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US Hires more pilots

Spent a couple days this week at the CLT Training Center. Heard from an instructor who handles the indoc (redoc?) course for the returning furloughees. 70 some accepted, 66 showed, and 15 or so left on day one after signing the roster. A few more left during the course of the week. They expect more to leave when the aircraft/base assignments are handed out. A few will hang in there if there is a free type rating involved, then "suddenly" see greenr pastures elsewhere. More power to them.

I was also told that every furloughed pilot has had their "last chance letter," and that except for a few special case "mop up" situations, the last class of furloughees is scheduled for mid-October.

Heard that Tempe is bragging that they have current 1500 pilot applications on file. (Back in the day, I remember when the old Piedmont had 15,000!) I think 1500 is pretty pathetic, actually, and what they probably don't realize is that every one of those 1500 pilots probably has an application in at EVERY major in the country. And USAirways is probably at the bottom of their list for choices. "Gee, I got a call from Southwest and USAirways for a class date. What a tough choice!" NOT!

Or, "Gee, I got a call from [insert the name of any major carrier] and USAirways for a class date. What a tough choice!" NOT!

As the other legacy carriers start to have their own attrition begin to kick in, that pool of 1500 will dry up faster than a wet-nap in the Mojave.