I see you have been on this post most of the day "stewing".... because I find you a stoolie, from what I have been told from someone on the "UP" in management. Need to watch your back quite often.
I suggest you go to management and explain to them that, in your opinion, they need to put all these folks on LTD, becasue YOU believe that anti deprresents are mind altering, or mood altering medications. Please refer to the MMS department for educational inormation. In the meantime, I am sure mangement will be ecstatic to know that they need to recall many of their INVOLs to fill in these holes.
You are not in medicine. So don't spout what you know nothing of.
Psychotropic medicaton IS NOT MIND ALTERING MEDICATION. I think you mean Coccaine, LSD, herione etc....
Please have someone give you an education. You are looking pretty stupid.
And one more thing, did you ever find the post that I said I was continuing my nursing education???????????????????????????
If you have a beef with me, call me sometime. This topic should not be about you and me.
With regard to Paxil, look up flight attendant. Disqualifying? You are the one one these boards giving out specific anti-depressant medication. HOPE YOU KNOW THAT. I am citing a general problem, you are being much more specific. Did you know that there are surgeons, doctors and dentists, on psychotropic medication?