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What a sorry group of people you have become.

I guess he is not educated enough to know the east employees through two bankruptcies gave billions, yes billions in concessions to keep this pig flying.

So please show me the entitlement attitude when the very said employees you biatch about saved this company three times, four if you count the 1992 concession.

Billions, can you count that high?
It is interesting that people like this never say what they do. I bet we could have a complaint or two about his sorry arse profession...if he really has one.
INCOMING at US is lucky to make $8.72/hr. It takes quite a few years to get to the $17 level, but you knew that didnt you?
Are you sure you're really retired? You sound like the current regime... :shock: 😛
Ditto for the "customer" posters here, right? 😉
I left, I make more money, lots more.

Thing is, that I took control of my life and did what was necessary for me to make more money and move up and get into something I wanted to do.

I didn't blame anyone for my wages, didn't demand that I needed more, didn't need a union, instead, I went out and persued employment for more money and satisfaction.

The power to make a better life is in your hands.
that I took control of my life and did what was necessary for me to make more money and move up and get into something I wanted to do.

I didn't blame anyone for my wages, didn't demand that I needed more, didn't need a union, instead, I went out and persued employment for more money and satisfaction.

The power to make a better life is in your hands.

And once again, some of us are comfortable with what we make. We like what we do (more often than not). We've always wanted to do this. We just want the tools from the company to be able to do our job and not have to apologize every day for the way things have become so screwed up. I know the new LCC is watching costs. I know I'm going to have to work harder than in the past. I do not like not having the tools needed to do my job efficiently or to do the work (more work created by the current system than in the past) with fewer people than needed to meet a minimum level of staffing. We're getting the shaft on both ends and that is what has people stressed out. If there is going to be fewer people at work, then the computer/rez/website needs to work better than it currently is so the people can get things done without having to come to the airport for simple problems and add to the line of those traveling today. This isnt happening. They need to improve things somewhere, anywhere. Either the technology must get better and soon, or they need more bodies to take care of and clean up the mess created by the technology we (employee and customer) are forced to use.
Some people cant seem to see the difference between the current employee who hates their job and needs to quit (and yes I know a few of them) and those who hate the situation of their job and lack of tools given to them to do it properly. Big difference there.
Airlines are labor intensive. It just is the nature of the beast. These MBAs think they can change that, they can't. You need extra people for irregular ops. IF you don't carry the extra labor it is going to cost you in other ways, ie, lost revenue, good will, rebooking costs, etc. This is the whole problem with MBAs running airlines, they only look at projections and spreadsheets. Spreadsheets often (and I would say rarely) translate into the bottom line. The loss of goodwill is impossible to measure. What is the cost of loss of goodwill from both customers and employees? I think LCC is about to find out.

As a side note: I don't hate my job. I hate what the 8 CEOs in my 20 years here have done to it. I hate being disrespected by fly-by-night CEOs. If we had a real manager that wanted to stay for the duration, I think it would be a different story. He/she would treat their co-employees with respect, as they would be "hitching their wagon to the same team of horses." As it is, they just squeeze out millions and move on to their next target, like a swarm of locusts.
I love my job and what I do as a flight attendant but ALL of the work groups are working understaffed, underpaid and without the propper tools to do the job effectively. Ya know what though, we get the job done 95 percent of the time due to busting or rears. As long as we continue to "get the job done" management will NEVER understand the urgency and need for better conditions. That is a fact.
I remember reading a quote somewhere, and This was a while ago, "USAirways is a place where CEOs line their pockets and leave"
I remember reading a quote somewhere, and This was a while ago, "USAirways is a place where CEOs line their pockets and leave"
I believe that went to Ford Motor Co. 4 months on the job and he gets millions, and all those workers that are getting screwed.
I left, I make more money, lots more.

Thing is, that I took control of my life and did what was necessary for me to make more money and move up and get into something I wanted to do.

I didn't blame anyone for my wages, didn't demand that I needed more, didn't need a union, instead, I went out and persued employment for more money and satisfaction.

The power to make a better life is in your hands.

i like my job too! and i'm not willing to give up on it! if everyone who had problems with their job abandoned it we would all end up like mesa , and NO ONE wants that ....

myabe becayse you didnt demand that you needed higer wages and better working conditons is the reason you ended up not liking it and leaving , perhaps if things had been better for you , you might have stayed on ... it's a CHOICE to make things better or NOT ...
I have travled all around this system over the past few weeks and I talk to people from so many positions in this company. Although I encounter frustration from the frontline employees and anger about pay, none of it it comes close to the magnitude of the complaining on this board.

sky high states: well, apparently you never go into an Agent's breakroom or crew lounge?

I guess the F/A's shouldnt complain when the company reconfigured the A320 with no overhead space and/or coat closet? Or the rampers needing reliable equipment to do their jobs? Or Agents overwhelmed by a computer system that constantly goes down? Frequent flyers who no longer have the patience to endure all the (company) mistakes to their travel experiences?


only stating opinions

Somebody does a Google search and finds out that US is the most talked about airline on the whole stupid internet.

Welcome aboard, but it will take you a while to really understand what is really going on.
I really wonder if he ever flew US.
Well folks - this has been a most interesting few days watching the responses to this post. It certainly has touched a few nerves - both positive and negative. But alas - it is time for me to go. I know - don't let the door hit you, good riddance etc. etc.

Does this suggest you only became a Bronze Sponsor to stir the pot, then you're going to just disappear after inflaming other US Aviation members?

It seems to me from your various posts that you weren't here for any other reason than to complain about complaining. That's too bad, because if you were really interested in finding out what most of the employees of US deal with on a daily basis, you might hang around a bit longer.

But, as you said earlier, alas! It's time for you to go. If you are interested in a more rosy view of US Airways, might I suggest KingLobJaw.com? It's perfect for US Airways corporate fans who live in the Land of Milk & Honey. No complaining, no anger and the kid who runs the site is really in touch with upper management. You'll also get a real kick out of the picture section. It's very ego-centric, which should make you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

So, thanks again for stirring the pot for your own self-interest! It helps the rest of us when new posters show their true colors early so we can discount their myopic contributions.

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