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Does anybody have anything positive to say here?

Seriously, you’ll need more than just 3 days to get the vibe of a chatboard.

Well, there’s all those gross Forest Bugs outside and girls won’t talk to me because of my weight, but my mom says I should get... ooops gotta go upstairs mom says dinner’s ready.

Go outside and jog 30 minutes a day...if you can't jog then walk. Also, watch that movie failure to launch.
Go outside and jog 30 minutes a day...if you can't jog then walk. Also, watch that movie failure to launch.
Don't let the "one line wonders" bother you-they're only in it for the post count.

I tend to agree with you, however, as we know complaining is easier and more entertaining for some.

PB and others bring a rationale to their arguments-others are just "ditto"heads.

Sometimes you learn things here, sometimes not.
I have something positive to say about US Airways:

US sucks less than United Airlines!
Having something to say positive about a company you work for in this environment is like saying you have something to say good about a YUGO. Times are hard. The economy stinks. My 401k is shot to hell. Yet, every week I go to work and try to make the best of things.

It's not that I dislike this company, It's just that I don't respect the people who are running it. They talk out of both sides of their mouths and say anything to cover their ass. If this company was run properly, and we still lost money, through no fault of our own, then I wouldn't feel so bad about it.

Management has never stepped up to the plate do deliver a positive outlook that was realistic. Words are words, and actions are actions. Respect from your employees is something that has to be earned, not given. If you want a positve spin on the company, then you must look at the top to see if that process will trickle down to the everyday employee.

The fact the same people are running this company years after the merger, and we are no better off then when we started is the simple process of looking at the top tier of management. They have never led, but reacted to the bad environment. Excuses or not, forsight is important. You must look at the bigger picture, look beyond the next few months, and by all means plan ahead... These are fundamental business practices....

Just my opinion...
Excellent post!! Watch the f/a "Time with Doug" videos. The responses are always the same. 1. It shouldn't be. 2. I don't know anything about it. That coupled with a treating customers like everything is their fault doesn't exactly inspire positiveness.
Aren't there more important things in life to worry about than free Cokes or bags?

Yes, there are. For example--no warm nuts in first class and no ice cream sundaes on transcons. It is just plane rediculus what has happened to US at the hands of Parker and Kirby. Bother way, I wouldn't call those cokes and bags "free" when you are paying $1000 to fly from PHL-BOS or on any Y fare for that matter.
Bitching and moaning is an American past time. The Internet simply allows fools to make bigger fools of themselves as they instinctively hit the send button spreading their thoughts beyond the workplace or the living room sofa to the far-flung world at large. Not to say that this board does not serve a good function ( information/wit/venting ). But hey, let's face it . . . the media trivializes news and events, so why not trivialize ourselves and life?

Perhaps the distinction is that we all used to know where the limits were and we acknowledged those limits. But now folks are raised to believe they're each a center of the universe and me, myself and I is their form of community and relationships. That's what happens when you stop calling things what they are and come up with PC ways of distorting reality or boardroom doublespeak to hide dealing under the table. So yeah, this board at times, gets a little irrelevant -- so too does Flyer Talk (and Congress for that matter).

I also perceive an undercurrent of negativity here and elsewhere which is an annoyance at times. But I only grow concerned when I see this attitude seep into the cabin with your customers. The good news is that US is flying and operations have indeed improved. Likewise, there are employees who put a good face on things & try to do good by their pax . . . even the pain-in-the-ass pax. OTOH, I've sensed an attitude of indifference just beneath the surface on some of our flights, the little things not done anymore, the aloofness and mild shirking of duty . . . were it not for this board, I would not understand the underlying cause. That is not to say that I accept any of this as the job remains the job whether you like your employer or your pax.

We each remain a product of our words and our individual actions eitiher spoken to your face or posted in this virtual world. I stop in here once a week to see what's happening and I enjoy some of the banter . . . the rest, I ignore. Just don't bring it into the cabin.

fly safe. . . fly happy,

I really enjoy the passengers they are funny and for the most part we have a great group of employees. Do not take all of this personally we have to separate and not become the problem.As far as Doug Parker the employees have never asked the right questions so why should he give you correct answers. Yes there are bigger issues to be concerned about but maybe we have forgotten how to care. I attended a senior flight attendants mem orial and I thought about her yearning to launch one more take off. Its human and yet we all forget that there are so many that are less fortunate. Try a soup kitchen for Thanksgiving or Christmas or just Show Up for work. Be <_< Peaceful

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