What a Shame !

Exercise is good. What'd you walk on to get there?
...And by "there" I mean your tax-exempt school...
BTW, did it have power? Running water/indoor plumbing? A road leading to it?
It has nothing to do with being a "leech," and everything to do with recognizing the reality that we're all in this together, no matter how hard the right wing wrecking crew tries to message you otherwise...
Yes and I have been a fitness freak ever since, unlike the obese children of fat welfare queens.

Since you are nit-picking, it does have everything to do with society being a leech, because we all take what we have for granted.

No we are not in this together, at least NOT BY CHOICE. We are in this because scumbags find a loophole to take advantage of handouts, and those creating the problem don't want to be consider hypocrites by facing reality!

I'm from Europe and I've seen first hand how those who cause the problem have to wallow in it like the rest of us!
Why is it when conservatives bring up welfare it is always the social welfare that is about 40%-50% less than the amount of corporate welfare in this country?  At the very least they should be angry at both but that never seems to be the case. 
Ms Tree said:
Why is it when conservatives bring up welfare it is always the social welfare that is about 40%-50% less than the amount of corporate welfare in this country?  At the very least they should be angry at both but that never seems to be the case. 
signals said:
You obviously have misread my posts because I am critical of BOTH!
because not everybody fits the cookie cutter idea of what you think conservatives are...
MS tree you probably classify neocon republicans as conservative, they are progressive wing of what used to be the republican party.  
Different sides of the same coin. Bottom line is corporate welfare is rarely spoken about by anyone.
Kev3188 said:
Exercise is good. What'd you walk on to get there?
...And by "there" I mean your tax-exempt school...
BTW, did it have power? Running water/indoor plumbing? A road leading to it?
It has nothing to do with being a "leech," and everything to do with recognizing the reality that we're all in this together, no matter how hard the right wing wrecking crew tries to message you otherwise...
Got a picture of Lizzie Warren on the wall?
Ms Tree said:
Why is it when conservatives bring up welfare it is always the social welfare that is about 40%-50% less than the amount of corporate welfare in this country?  At the very least they should be angry at both but that never seems to be the case. 
Last time I checked Corporations provide jobs, welfare recipients, do not!
The fact is that those who don't want to live by the company rules, they should open their own businesses. The working man, including myself, is basically a leech. You really ARE WORKING FOR THE MAN. He signs your check. He has CREATED your job. Yet, the leech wants more because he was given the job because he is good at what he does.

Sound familiar? Don't lie to yourself.

Contribution from those who are expendable amount to little. In my years of observing the airline industry, I have seen high-overpaid-workers run companies into the ground, rather than take a cut in any way.

If you want to make your rules, create your own corporation. Then hire people much like yourselves, and let us all get a good laugh.
southwind said:
Last time I checked Corporations provide jobs, welfare recipients, do not!
Who buys the goods and services from companes?
Bottom line is that companies do not exist without customers and vice versa.  Further, a company does not expand with the hopes that demand will meat the increased supply.  Without the people to buy their goods, a company will not survive, much less expand.  So that welfare person who buys goods is helping toe company more than the federal subsidies to the company are.
Ms Tree said:
Who buys the goods and services from companes?
Bottom line is that companies do not exist without customers and vice versa.  Further, a company does not expand with the hopes that demand will meat the increased supply.  Without the people to buy their goods, a company will not survive, much less expand.  So that welfare person who buys goods is helping toe company more than the federal subsidies to the company are.
So that explains why 7-11's accept EBT cards!
PHXConx said:
mostly??? the middle class.. not welfare recipients 
Oh they buy cars, x-boxes and flat screens from the evil corporations and reserve their EBT Credit Card for steaks, beer and liquor!