What a Shame !

777 fixer said:
If you collected unemployment you don't get to agree to the statement 
Confiscation of wealth and redistribution of it to others is not Compassion or Charity. It's theft
I don't get to agree to the statement?
You sound like a typical libtard, telling people what they can and can't do. 
Why don't you find a new angle of attack, if me collecting unemployment that MY EMPLOYER paid on my behalf is the best you can do then that is pretty fing pathetic.
If you are not my employer and therefore did not contribute to my unemployment then STFU.
SparrowHawk said:
Most states an employee does contribute to the UI premium so he is partially correct. However the biggest portion is paid by the employer and extended benefits are usually provided by the Federal Government. 
In all case the parties involved are forced to contribute by law much like ObamaCare.
Ummm no. Only in 3 states does the employee contribute. That is a FACT.
  • In the majority of States, benefit funding is based solely on a tax imposed on employers. (Three (3) States require minimal employee contributions.)
southwind said:
I collected unemployment, once, for 2 weeks, took that long to find another job, sorry. I figured after the thousands I've paid in, Big Brother made out like a bandit!
I can say the same thing. Yet that is all these pathetic libtards can come up with. It is sad really. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I don't get to agree to the statement?
You sound like a typical libtard, telling people what they can and can't do. 
Why don't you find a new angle of attack, if me collecting unemployment that MY EMPLOYER paid on my behalf is the best you can do then that is pretty fing pathetic.
If you are not my employer and therefore did not contribute to my unemployment then STFU.
Please explain to me how you collecting unemployment does not make you a beneficiary of theft?  Here's what sparrowhawk said and what you agreed with  Confiscation of wealth and redistribution of it to others is not Compassion or Charity. It's theft.   The government took from your employer and gave you the money.  Hows is that any different?  Or is this a case of "It's only theft when someone else gets it.  When I get it's not"?
southwind said:
I collected unemployment, once, for 2 weeks, took that long to find another job, sorry. I figured after the thousands I've paid in, Big Brother made out like a bandit!
There are only three states that make workers contribute to unemployment.  Even then it's a small amount.  In other words you did not contribute thousands to the unemployment checks you received.
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If being a MORON was a prerequisite for SSD (Social Security Disability)...........our resident ......Village IDIOT....'southwind would have got his first  ($$) check........... a loooooooog time ago  !!
eolesen said:
Hmmm. That was the same advice I got from my manager @ HDQ when I was still young and impressionable... He told me to get used to living on my current paycheck and put my future raises into my retirement. At the time, he also said he was just hanging on until the next buy-out. Last I heard, he's still there, but his 401K advice was golden.
When I first started off in aviation I knew that depending on a company pension was a not a good idea.  Ran into to many guys who worked at companies like Pan Am, Eastern, Braniff etc to think otherwise.  So I poured money into a 401k and a Roth.  Glad I did so.
777 fixer said:
When I first started off in aviation I knew that depending on a company pension was a not a good idea.  Ran into to many guys who worked at companies like Pan Am, Eastern, Braniff etc to think otherwise.  So I poured money into a 401k and a Roth.  Glad I did so.
Smart move.
EVERYONE, Liberal, Conservative, Green, Libertarian residing in the United States needs to realize ONE thing. Capitalism is a cruel and unforgiving economic model. However when compared to other economic models such as socialism and communism it is by far the best system we've come up with.
Trouble is that at least since the inception of the Federal Reserve Bank we haven't had true Capitalism. We've had a rigged deck that gets even more rigged as you read this post. Slowly and for to many reasons to mention here we have gone from a nation of pioneers having a "Can Do" attitude to a society that seeks to avoid risk at all cost. Even to the point of not being outraged by the Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, TSA and on the list goes.
As what I'll call the Crony Capitalist/Bankster  Conspiracy is gradually sucking the life's blood out of the middle class. Iceland bailed out the citizens and jailed the Banksters to great success. Here we do the opposite and wonder why our economy sputters along. 
I find the sport of Boxing a near perfect metaphor for work life in the US. Particularly the pre fight instructions where the referee says, "Let's have a good clean fight and remember protect yourself at all times." Over the years we've seen bankruptcy after bankruptcy destroy pensions and workers lives, be they union or non-union. We've seen laws enacted that limit the ability for workers to organize and often these laws are created and passed under the guise of "Fairness" yet in a true capitalistic society "Fair" is not taken into consideration. It's what you negotiate that counts. Ergo, the worker must in the words of our referee must "Protect yourself at all times". 
This is where those like myself fall down while preaching Individual Liberty they ignore the most important part of a life of Freedom and Liberty. That's the part called Individual Responsibility. Without responsibility there can be no real Liberty. YOU have to be held accountable if not to others then yourself. Obama and all manner of events around you happen that can and very often do have a negative impact on your life. YOU as an individual citizen of the Republic have a moral obligation IMO to follow the referee's instructions. It's no one elses role to solve your sorry assed problems unless they choose to do so voluntarily. 
Conversely we as in each of us are our brother's keeper. We cannot outsource our duty as citizens to the government when it comes to taking care of our fellow citizens. It's part of the price you pay to live as you choose. Most of us are where we are due to our own actions.
SparrowHawk said:
we have gone from a nation of pioneers having a "Can Do" attitude to a society that seeks to avoid risk at all cost. Even to the point of not being outraged by the Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, TSA and on the list goes.
Look no further than "entitlement" programs. Why "Can Do" when you can "Let Others Do and Get Free Stuff"?
SparrowHawk said:
yet in a true capitalistic society "Fair" is not taken into consideration. It's what you negotiate that counts. 
Which is why I have said over and over it is not what you deserve, it is what you negotiate.
SparrowHawk said:
That's the part called Individual Responsibility. Without responsibility there can be no real Liberty.
The Democratic Party has done all they can do to destroy that. 
SparrowHawk said:
Conversely we as in each of us are our brother's keeper. We cannot outsource our duty as citizens to the government when it comes to taking care of our fellow citizens. It's part of the price you pay to live as you choose. Most of us are where we are due to our own actions.
Our brothers keeper? Having the Democratic Party rob the working class blind to buy votes is NOT being your brother's keeper. It is enslavement. 
Dog Wonder said:
So now you have been kidnapped, thrown on a ship to a foreign land, and sold like a piece of livestock?
Metaphorically we all have been. Now run along and look up metaphor.
There are many forms of slavery.
Wage slavery led to the formation of trade unions.
Mental or spiritual Slavery is the reason we exist as a nation.
Physical slavery was outlawed here many years ago and codified yet again by the Civil Rights act.
Physical slavery goes on around the world to this very day.
When the slavery of a tyrannical Government rises to a certain level then many are enslaved, not by lock and key but by something even more heinous, an enslaved spirit.