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When Would Now Be A Good Time To Talk?

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What is pathetic is the gutless wonders who no matter how many times Dave screws them keep saying, oh lets give him another chance.

What is pathetic is the fact Dave has brought this all this upon himself with not being straight forward with labor with his antics of contract breaking.

What is pathetic is the fact that trust and respect have been replaced with cynicism by Dave's own hands.

What is pathetic is the entire situation. You have history to look at and history plainly shows us that giving and giving and giving DID NOT save the carries that are now part of the history pages of the once great carriers. There comes a time when the patient either lives or dies after all extreme measures have been taken and now it's time to pull the plug on the life support. What will be will be. You have analysts saying that if labor worked for twenty five cents an hour we still don't have a chance because there is no business plan. So, why would labor do anything different than they now are doing? Please explain why labor should believe anything this team says. How can you believe anything they say when you can’t believe the man himself? It’s over, done, finished and Dave has only himself to blame. What happens now will be on Dave’s hands and not labor like his trying to make it seem.
I cannot believe "repeet" keeps thinking the concession stand is closed. Great, he'd rather sacrifice all 30,000 US Airways jobs to make a frigging point!?!

Some of you may remember Pan Am and Eastern (the unions STILL think they won that one). Both carriers died a slow death. Is that what you want for US Airways? Do you think Bronner and Seigel are going to let it come to that? Absolutely not. Bronner has lots of money invested in the airline and he's not going to wait until the 11th hour to see his pension fund money wiped out.

Nobody wants to give up more either in pay or having to work more, but the fact is, the airline world is changing and its changing NOW. We either adapt to it now and survive or we really do liquidate....and very soon. This company, like any other is PRIMARILY about making a good return to stockholders and that means making a profit...we are not a charity case. We either compete, and compete well, or we go away. Currently, we DO NOT have the cost structure to compete with WN, BJ or even HP. That MUST change now.

If you don't like the company, its management or your lot in life, you CAN change it, but don't ask others to throw away their hopes and dreams..and careers because you are too narrow-minded to understand what is going on here!
700UW said:
Us workers won't listen to CEOs and VPs that lie to the employees and break every union's contract, why would Dave expect anyless?
Not sure what planet you live on....impose pay cuts and work rules? Dave would have to go back into bankruptcy court to do that.

If he attempts any such action, all the unions will go to court, it will be viewed as a major dispute just as the maintenance outsourcing was, and nothing will be accomplished. You might be sick of the unions, but that's the way it works. You must work for Dave since you suggest he do more of the same....rape the employees.
Hi Piney,

Hope you had a good new year's.

I can see two bones to pick with your list. I'll let others pick on any other points they desire.

1- Chapter 11 violates the ATSB covenents (So does chapter 7 but at that point who cares)

2- Any revenue from asset sales must be paid toward the ATSB loan (unless reinvested in other assets) per ATSB covenents.

Take care,

Smoke and Mirrors said:
The rank and file employees have every right to hear the business plan.

The majority of employees are willing to make the needed sacrifices to salvage this company. They have every desire to efficiently compete with the LCC’s and would most likely agree to all of the required productivity and work rule changes.

The rank and file employees should consider all options to ensure that their future is secure. What if the union leaders were not being completely honest with their membership? What if the unions were not disclosing essential information to protect their own agendas?

The union leaders must allow this management team to present its business plan to the rank and file.
Your points are very valid. Notice how Pitbull has been quiet on this particular thread. The rank and file should consider their future without Airways if they continue with this mantra. The nay sayers on this board represents the minority.

I support Dave 100% and I will give more concessions to salvage this company. I know that I am not the only person that is willing to give more to secure their future.
jack mama said:
The question becomes, does the union leadership represent the majority of those it represents??

It seems there job should be to negotiate then allow the union to vote. To say "NO" to talks is irresponsible. If nothing changes in the scopes of the contracts, we will all be out of a job.
I am amazed how many of you seem to believe what Dave has said. Dave says the unions won't listen to his plan. So what? If he has a viable plan, he should get his butt out of CCY and go on those roadshows.

Dave is scared cause his plan is to once again screw all the employees and layoff more. The carrot of 60 additional aircraft, but how many older ones wil he park? Does he even have a plan? He probably cancelled the roadshows cause he's afraid employees will throw things at him if he shows his face again asking for more so the easy way out is to blame it on the unions.

Everytime I see an employee who seems to trust and believe what Dave says and question what the unions say I wonder how much more that employee is willing to take. I think every employee who wants to give up more should just write a check back to the Company every month. Make your charitable contribution to Dave's plan. If you can live with it, more power to you. I won't be offering to give one more penny to Dave cause his plan won't work and he'll be back for more in 6-12 months.

See, our employee group is very senior so even if you reduce wages and increase productivity, you'll still be paid more than the LCC's. So why doesn't everyone just give up 10-15 years of seniority for all purposes so we can be just like JetBlue. That might work. And I'm sure Dave has already thought of that one too.
If we close shop tomorrow where will you be? When the bill collectors start calling for their money I do not think it will go over well when you tell him, "Well, I am unemployed but I was courageous till the end." We all need USAirways to survive more than Dave S, Dave B, RSA or the ATSB.

I understand why people are angry with Dave and his team;however, we should at least hear his plan. I do not understand all the people whose mantra is "the concession stand is closed." Unless they already have their new jobs lined up. I do not, and I would like to work here for a few more years. If that means I have to choose between working harder for the same amount of money or starting over for less money and benefits. CCY's job is and should be to balance employee needs and stockholder needs. Obviously both needs will not be met if U liquidates.

