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Funny under the ibt contract you have a lot of unlicensed mechanics in your hangar doing work that should be done by AMTs.

And if you are so sure of eliminating utility and stock clerks why are you begging for them to sign cards too?
Funny under the ibt contract you have a lot of unlicensed mechanics in your hangar doing work that should be done by AMTs.

And if you are so sure of eliminating utility and stock clerks why are you begging for them to sign cards too?
Our stock clerks have there own IBT contract and do not ride on my shirt tails or vote on the AMT's contract.

Our Interior Techs are unlicensed or have a A or P and work on aircraft seats and so on. IT is our way for a tech to get his A/P.( the key word here is TECH ).
All unions on the property, ALPA, AFA, CWA, IAM and the TWU all recieved negotiation expenses reiumbursed for all three rounds of concessions, just like the all the unions at all the legacies carriers.

And barbee, dont waste your time, this is about the Mechanic and Related, not fleet.

700 why don't you follow your own advise? KEEP YOU NOSE OUT OF FLEET'S BUSINESS. :up: But no.... you can give others such advise, but I can guarantee you can't do it yourself. If anyone (retired, active, fleet, pilot, f/a, management, customer, etc) has ANYTHING to say about your beloved IAM that you don't like....you jump right in. PLEASE FOLLOW YOUR OWN ADIVSE RESPOND ONLY TO MAINT AND RELATED! :up: :up: :up:
Ah once again someone who does not know nor have an interest interjects.

Does this mean if you don't agree with what is being said then you can't post here? I quess I need to read the rules for this board again. Is this a typical iam attitude?
Good call Paul... There have been rumors about as to former IAM officials now working for the NMB maybe they got the word befor the company or the other union involved..

Quote from IAM attorney Bob Bush regarding NMB member's appointments,

"Other unions, ALPA, the IAM, AFA, they were extremely instrumental in who got appointed to the National Mediation Board."
Quote from IAM attorney Bob Bush regarding the NMB's susceptibility to influence,

" -- when you have no influence, what are you going to get done? I mean, nothing's going to get done."

Quote from IAM attorney Bob Bush regarding NMB member's appointments,

"Other unions, ALPA, the IAM, AFA, they were extremely instrumental in who got appointed to the National Mediation Board."
Quote from IAM attorney Bob Bush regarding the NMB's susceptibility to influence,

" -- when you have no influence, what are you going to get done? I mean, nothing's going to get done."

now what? you going to cry in public because things aren't going your way??
The dudes trying to say influencing in labors best interests....and that includes IBT dude.
now what? you going to cry in public because things aren't going your way??
The dudes trying to say influencing in labors best interests....and that includes IBT dude.

Selective labor "dude". The IAM in particular. Now I know what you meant by "the fix is in" dell. 🙂
Ah once again someone who does not know nor have an interest interjects.

It is called CLASS AND CRAFT for a reason, both of them are related as most jobs that utility does were once done by mechanics.

Since you never worked or been in overhaul (base or heavy mtc) you would not know that mechanics and utility work hand and hand together.
I dont remeber a time when AMT cleaned seat backs and vacumed a/c. most places flt att do that.To walk a wing, utility show of never done that. they can't walk and talk at the same time let-alone walk a wing and watch-out for things.
Amfa has tried that twice at UAL and has never been succesful.

It is Mechanics and Utility or Cleaners on the same CBA;UAL,US,NW,AA, WN.

Don't let facts get in your way.

Interesting article:

"IAM Degrades Aircraft Mechanics!

The International Association of Machinists is again engaged in a dishonest propaganda campaign targeted toward skilled craftsmen. The industrial union, having completed it’s shameful transformation into an appendage of airline management, and dominated by unskilled laborers, is attempting to portray itself as a legitimate labor organization suddenly concerned with the professionalism of Aircraft Mechanics. Fortunately, a clear and well documented record exists detailing the Machinists’ historical efforts to degrade Aircraft Mechanics. The evidence illustrates that no organization, labor or management, has debased the professional Aircraft Mechanic as thoroughly, or as publicly, as the IAM."
nice article dude...from IBT i suppose...i see no source.

tell us of the IBT's success at runoff votes turning into decertifications....i hear theres a few... :lol:
nice article dude...from IBT i suppose...i see no source.

tell us of the IBT's success at runoff votes turning into decertifications....i hear theres a few... :lol:
A little help there for you GONZO
IAM Degrades Aircraft Mechanics!

The International Association of Machinists is again engaged in a dishonest propaganda campaign targeted toward skilled craftsmen. The industrial union, having completed it’s shameful transformation into an appendage of airline management, and dominated by unskilled laborers, is attempting to portray itself as a legitimate labor organization suddenly concerned with the professionalism of Aircraft Mechanics. Fortunately, a clear and well documented record exists detailing the Machinists’ historical efforts to degrade Aircraft Mechanics. The evidence illustrates that no organization, labor or management, has debased the professional Aircraft Mechanic as thoroughly, or as publicly, as the IAM.

<rest snipped....click the link if you want>
nice article dude...from IBT i suppose...i see no source.

tell us of the IBT's success at runoff votes turning into decertifications....i hear theres a few... :lol:

No....it's not from the IBT. Yes......tell me of run-off votes turning into desertification. How many have there been when a vote was taken. I am always hearing of the Allegheny but no others. 🙂
Bob Bush is not an IAM Attorney, he is a private practice attorney who has been used for his services in the past.

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