The IAM dosen't even know what was imposed in their current agreement, example when you bid a job you are required to stay in that position for one year, what they didn't know or bother to tell anybody was getting recalled to a station that you weren't laid off from counted as a bid, however if you get called back to the station you were laid off from that dosen't count as a bid are you confused yet. Basically what has happened is say guys commuted to PIT got laid off put CLT as their recall station got recalled to CLT a job goes up for bid say on the Line, the more senior guy that just got recalled is stuck in GSE while the junior guy gets the bid to the Line, but if you were laid off out of PIT and recalled to PIT then you are still eligible for one bid it makes no sense at all. My point is in one case you are charged a bid in the other you are not, bottom line is you are still coming off recall, nobody finds out about these situations till a member gets burnt and if I'm not mistaken the Union even filed a grievance about this issue which tells me they had no idea how the process worked either, how many other examples will the members have to find out for themselves. But we are talking about the IAM