Do I believe CCY has my best interest and well being in mind? No, but I did not believe the car salesman that sold me my car last year did either. However, I still had to deal with him or someone like him. Why? Because I needed a car. I need a job too. Dave tells us what the plan is!!!!!!
I support Dave 100% and I will give more concessions to salvage this company. I know that I am not the only person that is willing to give more to secure their future.


How many more times are you willing to give till you come to the conclusion that Dave's plan(s) arent going to work and all he's doing is throwing YOUR hard earned money away on his flawed business plan?

Dave's mentioned work rule concessions for the employees in order for U to survive.
Whats Dave going to give? If he honestly believes he has the solutions to U's problems than he shouldnt have a problem being the first to step up to the concession plate.
Dave put your money where your mouth is.... give till it hurts!
Smoke and Mirrors said:
With all due respect, you clearly do not have any idea concerning the union leaders. If the labor leaders have knowledge of the plan, as you report, then they should report to their membership. The union BOD representatives have knowledge of this plan but are bound by confidentiality agreements.

The rank and file employees have every right to hear the business plan. From this outside observer, I can only recommend that the labor leaders (ALPA/IAM/AFA) approach the company with open arms that they are willing to consider all options. Everything must be on the table. PERIOD!

The majority of employees are willing to make the needed sacrifices to salvage this company. They have every desire to efficiently compete with the LCC’s and would most likely agree to all of the required productivity and work rule changes.

The rank and file employees should consider all options to ensure that their future is secure. What if the union leaders were not being completely honest with their membership? What if the unions were not disclosing essential information to protect their own agendas?

Many employees have asked why doesn’t Dave take the plan to the rank and file employees. IMO, Dave respects the union leadership and its structure and believes that it is important to take this plan directly to the leaders. The rank and file employees should ask why wouldn’t their union leaders listen to this business plan?

The union leaders must allow this management team to present its business plan to the rank and file. You have ever right to this representation based upon paying your monthly dues. Contact your union leaders that you want them to sit down with the company and hear the new plan.
The majority of employees??? How do you know this? The ones I'm talking to don't seem to feel the way you think they feel. Get a grip. This ship is going down.
Do_it_for_Dave said:
I support Dave 100% and I will give more concessions to salvage this company. I know that I am not the only person that is willing to give more to secure their future.
Can I interest you in some river-spanning road-bearing real estate? Cheap?
jack mama said:
They wouldn't need to break the contract if the current contract allowed us to be profitable.
The unions should at least hear the plan and vote on it.
The UNION is the membership. Dave can share his plan AGAIN to the rank and file. No one but his own delusions is preventing him from sharing it.

But he chooses to antagonize the employees and the leadership by implying..."Na, na, na, na, naaaa, na, I'm not going to tell you, cause you won't play by my rules".


Smoke & Mirrors and DO-It-TO-YOURSELF, and Jack Mama, (mangement),

You sound so desperate. I guess if the employees can't guarantee your big pay checks, stocks, and perks.....you are just going to continue to whine, whine, whine.

The following was sent by an ex-employee of U:
I have to laugh at the recent headline (Airlines Claim Unions No Help) and at other recently written articles about the failings of this troubled carrier. Where is the mention of the salaries of David Siegel, Rakesh Gangwal, Stephen Wolf, and the army of Wolf's cohorts who were brought/bought out of retirement with multimillion dollar salary enticements while the "no help" unionized employees were handing over millions? Where is the mention of the promotions and salary increases that occurred in management after 20,000 employees were severed in the airlines' 7 round of layoffs? Where is the mention of the six-figure bonuses paid to top executives for the work on the failed MetroJet among other doomed projects? Perhaps their enormous salary figures cannot fit in your narrow columns. Perhaps, just as we employees were fed this line by The Wolfman, top management salaries do not come up in these discussions. As a student of Management 101 (a suggested course for Mr. Siegel), mismanagement should no longer be rewarded by employee concessions, management bonuses and corporate whining. We gave you a billion dollars in concessions, dear US Airways, so fly or say goodbye. But don't ever say the unions didn't help! We foolishly helped Wolf, Gangwal and Siegel help themselves.

What is PATHETIC, is this managment that play games and continues to antagonize their employees with threats of "doom and gloom" and has the audacity to say that employees don't want to hear the plan.

There is no "plan" and I believe they are looking for excuses to either sell the airline or merge. OR, to use Labor (so they don't look bad) to involuntarily go back nto BK and screw vendors and creditors and labor again.

But, this time in a BK, we would be free to do a "job action" depending on what they decide to take from us again.

What's pathetic is the ACAR changes to calculate flight crews flight pay commencing 1/1/04. They just stole more cost savings. So USflyboi, be happy management (YOU) got to steal more from us without even going to any damn table.
Well, I'm just one of your passengers so I can't begin to imagine the situation you employees are in. But from my prospective, it would be better to have a job than not. From everything I've read, it would appear your labor leaders have disliked every CEO at US Airways. This isn’t healthy especially for a company that is struggling to stay afloat. Maybe it's time to look at the union leadership and demand changes there. Is the glass half empty or half full?
pitguy said:
I am getting the feeling management is coming out on the boards in full force.

Can you say "It is my lie and I will tell it how I want".

They are out in "full force". Divide and attempt to conquer. All these new posters are the same old mangement posters who changed their handle names and are posing as union workers.

As if we can't see through this...
Do it to you,

I am right here front and center and in your face, my friend.
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