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What a sorry group of people you have become.

There you go - so you don't think everyone that I work with will see this? Piss off more customers - that's a really smart move!
Maybe you could enlighten us to where you work so that we could show your "co-workrs" your "post" with your kind words......
- but the real issue is that you have your head in the sand -
Maybe this is supposed to be directed to the Tempe folks who read the boards? 😉

- so if you don't want me to help pay your salary - that is fine - because there are many people over at United who are more than happy to have me as a customer.

I'll be sure to warn them you're coming! Have a nice flight. B)

Thanks Buffalo Joe. Some people dont seem to see themselves as part of the problem. Do you spread your cheer everywhere you go or just here?

And you still havent answered any of my questions....
Maybe you could enlighten us to where you work so that we could show your "co-workrs" your "post" with your kind words......
He's the guy selling 1 week old pretzels at the corner of Penrose Ave and 26th St, as your coming off the bridge.
You can call me whatever you want - but the real issue is that you have your head in the sand - I have not written one lie on this board - I have been Chairman's, Platinum, and Gold during various years - and trust me - I have not said one thing that is not true on this board. If you choose not to believe it - that is up to you - but that is also the problem with US. And I fly almost every week - 31 segments so far this year - so if you don't want me to help pay your salary - that is fine - because there are many people over at United who are more than happy to have me as a customer.

hey well for starters then your in the WRONG message board , this is US air , UNITED AIRWAYS , is a different airline , have fun over at that message board , with just you and yourself hahah , well i'm done flaming you , your a VERY good troll , i'll say that much , goodnight , and to all my us airways workers , much love to all of you , where ever your at !
Maybe you could enlighten us to where you work so that we could show your "co-workrs" your "post" with your kind words......
Trust me - my co-workers all feel the same way I do. They have seen my posts! We actually all get a laugh out of it.

He's the guy selling 1 week old pretzels at the corner of Penrose Ave and 26th St, as your coming off the bridge.

you found me out - shucks! yes - me and my buddies at the corner of penrose fly us every week to go to our sales conference
And how many of these little enlightening items have you contacted Tempe about? You know the ones that have the power to actually CHANGE things? Give us the tools and people to get the job done? I'm just so over getting the #### slap at work every day by people who think they are the only ones that have problems with US. We suck I get it, I hear it all day every day. Rez sucks, you cant get thru, you get disconnected, the website doesnt work, you cant check in online, you cant use the kiosk for unknown reasons, you cant get upgraded, you're in a middle seat,
people are telling you things that I swear they pulled out of their a%%es and yet some of us continue to come to work and TRY to do our best job with the tools we're given. I know! I've heard it all before and I cant do a damn thing about it. The people who can dont seem to give a crap so those of us who actually like our job continue to come in and take the abuse. Be careful what you wish for though because with every passing day and every stupid event that happens more and more people are going to be getting fed up and leave (which is what they seem to want) and the service is going to continue to suck because those who DID care either will leave or wont care any more. At this point in time I dont know why any of you continue to fly us. I know with some of the things I've seen I certainly wouldnt. So please, if you are going to leave, just leave and dont bother to lecture us on the front line. I've heard it all before and like I said cant do a thing about it. It would at least make my day a little nicer if you'd just go to the next counter, wave, and say hi and keep the insults and problems to yourself (and Tempe) and let me be in peace, OK? 🙄 :blink:
Here are you answers.

I have contacted Tempe about many issues - and I have a stack of those useless coupons to prove it - the ones that make you spend money to be worth anything. Even when I say I don't want anymore coupons - they still send them to me.

And yes - there are many issues that are in the control of Tempe - but employees attitude is NOT in the control of Tempe - yes - they can do things that might make you angry - but you control your own attitude and you control how you do your job - and you control how you treat customers. You may be mad as hell at Tempe - but don't take it out on the customer - I had nothing to do with it.

And what else do you want an answer to?
Maybe this is supposed to be directed to the Tempe folks who read the boards? 😉
I'll be sure to warn them you're coming! Have a nice flight. B)

Thanks Buffalo Joe. Some people dont seem to see themselves as part of the problem. Do you spread your cheer everywhere you go or just here?

And you still havent answered any of my questions....
I know its not the employees, its management that has your hands tied. As a traveler I rarely ask for upgrades or anything. I built my business up and I know what its like at the entry level. I haven't forgot where I came from. Every person is a human being, whether they act like one, sometimes leaves me wonder. I at times try to spread some humor around, cause I rather make a person laugh. There are too many things in this world that we live in to make us frown. And its people like him that stirs me up, and sometimes I go too far but I am with you guys. I booked two US flights, one for late May the other for August.
Here are you answers.

And yes - there are many issues that are in the control of Tempe - but employees attitude is NOT in the control of Tempe - yes - they can do things that might make you angry - but you control your own attitude and you control how you do your job - and you control how you treat customers. You may be mad as hell at Tempe - but don't take it out on the customer - I had nothing to do with it.

And yes - there are many issues that are in the control of ( INSERT TARGET ) - but ( CUSTOMERS ) attitude is NOT in the control of ( THE EMPLOYEE ) - yes - they can do things that might make you angry - but you control your own attitude and you control how you do your job - and you control how you treat( EMPLOYEES ). You may be mad as hell at Tempe - but don't take it out on the( EMPLOYEE )- (THEY) had nothing to do with it.

:up: :up: :up: VERY WELL SAID BOB :up: :up: :up:

An enemy of my enemy is my freind....lol
First - my apologies to some of you - this certainly doesn't apply to everyone on this board. But unfortunately, it does apply to many.

What a sad group of people you have become. You are the picture of the definition of stupid - "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result". All you do is whine and complain - whine and complain - whine and complain - and expect something new and different to happen because of it. You hated Wolf/Gangwal - they are gone - now you hate Doug. I guess the old saying of be careful what you wish for really applies in this case!
And while the new Mgt. may have their issues - bottom line is you all wouldn't have a job to complain about if it wasnt' for them because the airline would have been liquidated. So I fail to understand what you expect? They bought a company that was about to disappear from the map.

The most interesting thing is that so many on this board are so quick to attack when someone doesn't agree with them and basically brings up a different point of view. "He doesn't know what he is talking about" - guess I'm just a big old liar then.

How dare someone question our misery! We have been terribly wronged - and we want everyone else - including the customers - to know that and suffer because of it. Blows my mind!

We all make our own destiny - and those of you who complain the most have no one to blame but yourselves for staying at a company you hate. Get out - get a new career - I did it before - it certainly is better than staying in a job you hate at a company you are trying to sink. Oh but I forgot - then you wouldn't have anything to complain about - so you really wouldn't be happy afterall would you?

Just my opinion.

Great post!

Some would rather whine and bring others down, then to better themselves and bring themselves up.

Its an entitlement atmosphere now, everyone owes the complainers a job, and happiness and wealth, etc. So many folk are perfectly happy being a victim because they can blame everyone else.

This board has become a joke.

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