Having something to say positive about a company you work for in this environment is like saying you have something to say good about a YUGO. Times are hard. The economy stinks. My 401k is shot to hell. Yet, every week I go to work and try to make the best of things.
It's not that I dislike this company, It's just that I don't respect the people who are running it. They talk out of both sides of their mouths and say anything to cover their ass. If this company was run properly, and we still lost money, through no fault of our own, then I wouldn't feel so bad about it.
Management has never stepped up to the plate do deliver a positive outlook that was realistic. Words are words, and actions are actions. Respect from your employees is something that has to be earned, not given. If you want a positve spin on the company, then you must look at the top to see if that process will trickle down to the everyday employee.
The fact the same people are running this company years after the merger, and we are no better off then when we started is the simple process of looking at the top tier of management. They have never led, but reacted to the bad environment. Excuses or not, forsight is important. You must look at the bigger picture, look beyond the next few months, and by all means plan ahead... These are fundamental business practices....
Just my opinion...