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What a sorry group of people you have become.

:bleh: I'm confused, I thought this was the USAirways Forum, all are welcome, Whiners, Venters, Kool-aid drinkers, what did you want to discuss HP??
Well here goes my opion...You dont have to keep clicking on this web site if you are sick of the whining and complaining...and what you call complaining I call venting...this is where US employees go to communicate with each other from other stations....

And as to "just leave if you hate the company..well some of us are between a rock and a hard place...I cant afford to leave..some of dont have a college degree and signed on with the company in the good times..now tell me where I can go and make $16 or $17 an hour to start out...I cant afford to start at the bottom again...I have a mortgage and kids to feed...so please save your condesending attitude unless you are offering me a job!!!!!
stuck between a rock and a hard place, can't afford to leave, don't have a degree, can't go and make $17 an hour. . . so in essence you admit that this company is providing you a higher quality of living than any other place you could hope to work. And then you end your post with wanting the poster to supply you with a job. . . Instead of all the complaining maybe you should be thankful that you have this job.
You can call me whatever you want - but the real issue is that you have your head in the sand - I have not written one lie on this board - I have been Chairman's, Platinum, and Gold during various years - and trust me - I have not said one thing that is not true on this board. If you choose not to believe it - that is up to you - but that is also the problem with US. And I fly almost every week - 31 segments so far this year - so if you don't want me to help pay your salary - that is fine - because there are many people over at United who are more than happy to have me as a customer.

Here's a truth for you, bucko!! It is currently the piss ass East contracts that are making money for this company and the EAST contracts that the company would LOVE to have and would LOVE to keep!!. They are entirely happy with two company contracts. THAT is a FACT, JACK or YOU wouldn't BE flying US EVER ot AWA or who ever the hell you wanna call us. AND when mangement stops doing things by bean counting 20 yr old know it alls in Tempe and gets their sorry asses on the competition to see how TACKEY we are, we will continue to be the JOKE of the industry!!

If this is the way AWA has operated in the past, I wish they never would had merged and we would had gone right under...which...as you can see with our contracts and management "no rush policy" to change that ...would NOT had happened.

Ask the REAL US East FF'e like Piney and Art who have fought blood sweat and tears for US and the employees. Until you invest 1/10 of what these guys and FFOCUS haveinvested, you will get no respect or credibilty from anyone except the koolaid drinkers that believe everything Ah Shucks Doug has to say.

One more thing. BRUCE LAKEFIELD, then CEO of OLD US AIRWAYS mastered the money raising for this turd...NOT DOUG!!!
stuck between a rock and a hard place, can't afford to leave, don't have a degree, can't go and make $17 an hour. . . so in essence you admit that this company is providing you a higher quality of living than any other place you could hope to work. And then you end your post with wanting the poster to supply you with a job. . . Instead of all the complaining maybe you should be thankful that you have this job.
Yeah, its always someone else's fault that they only make $17 an hour.

Where I work, the incoming staff are lucky to make $12.50 an hour, and they work every day with disabled adults, feeding them, changing their diapers and trying to give them an ounce of dignity in this world. They do their job because they love it, and a whole pile of people can't do it and they leave. I know, its my job to staff the place.

But, the arrogance of some, who feel it is their right to be surly and mean to the customers who have a choice on who to fly. A few really pissed employees can ruin an entire company that employs thousands who are perfectly happy with their jobs.

If you don't like your job, quit. Its a beautiful way to actually take some control over your life and move on to what you want to do.

I'm flying as a regular passenger next month, I put my money into US, I sure hope I have a crew that actually gives a crap about what they are paid to do, and aren't representative of what we see on this board.
Been reading this one with great interest. Let's throw in some facts and see maybe if there isn't some common ground shall we?

Let's Answer a few questions first and see if that adds some clarity.

1. Who determines the business model of an enterprise?

Management or Front Line?

2. Who determines in the case of an airline the A/C used?

Management or Front Line?

3. The seating configuration on above?

Management or Front Line?

4. Pricing structure & fare rules?

Management or Front Line?

5. Cities served? Route Structure? Frequencies?

Management or Front Line?

6. Loyalty programs, upgrade rules, etc etc?

Management or Front Line?

7. General HR policies and procedures?

Management or Front Line?

8. Who decides on IT infrastructure?

Management or Front Line?

9. Who monitors, directs & inspects that all of the above is done correctly

Management or Front Line?

10. Who is responsible for Customer Service/relations policy and procedure?

Management or Front Line?

11. Who is responsible for the policies and procedures at the Ticket Counter, Cate, Special service?

Management or Front Line?

Anybody see a pattern here?

12. Who has to endure the brunt of customer anger & frustration?

Management or Front Line?

Every person in a customer facing position with a company that is floundering as US is right now is faced with a dilema.

Do I continue to do my best and treat the customer as well as circumstanes permit, knowing that by doing so I may prolong my own agony brought on by the decisions of management and actually enrich them personally.


Do I treat the customer roughly the way I get treated, knowing I'll likely drive them away, damage the bottom line and perhaps force a change at the top?

