What a Shame !

Dog Wonder said:
An enslaved spirit is a choice.
Maybe! let me think on that. I can think of one argument that refutes the comment but I'm going to study on this a bit.
Dog Wonder said:
So now you have been kidnapped, thrown on a ship to a foreign land, and sold like a piece of livestock?
!!! RACE CARD !!!   being played, instead of an intelligent reply!
Fixed it for ya' !
So now you were sold by your own people, thrown on a ship to a foreign land, and sold like a piece of livestock?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Our brothers keeper? Having the Democratic Party rob the working class blind to buy votes is NOT being your brother's keeper. It is enslavement. 
Stop it, you're killing me!  What do you think the GOP is doing?
777 fixer said:
You mean like unemployment?
Keep beating that drum.
Say what you want but I did not sit on my hands and watch TV all day. I hunted for work and went to school and made something of myself. I don't have to depend on a UNION to make sure I get decent benefits and pay. I am not seniority locked into my job.
Unemployment was designed to temporarily help people until they can secure employment elsewhere. I used it for the purpose it was intended for. I managed to start a new career and exceed what American Airlines was paying me in the first year. I managed to start a whole new career. What the hell have you done in the last year?
Can you say able bodied people sitting at home collecting welfare for years because they don't want to work are using the program for what it was intended for?
Then STFU.
Kev3188 said:
Unless I missed it, nobody's calling for it to be...
Sure they are, they keep voting Democrat, despite the fact the Democrats have made it easier than ever to game the system.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Keep beating that drum.
Say what you want but I did not sit on my hands and watch TV all day. I hunted for work and went to school and made something of myself. I don't have to depend on a UNION to make sure I get decent benefits and pay. I am not seniority locked into my job.
Unemployment was designed to temporarily help people until they can secure employment elsewhere. I used it for the purpose it was intended for. I managed to start a new career and exceed what American Airlines was paying me in the first year. I managed to start a whole new career. What the hell have you done in the last year?
Can you say able bodied people sitting at home collecting welfare for years because they don't want to work are using the program for what it was intended for?
Then STFU.
I just enjoy pointing out what a two face fraud you are.