When your cruise ship is sinking...you don't complain that your first class cabin service is not up to par, and that you are not paying more to buy a life boat. Unless you want to go down with the ship and make a moot point, we better take a look at all the options coming from management. Yes, labor has called for the removal of Seigal...and???? I see he is still driving. Does labor have a case that we have given and given already, that the leadership has blown all credibility, that they don't seem to know or care how to run an airline with a motivated labor force??? Of course. So?
Folks, I went through the demise of Eastern airlines. Those employees had a moral fight against Lorenzo...his lies...cheats....law breaking actions....much worse than anything we see here...they stood on moral principals and went out on strike, I was with them. But when it became clear the strike was not going to get the desired results, the debate shifted to...do we stand our ground on principal to the bitter end???? Or do we go back...suck up less pay and benifits....save our jobs and the airline and fight another day? Some went back....but most decided to stand and fight....I was lucky to have been hired by USAir...but the others that stood on their moral principals to the bitter end sure showed Lorenzo that people do have integrity and will fight against tyranny and evil. But the airline died...their jobs were gone....and no one will ever know if Eastern could have been saved, changed over time...made better and stronger. Lorenzo walked away with millions...the employees have some nice airline memorabilia...and little else.
We employees have every right to say no more. I personally have given it all up already. I was overseas last year, hunting those that attacked us and have caused great damage to our nation and airline industry, when I was told I was loosing the job I loved after 15 years of safe flying. I further lost 15 years of retirement....gone. I now will go to MDA to restart a career from step 1 after 18 years in the business. I understand better than most how poorly this leadership has run this place. While I don't have great confidence in their capability, their communication skills, and ability to mend the fence with labor......they are the only leadership we have right now. Do not doubt this airline will be gone...very soon.....if we just stand our ground on principals. My hope is labor will listen to their proposals, make adjustments to help save the airline....and live to see another day. You think losses can't be made up for in time? Of course they can...but you gotta have an airline survive in order to get them.