Fly4Free, I feel for you. It took me a while to move out, but I had a sup that actively supported me moving on up which helps quite a bit. It seems to me from your posts that you've got a good head on your shoulders, some good work experience, and a great attitude. Who wouldn't want you in their department? Breath, earlyretiree, and rjh have excellent pointers. If I were you, and at one point I was, I would worry more about my own house. Stick to your guns, keep your chin up, and apply, apply, apply.
Some advice a C-level gave out a while ago was if you want to move around, do it, and let people know. You want to get back into IT? Find a manager in that department and let them know how much you'd like to work there, to learn from them, and grow professionally. God knows they could use some competent help.