that they are servents of American Citizens (Collectivly). Collectivly, the people want life, liberity and the pursuit of happiness. Some individuals want more, but they have to earn that on their own. Some things just cannot be interpeted by the constitution as an individual right.
Nobamba, and I do not like or trust him, is NOT responsible for the patriot act, and the restrictions of individual rights it has brought about. A right wing Republician did that. Nobamba did not put ski masks on cops to hide their identity when they bust into your home, Ray-gun did that, and his VEEPEE, the original Bush continued the practice. Clinton halted it. Cops must now show their faces to you when they bust into your home. Even the Patriot act does not serve to hide the identity of agents of the government hiding their faces from it's citizens.Congress would not dare try to go back to that. And it was those very highly educated feds who would have to don those ski masks, ans I just bet there were MANY outspoken feds making their opinions known to the persons writing these laws as how they felt the PEOPLE would respond to armed and masked men approaching them. The consesious to all including feds is if he wears a mask and has a gun, KILL HIM, HE IS A CRIMINAL. Feds do not like wearing masks.
Street cops are of a different breed. Holding the individule in utter contempt, the street cop fantisies about going about his or her duties wearing an outfit that instills fear in the hearts of the masses. All the street cops I have had the displeasure of knowing both professionally and not see themselves as the consencious of the average american. What he or she likes, the american likes. What he or she dislikes, then all americans dislike.And they have a brotherhood unlike anything seen on this planet. Not even most governments have such within their rank and file. Such a bonding of semi literate, High School Grads, and maybe even community college grads enmasse, hold views that their poorly thought out, highly emotional issues are the only valid issues around, and what everyone else thinks or belives are not inportant, and therefore they do not deserve a voice. If a band of cops get together and decide a person may not speak publicly, or publish a book, or have anything to say contrary to what they have to say, and it is within their power to do somthing about it, they will do so. (Now how many cops really care about a persons constitution rights?) NONE! Now, if a politician sudjested to a cop that a person must, for the good of the country and that politicians career, be jailed, even found dead of an overdose, or in a whores flop, then you have the makings of a very dangerous relationship with that one cop, for all he has to do is make a phone call, and any person that politician wants dealt with, will be dealt with. It seems to me feds have to spend more time putting a handle on such relationships that could be spent actually protecting the country that it is no wonder any anti terrorist investigations actually take place.
You would not belive just how many times federal employees told politians, and I include various US Presidents, to go #### themselves when asked to violate a citizens rights. That politician usually, if he feels he must, goes to a cop he knows who is willing for whatever reason to murder a citizen that politician want dead and does it. Feds will not. They are the true consiousness of the copuntry. And they respect the constitution. And uphold it.
Nobamba is very unpopular with the right wing, whos views have been challangedby the people. The people have said, maybe without realizing it, maybe with, that they do not hold the semiliterate group consiousness of the cop as valid. They, the people have chosen. The right wing tried, but were shouted down at the polls. The highly educated elites views hold true.
Nobamba lied during his champaign on his gun rights views. I will never trust him. B ut the electrolite, the people have said in one voice"That issue is of no consiquence to us, we want the right out, and the left in."
So be it. It is going to be an interesting couple of years, or however long he lasts. The feds would rather he be in office though. He and his are less likly in using cops to murder citezens, whilr the right do so on a regular basis. He is highly educated and liberal. Clinton was highly educated and l;iberal. Hell, most highly educated persons are liberal,and arew not so because of group dynamics, like semiliterates behave. They do so out of choise.
OK, first of, I am NOT Republician, nor am I Democrat in my leaning. I am more Libertarian but no longer registered as such. "Decline to state" my regestration says. And I rarly vote."Not really interested". is the reason why.
I belong to the NRA, VVA,AAA, AARP,ARRL AOPA and the MWA.(Mystery Writers of America).And all of my guns were registered upon purchace, so all can see just how much I am worried about confication.
I really do not belive Nobambas citizenship proof is a real issue. I belive it has been proven. At least it has, to the majority of the people. McCaine,s citizenship as well.Just more B.S. to throw around. Appearently there is noting substantial to toss into the air, so "PROVE YOU WERE BORN HERE" gets a lot of lip service.
I am satisified with the proof supplied. And the nonsence he disallowed graduating Navel Cadets from having swords, well someone in his Secret Service saw to that. The result was a wave of anti Nobamba propaganda, which might have been the desired result, if you care to look at it closly.
OK, first of, I am NOT Republician, nor am I Democrat in my leaning. I am more Libertarian but no longer registered as such. "Decline to state" my regestration says. And I rarly vote."Not really interested". is the reason why.
I belong to the NRA, VVA,AAA, AARP,ARRL AOPA and the MWA.(Mystery Writers of America).And all of my guns were registered upon purchace, so all can see just how much I am worried about confication.
I really do not belive Nobambas citizenship proof is a real issue. I belive it has been proven. At least it has, to the majority of the people. McCaine,s citizenship as well.Just more B.S. to throw around. Appearently there is noting substantial to toss into the air, so "PROVE YOU WERE BORN HERE" gets a lot of lip service.
I am satisified with the proof supplied. And the nonsence he disallowed graduating Navel Cadets from having swords, well someone in his Secret Service saw to that. The result was a wave of anti Nobamba propaganda, which might have been the desired result, if you care to look at it closly.

