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And I don't understand why a union member would push for a vote not to have representation.
This is simply a difference of opinion. I guess we'll all just have to wait and see how it goes. Agreed?
The purpose of the vote is to determine who will represent the only way it becomes a question of if there is representation is if we the members let it. So if that is the outcome you have only yourself to blame.
Exactly. If there's a vote, then each and every member that is eligible to vote needs to vote. But it's been said before that the members have become apathetic and just won't vote........because it's always been that way. So in the end, the vote counts.

I don't understand why a member wouldn't excercise the right to vote.
:mf_boff: I've said it before and I guess I will just have to say it again. This little face in front will be you and the one in the back will be Doug Parker laughing and partying when you are de-certified.

:wacko: Why is it when those of us who have been through 3 mergers/ 5 union elections under the NMB/ Having the Teamsters with a good contract, then losing the union and being de-certified, and losing everything we had in that contract, resulting in being non-union for almost another 10 years, you all think we don't know what we're talking about.

Think in terms of your kids. If someone with years of experience (you) tell them not to do something, chances are they will still do it. Problem is we, as workers won't have mom and dad to pick us up when we are out on our asses.

You really want to believe that under the NMB, if there is an election at either group (Mech. or Ramp) that all the pieces will just fall into place and you will still have union representation when its all over, but the truth is that the rules that govern such an election are so one sided (in the companies favor) that it's almost impossible to even win an election with the 50% +1 rule.
We even had to have a re-vote once due to company interference in the election, which should have been a second chance for all to see and still were not able to get 50%+1.
Just think of all of the folks who are on furlough with re-call. On the ramp side that is everyone at US east that were furloughed in the last 4 years. Every one of those who do not respond or even recieve a ballot count as a vote for no-union, and the company only has to supply the last known address of all on the list.
That is if the list supplied by the company is even correct. In past elections the company would include ghost names and managers to inflate the eligible member lists making almost certain the election would result in no unuon.
So if you all really want to take the chance, be prepared for what will happen.
Just so all of the naysayers out there know. Those of us who have been through this before are not IAM or IBT cronies, we are just smart enough to know where we will be if an election takes place. because we've experienced it first hand.

Election IAM vs (TWU/IBT)= no union :mf_boff: And don't forget this face, it could be yours.
Looks like some of the IAM boys dont want that vote. All I see is a bunch of boys riding on the shirt tails of A/P mech and think they will lose their meal ticket.
Dog Wonder sounds like Mr-700????lol
:mf_boff: which should have been a second chance for all to see and still were not able to get 50%+1.
Just think of all of the folks who are on furlough with re-call. On the ramp side that is everyone at US east that were furloughed in the last 4 years. Every one of those who do not respond or even recieve a ballot count as a vote for no-union, and the company only has to supply the last known address of all on the list.
Lets get the vote started. myself and alot of others will not be voting. 😛 😀 🙄

And I don't understand why a union member would push for a vote not to have representation.
Because they both s***
Exactly. If there's a vote, then each and every member that is eligible to vote needs to vote. But it's been said before that the members have become apathetic and just won't vote........because it's always been that way. So in the end, the vote counts.

I don't understand why a member wouldn't excercise the right to vote.

One reason

The laid off members, especially the large number of east utility workers that have moved on knowing they will never be recalled, don't have any reason to care about a vote. These members as of now have a right to vote unless the NMB determines they are not eligible. No one knows yet if and how they will rule.
The Teamsters will get the cleaners and so on removed from the vote by the NMB as you say they will never be coming back. The new USAIR (LCC) will farm it out as they do at AWA.
The Teamsters will get the cleaners and so on removed from the vote by the NMB as you say they will never be coming back. The new USAIR (LCC) will farm it out as they do at AWA.

Sorry you may state that as a fact but it is just your opinion and in truth a unknown at this time. The NMB decides you and how many if any are removed. The new USAIR already farms all but 50 or so of their jobs. Those jobs remaining are the reason the others have recall rights. (wonder why the IAM made sure they were still on property?) The new USAIR cannot farm out rest of utility without the surviving union negotiating them away. Dues paying members? You think IBT will send them away?
Out of sight,out of mind.

"What do we care about (Insert outsourced station here), we're in (Insert large station in no danger of being outsourced), screw those guys in the sand!!"

Sorry HP, you're boned.

And for you HP folks that survive the destruction the IAM will wreak on you and your coworkers,expect an increase in dues for the quality representation you have recieved. :blink:
Amfa has tried that twice at UAL and has never been succesful.

It is Mechanics and Utility or Cleaners on the same CBA;UAL,US,NW,AA, WN.

Don't let facts get in your way.
Ah once again someone who does not know nor have an interest interjects.

It is called CLASS AND CRAFT for a reason, both of them are related as most jobs that utility does were once done by mechanics.

Since you never worked or been in overhaul (base or heavy mtc) you would not know that mechanics and utility work hand and hand together.
Fleet service on the ramp stay with the IAM .TWU too weak
to go up against management. Iam can now take back
31 in all I believe on the old US system that IAM represents. This layed off employees can look fwd to be
called back as soon as the IAM straightens the contract out
which represents all employees ,active and layed off
that are ready to come back and run an airline. Not
this so called contractors that are only bleeding the
stock holders and the investors.

penison comes out of the IAM TRUST in which the company has to put
so much percent of your hourly wage. Plus you will have a 401k
2 penisons.

hell management says the get 30 to 80 percent if they meet their goals.

you should look at the iamnp website they even says that there will be pension deficencies in 2 yrs. The IAM has no plan to protect the TWU or IBT employees, they have never stated what they will do to protect the IBT or TWU employees. The IBT and TWU will protect employees to the fullest all the IAM has done is sell all employees out. if you are stuck with the IAM you will be sold out or also known as I am screwd
The IAMNPP is fully funded and thensome, they raised benefits because the plan was so overfunded, unlike the ibt plans.
Ah once again someone who does not know nor have an interest interjects.

It is called CLASS AND CRAFT for a reason, both of them are related as most jobs that utility does were once done by mechanics.

Since you never worked or been in overhaul (base or heavy mtc) you would not know that mechanics and utility work hand and hand together.
I bet all that schooling that the utility person has is just like a AMT. look I have a license. to run and operate a vacuum and proper rag wipes per square inch.LOL

And all the schools a AMT goes to and keeps current on the aircraft plus the license airframe and power plant and the responsibility for safety of flight. AND ALL YOU AS A AMT GET IS $2.00 MORE AN HOUR FOR ALL THIS RESPONSIBILITY.
And to top it all off this high school drop out gets to vote on your contract witch in turn is your future.lolololololol

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