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Letter To Dave Siegel From Afa

Pitbull, I gave two people as an example. There were countless others. The junior reserves in Charlotte were not even reached most of the time because the more senior f/as took trips by making themselves AVV. And yes it is wrong and I am only sorry that the thieves were not dealt with more swiftly and severely. And while I understand that the union said their hands were tied in trying to get the company to enforce the overflying issue, I find it hard to accept that knowing how hard it was financially impacting so many junior reserves, the union would not have been more adamant about punishment against the perpetrators years ago.
lindy said:

Lindy :down:
WOW! Me thinks Pit and Lindy here and a few others need to have a nice big fuzzy warm group hug. LOL

I see you have been on this post most of the day "stewing".... because I find you a stoolie, from what I have been told from someone on the "UP" in management. Need to watch your back quite often.

I suggest you go to management and explain to them that, in your opinion, they need to put all these folks on LTD, becasue YOU believe that anti deprresents are mind altering, or mood altering medications. Please refer to the MMS department for educational inormation. In the meantime, I am sure mangement will be ecstatic to know that they need to recall many of their INVOLs to fill in these holes.

You are not in medicine. So don't spout what you know nothing of.

Psychotropic medicaton IS NOT MIND ALTERING MEDICATION. I think you mean Coccaine, LSD, herione etc....

Please have someone give you an education. You are looking pretty stupid.

And one more thing, did you ever find the post that I said I was continuing my nursing education???????????????????????????

If you have a beef with me, call me sometime. This topic should not be about you and me.

With regard to Paxil, look up flight attendant. Disqualifying? You are the one one these boards giving out specific anti-depressant medication. HOPE YOU KNOW THAT. I am citing a general problem, you are being much more specific. Did you know that there are surgeons, doctors and dentists, on psychotropic medication?

Once again, you show your arrogance. I have not been stewing on these boards
all day. I have been enjoying the warm weather and sunshine.

I guess because you have a nursing degree you know more than a Flight Surgeon.

God help the AFA if you ever get into a leadership position. You will do anything and say anything to promote your agenda.


PS..I have no intention of reviewing 56 pages of what you have written here. By the way, when was the last time you flew a trip?
The last time you did.....now stop with all the jealousy. Your green is showing. I have a black berry that goes everywhere with me.....

The overlfy issue has subsided. But, the company did start suspending individuals, specifically in PHL. Two in the month of September that I can recall.

I see your still lurking on this post....how about that sunshine?

You said I am promoting my agenda. What is my agenda, and how is it self serving? In other words....how does it promote me, if I am anonymous?

Lindy writes:
1. You have no idea who I am or what I do. I have taken great pains to keep my identity anonymous. Your sophomoric, self-serving statement that I am a lap-dog for managment is amusing. Keep up the insults. It undermines your credibility as a spokesperson.

PITbull states: How so?
While the issue on overflying may have been addressed, it was too little too late and after many flight attendants had been involuntarily furloughed. There is no excuse on the part of the company or the union that this had been allowed to continue unchecked for many years.
cavalier said:
WOW! Me thinks Pit and Lindy here and a few others need to have a nice big fuzzy warm group hug. LOL
I am just glad Pitbull is distracted for a while so she let's me continue to live...lol
Funny how people like Lindy, Hawk, TwiceBacked and DoitforDave have nothing better to do then to attack a strong trade unionist like Pitbull, I guess they are scared of her.

I would really love to see where their IP address have a Arlington, VA domain.

You all need to get a life and start running the airline instead of trying to intimidate a true friend of labor.
700UW said:
Funny how people like Lindy, Hawk, TwiceBacked and DoitforDave have nothing better to do then to attack a strong trade unionist like Pitbull, I guess they are scared of her.

I would really love to see where their IP address have a Arlington, VA domain.

You all need to get a life and start running the airline instead of trying to intimidate a true friend of labor.
Back up there big boy.

First of all, I am not company and I certainly don't have a Virginia IP address.

Second, Pitbull and I are friends! I am entitled to my opinions and so is she. If you would track all of my posts over the past months, you will see that I AM THE FURTHEST THING FROM MANAGEMENT.

So, I ask you to NEVER put me in the category with Do it, fly,hawk and whomever else.


Sorry Twice, but fellow trade unionist have to stick up for Pitbull when she gets attacked.
700UW said:
Sorry Twice, but fellow trade unionist have to stick up for Pitbull when she gets attacked.
I wasn't attacking her. I just simply disagree with her on this topic.
If you follow the posts..she attacked me and I simply responded in a joking manner. The Chess, coffee and the "finger thing" are all clearly in just.

It's all good though.

I stick up for Pitbull all the time...get it, got it, good....lol
700UW said:
Funny how people like Lindy, Hawk, TwiceBacked and DoitforDave have nothing better to do then to attack a strong trade unionist like Pitbull, I guess they are scared of her.

I would really love to see where their IP address have a Arlington, VA domain.

You all need to get a life and start running the airline instead of trying to intimidate a true friend of labor.

Of course they are scared of this one little soul because Pit sees them for what they are, knows what they, knows exactly what their true intentions are, and can see right through their facade of peachy fuzzy labor friendly when in reality they are no different then wolverines masquerading as angels of light. Because this one little soul shines the light on their dark intentions of exploiting employees in every way they can conceive just to line their own pockets and move on, well then, if people start to see this truth then of course they fear Pit! Heck, Pit might just make a difference and enlighten all of U’s labor forces and destroy this sorry management team’s true intentions of destroying U‘s labor force. Funny you don’t see them aiming at any other labor figure, just some little person on the internet boards who puts the fear of God into their sorry souls.

Before I sign out for the night I would like to leave you with a few words.

Before getting Furloughed in May I loved my job and there are a lot of people on here that know who I am and how I worked. I always enjoyed working in First Class because I had a knack for taking care of my First Class Passengers and the Pilots I flew with were always happy when I flew the Lead (Or 1st Class) position because believe it or not I knew how to "MulitTask" rather well. I would serve my First Class cabin with a smile and still have time to call up to the Flight Deck and see if they needed anything. I even found time AFTER serving my entire First Class their Meals to grab a "Trash Bag" and walk through Coach Cabin to help out the F/A's in the back. So guess you could say that I didn't ever "LEAN" until there was NOTHING LEFT TO DO. Even when I did sit down I usually did a Cross word Puzzle or something Minute so I could jump at the ring of a Call Bell. I actually chose this job BECAUSE OF THE PAY.... not because it was easy.... After my 6 weeks of unpaid training the last thing I expected was it to be EASY !!! I actually was happy with the Pay I made and so was my Ex Husband to whom I paid Child Support. As far as what is being complained about now.... I have little to say because I am surviving on an Unemployment check and will continue to until I get ANOTHER AIRLINE JOB. I have been spoiled by the F/A job and plan on continuing with it. I don't want to go back to school and I don't ever want to work an office job again. So, You can be happy with your job and I will stay happy with mine. But, for those F/A's that are complaining about the way they are being treated...Let them speak their peace. You don't know what they are going through and it is not their fault that the entire meal service has went the *@^%... !!!!