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What a sorry group of people you have become.

Yes, It has become relentless, to keep tell our paxs that we are trying to up our Customer Service but somehow this is not happening, computer glitches, management, no crews, no aircrafts or other express carriers taking our crews and or aircrafts, How many times will sorry be acceptable before they tell us to stick the sorrys up our arses.. I believe that soon will be here before we know it..
something has to change immediately or who knows we will be in the unemployment line..
Just my 2 cents..... :down:
First - my apologies to some of you - this certainly doesn't apply to everyone on this board. But unfortunately, it does apply to many.

What a sad group of people you have become. You are the picture of the definition of stupid - "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result". All you do is whine and complain - whine and complain - whine and complain - and expect something new and different to happen because of it. You hated Wolf/Gangwal - they are gone - now you hate Doug. I guess the old saying of be careful what you wish for really applies in this case!
And while the new Mgt. may have their issues - bottom line is you all wouldn't have a job to complain about if it wasnt' for them because the airline would have been liquidated. So I fail to understand what you expect? They bought a company that was about to disappear from the map.

The most interesting thing is that so many on this board are so quick to attack when someone doesn't agree with them and basically brings up a different point of view. "He doesn't know what he is talking about" - guess I'm just a big old liar then.

How dare someone question our misery! We have been terribly wronged - and we want everyone else - including the customers - to know that and suffer because of it. Blows my mind!

We all make our own destiny - and those of you who complain the most have no one to blame but yourselves for staying at a company you hate. Get out - get a new career - I did it before - it certainly is better than staying in a job you hate at a company you are trying to sink. Oh but I forgot - then you wouldn't have anything to complain about - so you really wouldn't be happy afterall would you?

Just my opinion.

F U man

just my opinion.
The flamer that started this thread is long gone.

Back under a desk in the Sandbox.
I agree Newman that Doug wants to run an airline. Wanting and being able are 2 different things and as far as being able the jury is still out.

I believe Doug is capable of running the airline and doing a fine job of it. He's the best CEO we've had since Ed Colodny
I think Hello Newman has a point up to a point.

It's hard to argue with the first significant profit US Airways has generated in years. So short term I think DP has some things to be proud of.

You don't realize that when Wolf/Ganwald first joined, USAirways showed a $1billion profit? That was under the genius of Tom Legow, former marketing VP of UAL.

Pulease, the profits are there. You must understand that USAirways will declare a profit when they want and not a minute before.

Why is it stupidity really seems to fit in with this present governmental admin.? Why do the morons criticize individual welfare yet pump more for corporate welfare?
If you think this company is moving in the right direction, I have some land in the Everglades that will perk. :down: :down:

I think that you have misinterpreted what my point was. My point is that Crystal City is no longer in charge of USAirways. I was merely being a realist and trying to point out that the perks and standards set by Crystal City are a thing of the past. Whether one cares to admit it or not, the new USAirways is America West in values and vision, only with the USAirways name and paint job. It is a rather harsh reality, but Tempe doesn't espouse the same same vision. One can either accept this truth, or move on...
From a previous post. I carry this with me on trips.

USAirways Customer Relations Office 800-363-2542 OR
866-523-5333 BUT Limited Business Hours (??!!??)0500 to 1800 Monday through Friday MST and CLOSED Sat & Sun (we are an airline, right?)
USAirways Customer Relations Fax 480-693-2300
USAirways Customer Relations Office Web Link
USAirways Customer Relations email link to Web Form
Dept of Transportation Air Consumer Protection Division(24 hours per day) 202-366-2220 to leave recording.
Calls are returned M-F between 0730 and 1700 Eastern time.
Letters and emails are reviewed and acknowledged and forwarded to an airline official for further consideration.
Mailing address:
Aviation Consumer Protection Division, C-75
US Department of Transportation
400 7th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20590

Email address: airconsumer@dot.gov

They request, name, address, daytime phone with area code, name of airline, flight date, flight number and origin and destination cities of complaint.
ADDED: All complaints to the DOT are entered into the DOT's computer monitoring system and are charged to the company in question in the monthly Air Travel Consumer Report. This report is available to consumers and the news media.
What a sad group of people you have become. You are the picture of the definition of stupid - "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result". All you do is whine and complain - whine and complain - whine and complain - and expect something new and different to happen because of it. You hated Wolf/Gangwal - they are gone - now you hate Doug. I guess the old saying of be careful what you wish for really applies in this case!
So I fail to understand what you expect? They bought a company that was about to disappear from the map.

Have to say frqntflyer you are soooo out of line!!! Talk about whining and complaining.....we see passengers like you everyday. You are probably the leader of the pack on complaining. Let me tell you who is also responsible for saving this airline...THE EMPLOYEES!!!!!!! The employees of this company, the ones that have been here for a very long time, are the ones that saved this company. The sacrifices that everyone made with pay, vacation, insurance,work rules and the list goes on is what saved this company. America West was getting ready to file bankruptcy themselves. So you can take your opinions and shove it up your ***. If you do not like seeing what we are writing and saying then do not get on this board and read the posts.
From a previous post. I carry this with me on trips.

USAirways Customer Relations Office 800-363-2542 OR
866-523-5333 BUT Limited Business Hours (??!!??)0500 to 1800 Monday through Friday MST and CLOSED Sat & Sun (we are an airline, right?)
USAirways Customer Relations Fax 480-693-2300
USAirways Customer Relations Office Web Link
USAirways Customer Relations email link to Web Form
Dept of Transportation Air Consumer Protection Division(24 hours per day) 202-366-2220 to leave recording.
Calls are returned M-F between 0730 and 1700 Eastern time.
Letters and emails are reviewed and acknowledged and forwarded to an airline official for further consideration.
Mailing address:
Aviation Consumer Protection Division, C-75
US Department of Transportation
400 7th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20590

Email address: airconsumer@dot.gov

They request, name, address, daytime phone with area code, name of airline, flight date, flight number and origin and destination cities of complaint.
ADDED: All complaints to the DOT are entered into the DOT's computer monitoring system and are charged to the company in question in the monthly Air Travel Consumer Report. This report is available to consumers and the news media.
OK now a simple question, why doesn't Arizona observe the Daylight Savings Time? When there are certain hours to call, it can be a bit confusing to others outside the area. But hey, I could taket the DST all year round, just make the kiddies start school 1 hour later.
OK now a simple question, why doesn't Arizona observe the Daylight Savings Time? When there are certain hours to call, it can be a bit confusing to others outside the area. But hey, I could taket the DST all year round, just make the kiddies start school 1 hour later.

Because Arizona is it's own planet occupied by illegal and legal aliens.
From a previous post. I carry this with me on trips.

Why not add this for those that don't want to mess with the limitations of the "fill in the blank" form on the website?



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