Based on Obama’s National Security, China and Foreign policies, maybe they should be looking for a birth certificate with the name “George W. Obamaâ€￾!
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  • #68

WND asked if a hypothetical elected official pretended to be born at the hospital, would federal law prevent her from disclosing that? If so, which federal law would that be?

"It's just our policy that without permission we don't ever answer questions about babies born
in the hospital," she said.

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  • #69
This gets better all the time:

But according to Snopes, the popular online hoax-buster that many rely on as the final word on both important and frivolous stories, Obama was born at a different hospital in the Hawaiian capital.

(Note: Within 90 minutes of this WND story being posted, Snopes swapped the hospital of birth to indicate Obama was born at Kapi'olani, but noted some ambiguity by stating, "News accounts have also variously placed his birth as having occurred at Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.")

So much for fair and balanced Snopes.......... :lol:

Such a reliable unvarnished site for the truth.... :(

It seems that this WND is the only outlet that is actually covering this non-story.

BTW in google, theres actually:

1,250,000 (407K closed quotes) search results for "obama birth certificate" and the 4th highest rated search term under the name "Obama".

So theres a lot of people talking about this "non-story".

just for fun:

2,710,000 (25K closed quotes) for "obama hypocrisy"
41,900 for (3 closed quotes) for "socialized medicine success stories"
41,900 for (3 closed quotes) for "socialized medicine success stories"

It is well known that people are much more likely to speak out about a poor experience as opposed to a good one. We expect to have good service so it is nothing 'new'. When something goes south, we are all up in arms and will tell anyone who will stop long enough to listen. Just think back on experiences you ave had. How many people did you tell when you received a great service fro your car dealership as opposed to when you were shafted?

So it does no surprise me that complaints out number compliments

Results 1 - 10 of about 9,030,000 for US health care complaint stories.

Results 1 - 10 of about 154,000 for socialized health care complaint stories.

Something must be wrong with the last one. I don't even buy that low figure.
It is well known that people are much more likely to speak out about a poor experience as opposed to a good one. We expect to have good service so it is nothing 'new'. When something goes south, we are all up in arms and will tell anyone who will stop long enough to listen. Just think back on experiences you ave had. How many people did you tell when you received a great service fro your car dealership as opposed to when you were shafted?

So it does no surprise me that complaints out number compliments

Results 1 - 10 of about 9,030,000 for US health care complaint stories.

Results 1 - 10 of about 154,000 for socialized health care complaint stories.

Something must be wrong with the last one. I don't even buy that low figure.

You may have made a posting faux pas :lol:
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  • #75
It seems that this WND is the only outlet that is actually covering this non-story.

During the July 15 edition of his radio program, CNN host Lou Dobbs devoted substantial airtime to the issue of President Obama's birth certificate, asserting repeatedly that the president needs to "produce" it. Dobbs said that the birth certificate posted online by FactCheck.org "purporting to validate the president" has "some issues ... I mean, it's peculiar," and stated that he wants to see a "long form" birth certificate, which he called "the real deal." By contrast, Dobbs' CNN colleagues have repeatedly debunked claims that Obama has yet to produce a valid birth certificate, calling them "total bull" and "a whack-job project," and have characterized those who make these claims as "conspiracy theorists" who wear "tin foil hat."