IMO, the management is ultimately responsible for the manner in which it's front line staff interacts with its customers. If you create a hostile adversarial environment towards employees then you shouldn't be surprised when your customer service numbers drop like an anchor. Additionally when you create a negative work envirnment don't be surprised that all of the sudden folks start to look at what they're being paid and decide it isn't enough.

The blame the customer attitude has to stop. The trash the front liners by customers has to stop.

Customer and front liners are IMO natural allies not enemies. That's why FFOCUS has always been open to front liners and wil continue to be as long as I'm around.

Spoken like a REAL US Airways FF. Thanks, BOB!!! :up: :up: :up: :up:
Where I work, the incoming staff are lucky to make $12.50 an hour,
INCOMING at US is lucky to make $8.72/hr. It takes quite a few years to get to the $17 level, but you knew that didnt you?

If you don't like your job, quit.
Are you sure you're really retired? You sound like the current regime... :shock: 😛

and aren't representative of what we see on this board.

Ditto for the "customer" posters here, right? 😉
Yeah, its always someone else's fault that they only make $17 an hour.

Where I work, the incoming staff are lucky to make $12.50 an hour, and they work every day with disabled adults, feeding them, changing their diapers and trying to give them an ounce of dignity in this world. They do their job because they love it, and a whole pile of people can't do it and they leave. I know, its my job to staff the place.

But, the arrogance of some, who feel it is their right to be surly and mean to the customers who have a choice on who to fly. A few really pissed employees can ruin an entire company that employs thousands who are perfectly happy with their jobs.

If you don't like your job, quit. Its a beautiful way to actually take some control over your life and move on to what you want to do.

I'm flying as a regular passenger next month, I put my money into US, I sure hope I have a crew that actually gives a crap about what they are paid to do, and aren't representative of what we see on this board.
Work a job that pays $12/ Hr. and see what kind of life you have. That is roughly $24k a year and after taxes about $18-19k. That leaves $1500/month. Rent/Mortgage $850/Month now you have $650. Food About $200, now your at $450. Car Payment $250 Now at $200 Gas and Insurance at about $200 Your at what?

What about Clothing? Utilities? That is a person who will get PAID for 40 hours and works 52 weeks. And that is just the stress that living the basics causes. People like you,probably had everything in life bought and paid for Pre-Housing Boom.

Build a Home today, what is your highest cost? And then ask Why is that the Highest Cost? Answer these questions, will lead to most of your answers.
I'm going to stop short of agreeing with the original poster of this thread.

I have travled all around this system over the past few weeks and I talk to people from so many positions in this company. Although I encounter frustration from the frontline employees and anger about pay, none of it it comes close to the magnitude of the complaining on this board.

I can only hope that people that come to this board also find other ways to find out whats going on. I've had numerous uneventful flights, no delay to speak of, agents have seemd to adjust to SHARES, but look forward to changes to the wish list. If you these posts you would think the airline is on it's last leg.....again.

When I read the rumours on here, I get so disgusted with the tone of what I read, because this is much like reading hte newspaper. Good news doesn't create subscribers. Bad news gets spread pretty quickly.

Do yourselves and favor and try to find the great things about your job and your life once in a while. This is the an awesome industry and one that we should be grateful to be in.
Work a job that pays $12/ Hr. and see what kind of life you have. That is roughly $24k a year and after taxes about $18-19k. That leaves $1500/month. Rent/Mortgage $850/Month now you have $650. Food About $200, now your at $450. Car Payment $250 Now at $200 Gas and Insurance at about $200 Your at what?

What about Clothing? Utilities? That is a person who will get PAID for 40 hours and works 52 weeks. And that is just the stress that living the basics causes. People like you,probably had everything in life bought and paid for Pre-Housing Boom.

Build a Home today, what is your highest cost? And then ask Why is that the Highest Cost? Answer these questions, will lead to most of your answers.
so true so true ....

And to answer UW catutus , yes while the board does have some very strong neative vibes , notice that they are mianly containted within certain threads , i still enjoy reading about different aspects of the company and what's going on ...Perhaps the reason it seems so bitter is that we are reaching out to one another trying to guadge each other out ,now i've only been on the company webcite a few times but i don't recall any message boards and i'm quite postive there aren't any , maybe this is why ... your seeing the raw exposed unhappniess of low paid workers , when you pay people like shite , this is the result ... poverty breeds unhappiness ..
Case in point , if i was geting the East pay (which i should ) i proably wouldn't even be posting on this board because i'd be sitting by the beach chasing girls ..or if i DID have something to say on this board it would proably be how NICE hawiiai is right now ... but i'm not ... i'm working two jobs and just barely getting by , and why is that? because too many jobs pay like carp in america today .....

p.s piney bob hahahah so true !!!
There you go - so you don't think everyone that I work with will see this? Piss off more customers - that's a really smart move!
There "you" go...pissing off more employees! I read your post and thought, "who is this guy, and what is he doing here?" You remind me of the kid who is left standing all alone after all the other kids have been picked for teams.
I'll say this, you are entitled to your opinion and to be able to voice it, but get the hint already, your messages really aren't welcome here. It would be like me jumping in on your company's #### session professing to know the inner workings of your employment situations. Face it... the management of OUR company is responsible for the position we are faced with today. To all the employees who wake up daily and make yet another appearance, you should be thanking them for enduring the mess their management has put them in, not bashing the fact they have a website to air out their laundry on... get real!
There you go - so you don't think everyone that I work with will see this? Piss off more customers - that's a really smart move!

