- Joined
- Feb 11, 2007
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First - my apologies to some of you - this certainly doesn't apply to everyone on this board. But unfortunately, it does apply to many.
What a sad group of people you have become. You are the picture of the definition of stupid - "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result". All you do is whine and complain - whine and complain - whine and complain - and expect something new and different to happen because of it. You hated Wolf/Gangwal - they are gone - now you hate Doug. I guess the old saying of be careful what you wish for really applies in this case!
And while the new Mgt. may have their issues - bottom line is you all wouldn't have a job to complain about if it wasnt' for them because the airline would have been liquidated. So I fail to understand what you expect? They bought a company that was about to disappear from the map.
The most interesting thing is that so many on this board are so quick to attack when someone doesn't agree with them and basically brings up a different point of view. "He doesn't know what he is talking about" - guess I'm just a big old liar then.
How dare someone question our misery! We have been terribly wronged - and we want everyone else - including the customers - to know that and suffer because of it. Blows my mind!
We all make our own destiny - and those of you who complain the most have no one to blame but yourselves for staying at a company you hate. Get out - get a new career - I did it before - it certainly is better than staying in a job you hate at a company you are trying to sink. Oh but I forgot - then you wouldn't have anything to complain about - so you really wouldn't be happy afterall would you?
Just my opinion.
First - my apologies to some of you - this certainly doesn't apply to everyone on this board. But unfortunately, it does apply to many.
What a sad group of people you have become. You are the picture of the definition of stupid - "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result". All you do is whine and complain - whine and complain - whine and complain - and expect something new and different to happen because of it. You hated Wolf/Gangwal - they are gone - now you hate Doug. I guess the old saying of be careful what you wish for really applies in this case!
And while the new Mgt. may have their issues - bottom line is you all wouldn't have a job to complain about if it wasnt' for them because the airline would have been liquidated. So I fail to understand what you expect? They bought a company that was about to disappear from the map.
The most interesting thing is that so many on this board are so quick to attack when someone doesn't agree with them and basically brings up a different point of view. "He doesn't know what he is talking about" - guess I'm just a big old liar then.
How dare someone question our misery! We have been terribly wronged - and we want everyone else - including the customers - to know that and suffer because of it. Blows my mind!
We all make our own destiny - and those of you who complain the most have no one to blame but yourselves for staying at a company you hate. Get out - get a new career - I did it before - it certainly is better than staying in a job you hate at a company you are trying to sink. Oh but I forgot - then you wouldn't have anything to complain about - so you really wouldn't be happy afterall would you?
Just my opinion.
bla bla bla , if you have problems with the job employees are doing why dont you contact coustmer relations , they get PAID to listen to you cry about what a lousy job we're doing , and unlike us , they WILL kiss your ass .
And there you have it folks - why I - and many of your other best and loyal customers, who help pay your salaries, no longer fly on US.
To those of you who say I have no idea what I'm talking about - do a Google search on "USAirways Liquidation" - and you know how many hits you get - "about 313,000" - go figure - I guess I have no idea what I'm talking about.
i think it's uncaring people like you who make employee's disgurntled... it's inconsiderate A hole's like you who keep talking on their cell phones when the plane is pushing back , it's folk like you who pack their entire house into their suit case and expect it to be handled as if it were china . Your the one who screams at the res agent doing your booking because they put you on hold for two mintues .... you are the one who throws a fit because the plane is sitting at the gate for 13 mintues due to a mantaince or weather issue ...and you are the one who buys their low fare ticket from us airways , and then complains to everyone how much it costs and how their employees are all overpaid .
And there you have it folks - why I - and many of your other best and loyal customers, who help pay your salaries, no longer fly on US.
too reply to you frqflywe i answeryou with my peveious post , i call bull shite on you , i think your a lair ,i think it's uncaring people like you who make employee's disgurntled... it's inconsiderate A hole's like you who keep talking on their cell phones when the plane is pushing back , it's folk like you who pack their entire house into their suit case and expect it to be handled as if it were china . Your the one who screams at the res agent doing your booking because they put you on hold for two mintues .... you are the one who throws a fit because the plane is sitting at the gate for 13 mintues due to a mantaince or weather issue ...and you are the one who buys their low fare ticket from us airways , and then complains to everyone how much it costs and how their employees are all overpaid .
And there you have it folks - why I - and many of your other best and loyal customers, who help pay your salaries, no longer fly on US.
Here's the Truth, Can You Handle the Truth? I don't know what you do, but obviously you are not smart or educated. I guess that you joined 2 days ago and this makes you an Expert. Let me put you in YOUR place, 1st off most of these workers went thru 2 bk's, got their salary chopped 3 times, and You wonder why they have an attitude. If all customers were like you, Good F$#kin' riddens. That is that IF you can survive the trip to the airport in PHL, without being shot. The employees have their problems and the majority handle their customers with RESPECT. They were not trained properly with this new computer system, and NO Fault to themselves, Management is the one responsible. The workers are being stressed, and what do you want. To worry about your sorry ass that can not get a drink. Maybe if you were smart enough, there is a call button above you. Oh, They need to start doing that in their safety lecture for people like you. Get a LIFE!And there you have it folks - why I - and many of your other best and loyal customers, who help pay your salaries, no longer fly on US.
To those of you who say I have no idea what I'm talking about - do a Google search on "USAirways Liquidation" - and you know how many hits you get - "about 313,000" - go figure - I guess I have no idea what I'm talking about.
too reply to you i answer my peveious post , i call bull shite on you , i think your a lair ,
Buffalojoe thanks for standing up for the front line have to give you props on this postHere's the Truth, Can You Handle the Truth? I don't know what you do, but obviously you are not smart or educated. I guess that you joined 2 days ago and this makes you an Expert. Let me put you in YOUR place, 1st off most of these workers went thru 2 bk's, got their salary chopped 3 times, and You wonder why they have an attitude. If all customers were like you, Good F$#kin' riddens. That is that IF you can survive the trip to the airport in PHL, without being shot. The employees have their problems and the majority handle their customers with RESPECT. They were not trained properly with this new computer system, and NO Fault to themselves, Management is the one responsible. The workers are being stressed, and what do you want. To worry about your sorry ass that can not get a drink. Maybe if you were smart enough, there is a call button above you. Oh, They need to start doing that in their safety lecture for people like you. Get a LIFE!