What a Shame !

700UW said:
When you are on unemployment and you are going to school, you dont have to look for work.
Kev3188 said:
The tax paying citizens of where you grew up.

I'll just let your posts stand as prima facie evidence...
 I was referring to 700's post above, which imo, is talking about college, trade, etc. Not public schools but, twist it any way you see fit, to further your socialist agenda!
southwind said:
I was referring to 700's post above, which imo, is talking about college, trade, etc. Not public schools but, twist it any way you see fit, to further your socialist agenda!
That's cool, the point'll still stand.

Who paid for the roads you used to get back/forth? How 'bout the infrastructure the school used (water/sewer/electricity grid)?
signals said:
Lucky for me I went to a Catholic school. Thus the payers were my parents.
2nd verse, same as the first.
Wow. Being picky about what everybody pays for regardless. Yeah, I see how come society as a whole are nothing but leeches.

Case closed!
Kev3188 said:
That's cool, the point'll still stand.Who paid for the roads you used to get back/forth? How 'bout the infrastructure the school used (water/sewer/electricity grid)? 
My parents did and I do now. What's your point?
signals said:
PS I walked to school seeing it was only a couple of blocks away.
Exercise is good. What'd you walk on to get there?
...And by "there" I mean your tax-exempt school...
BTW, did it have power? Running water/indoor plumbing? A road leading to it?
It has nothing to do with being a "leech," and everything to do with recognizing the reality that we're all in this together, no matter how hard the right wing wrecking crew tries to message you otherwise...
Kev3188 said:
Wow. Really?
Really. Now explain, if you can, what it has to do with giving someone welfare and paying for their college/trade school, all while they are unemployed and are not required to look for work?
Kev3188 said:
Exercise is good. What'd you walk on to get there?
...And by "there" I mean your tax-exempt school...
BTW, did it have power? Running water/indoor plumbing? A road leading to it?
It has nothing to do with being a "leech," and everything to do with recognizing the reality that we're all in this together, no matter how hard the right wing wrecking crew tries to message you otherwise...
Spoken like a good socialist!
Government Responsible for your well being= Good.....Individual Responsibility= Bad
Maybe he walked on the grass but, I'm sure in your world, Big Brother's responsible for all the grass too!
southwind said:
Really. Now explain, if you can, what it has to do with giving someone welfare and paying for their college/trade school, all while they are unemployed?
You had to bring up fa Li Lo la TI da again?