Everyone you work with will probably roll their eyes at the prospect of "Another of Ed's crazy rants about US Airways"...

In all seriousness though, considering you don't fly on the airline anymore, what do you gain by coming onto this forum and foaming at the mouth?

If I decide I'm not going to patronize a particular business for whatever reason, they'll never see me or my greenbacks again.
I saw this original post and hoped that no one would respond to it. This was obviously a dig at employees and you wanted to pi$$ people off to the point that they would respond to you. I'm sorry that you have inflamed the emotions of so many because you and your negativity are not worth it.
I strongly encourage no more posts to these worthless comments.
Hmmm...interesting topic. From the view of a passive observer, I would like to merely point out that this is a public forum, in which anyone is free to post. The HUB may be a a forum for USAirways employees, but anyone can post here. It is not exclusive to employees of USAirways. Secondly, in my humble opinion, I think that some of you are being overly defensive to what Frequent Flyer had to say. (S)he makes some valid points. And some of you do love to play the victim card. This is America. There is money to made everywhere. There is a plentiful abundance of tools to enhance one's career prospects and skill-set. Some of you remind me of the time I went to an inspirational lecture by Terri Cole-Wittacker, who was a former minister and is now a very dynamic speaker and lecturer. She spoke of people who complained about being on a "fixed" income. And then she continued by saying, "Who fixed it?" The point being, we all have choices. And I am inclined to to agree with the original poster in that some of you do seem to have an entitlement mentality and think that USAirways owes you something. I know these words can be difficult to comprehend and digest. The entire airline industry has undergone a market correction. The fact is, is that many of the workrules and pay that we (collectively) enjoyed in the past were carry-overs from a bygone regulated environment. There was nothing in stone that said our lives were going to be a gravy train forever (in this industry). The market has corrected. The bottom line now is that we ALL have choices. We can choose to accept the pay and benefits that reflect the market reality of an intensely competitive industry, or we can re-choose and move on and do something else where we may be able to command what the market will bear, in terms of salary, benefits, and quality of life. I don't think that the original poster (Frequent Flyer) deserves such hostility. (S)he is correct in saying that each individual is the source for their life and their happiness. I think that many of you (including Piney Bob) want to hold on to the way things were. I've learned that in order to be at peace in my own life, that I've had to accept things as they ARE, on life's terms, not how I long for them to be. At the end of the day, USAirways is no longer run by a management team whose vision it is to make the company a world-class airline of choice. The current regime, whether you like them or loathe them, has has a different vision. The days of generous frequent perks, lots of F/C seats for upgrade possiblities, and fabulous 3-cabin international service on trans-Atlantic flights, are history. As a frequent flyer on Airways, one can choose to accept the new reality or take one's business elsewhere. Ditto for the former USAir employee. Crystal City no longer runs the show. So really the choice is this: To accept the watered-down version of the "new" USAirways in its new form, or move on. The beauty of America is that we always have the orportunity to re-invent ourselves. And as a consumer, we get to vote with our wallets and pocket books. If we don't like it, we take our business elsewhere. My sense is, and I mean this in the most compassionate way, is that many of you are trying to hold on to what USAirways was. That former USAirways unfortunately is a thing of the past. We are very fortunate in America to have such a wide array of choices and opportunities available to us. If the working environment becomes too unbearable for some of you, then go. Leap! Trust in the not-knowingness. Have faith. The net WILL appear... 😉
frqntflyer and UWCactus must be Doug's brother and brother inlaw.

Doug is somewhere...............Dougfaced.

Unless you walk in our shoes....you have no idea what we endure.
Well folks - this has been a most interesting few days watching the responses to this post. It certainly has touched a few nerves - both positive and negative. But alas - it is time for me to go. I know - don't let the door hit you, good riddance etc. etc.

Remember, perception is reality, especially in the customer service business - and from some of the posts here, I am not the only one that is in the same camp on this, so as employees of US you can either accept that and do something about it, or continue your current ways and just make it worse and become more miserable - the choice is up to you.

The sad thing is, when I found this board on Google and joined a few days ago, I was actually on your side.

I truly felt that most, if not all of the current issues were a result of bad management in Tempe. But alas, I have now been educated by all of you that I was dead wrong on that. Yes, Tempe has created many of the problems, but you as individuals have decided how to deal with those problems and how you react to those problems and how you interact with customers - and it isn't pretty. As was once said "Me thinks the lady doth protest too much" - and that certainly applies here.

So have a miserable day, as it seems most of you do on a daily basis. And enjoy wallowing in your misery, which is really too bad because I'm guessing most of you are good people at heart, but you certainly wouldn't know that from many of the responses on this thread.

It's been most interesting - to say the least!

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