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A Run In With A Naative F/a...

:down: This is in response to MiAAmi....
I think this sort of incident should be made known.This is not a "squabble" on or off property.This is serious,and could lead to charges being filed.There are many incidents of harrassments of TWA'ER's that I don't think you are aware of.
You would be shocked to read what some NAAtives have done,and hopefully will be held accountable for.
If you were out on the street,no career,and found work after numerous attempts to even find one,and you were fired because of your PREVIOUS employment caused by someone that you don't even know,THIS IS SERIOUS.If you were chastised on an airplane by a crew member,or a passenger,and you lost your "job" because the other lied about you and what really happened,I bet you that you would make it known.You would not take it lying down.
If you don't think its that important,pay her mortgage until she finds a job....
I guess "if it dosen't happen to you" its unimportant....Sad,very sad.
Lets be real here folks. This is a web posting and only one side of the story if it is in fact true. Just keep that in mind.

Just after the strike, anything that happened to someone who crossed was considered harassment. Late to the gate could be blown out of proportion to the point the pilots were trying to harass them. I am sure there were legitimate times of harassment. There maybe even be possible acts of harassment against TWAer's. For us at that time, it got so bad though AA got tired of hearing it. Turned a deaf ear and things quickly settled down. When the audience was gone.
FA Mikey:

I'm always interested in your posts to better know AA operational matters. However, I seldom agree with your union philosophy. But, I was very much in tune with your post at 01:57 earlier today.

Because of the typos and the syntax, I suspect you were tired. I'm about the same now - just home from many days away and hours of flying. But I want you to know that some of us pax (I'm AA PLT) feel your pain, just as we hope you feel ours in just getting on the airplane. Both can result in a bad attitude.

Best Wishes,


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