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US Airways - AWA ALPA EMB-190 Dispute

Pilots or FAs have little to do with how efficient their company is (other than giving away duty rigs during negotiation)at AC Utilization.
That being what it is Nicolau would certainly have to include the 'staffing per' during his award.
Pilots or FAs have little to do with how efficient their company is (other than giving away duty rigs during negotiation)at AC Utilization.
That being what it is Nicolau would certainly have to include the 'staffing per' during his award.

The pilot and f/a contracts have quite a bit to do with how efficiently crews are utlized. As any east pilot or scheduler will tell you, pilot staffing has operated on a razor thin edge for quite a while on the east side.

And w/ regard to FAR min.... does the west staff any pilot trips above FAR min? If so, that would be something the east has never done, at least as long as I've been here.