I want your exact spot. LOL Aren't you on the bid closing committee? Could you see what you could do about that?
As far as I'm concerned you can have it (might have to fight off some others though).
Yes, and as soon as I can talk them into paying me A330 rates till I retire - first things first, ya know!!!
But don't you think those(some) vacancies in the 73/AB will be available to recalls?
To preface, any generallity is going to have exceptions - especially when it comes to pilots and bidding. Take the same ten jobs and have ten pilots list them in order of preference, and I'd just about guarantee that they'd come up with at least 9 different lists.
That said, it probably won't be too much trouble for the furloughees to decide whether to come back or not until the first recalls start coming off their freeze - there'll be some 737/Airbus F/O jobs available, probably a smattering of E190 Capt jobs, then the E190 F/O jobs to choose from and they'll know what they can hold when they have to make their decision.
By the time the freezes start expiring for the first recallees (when they could get a shot at a 737/Airbus job ahead of a more senior pilot still on furlough), we'll most likely be working under a combined contract. Who knows what the bidding/recall provisions will be like then.
So for now, this is much ado about nothing but a potential problem. The much bigger problem that could appear sooner, IMHO, is the possibility of accepting recall to a 737/Airbus job only to be displaced to the E190, when the recall would have been passed if the only choice was the E190. Hopefully, attrition will make this a very slim possibility but the potential is there with aircraft leases expiring and leasors being able to take some airplanes back early.