The TA offered us was for the most part reasonable , but there are three additions that we need in order to seal this deal .....
You make some excellent points. We have gotten off track and misplaced the blame on the IAM. The blame belongs to the company. I agree the TA was close, certainly not perfect. We forget sometimes the company presented this and not the IAM. It was close, that's why we had the opportunity to vote on it. I agree too that the industry has changed. It won't be like the "good old days" no matter how much we want them back!
The talk of new unions is just, the grass is always greener syndrome. The IAM's not perfect. I don't know a union who is. We need to work at making it better. We need to communicate with them, get involved. Make some bylaw changes, heck, just read the bylaws for starters! I know really very little of our negotiators, but I do thank them for the time they spent away from their families, I know that was a hardship. I know they had to get frustrated with the endless trips and little progress. Which one of you would like to spend that much time bashing your head against the wall, and then only to get slammed by the people you represented, who's interest you tried to protect? We do need to give them some credit for what they have done so far. I'm sure the company was no walk in the park to deal with. It's the company's job to give you as little as possible. I believe they did all they could far. I think we should be thanking them for their time. I don't want to hear that they are making $100,000 a year, so they should do this. It was a big group and I think, could be wrong, but I think most, were not AGC's, so they are making what the rest of us make, very little. Would you be willing to do that when you know people are going to s**t on you when you're done? I just don't think changing midstream is the way to go. I just don't get why people think a new union at this point, could get any further. You were right when you said they know how and who they are dealing with at this point. I say we have to continue with the IAM and let them finish what they have started. It is the shorter route to a contract for sure! We need to remain united to get this done.
No outsourcing.
No 60 day rule.
Keep IAM, yes, IAM pension plan.
'99 vacation, unless west is better.
'99 holidays, unless west is better.
West AGC's for fair west representation, elected of course, this spring.
Profit sharing.
Full sick pay.
10 year pay scale, with 2% annual increase.
And whatever else I'm forgetting!
I too, will remain in solidarity with whatever union we are...but for now, let's keep IAM, and see how good we can make our union!