Deny your past all you want, but on this post below you admit what you said in a prior posting about your personal bankruptcy. Perhaps your heart aches have slipped your mind.
All grievances deserve an answer or is the inner circle above talking to the paying membership?
This is why the IAM must go!
delldude Jan 2 2003, 11:16 PM
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/2/2003 11:53:25 AM pitguy wrote:
[P]DELLDUDE,[BR][BR]In response to your query I reply with the following. I feel that for me the new company may not be worth staying. The direction of the work environment is not one to which I find conducive for happy employment for someone whom has possible as many as 20 years left to work. If I was an employee that is older such as yourself and only had a few years left before retirement then I possible could see one sticking it out. As far as the other areas of your inquiry I am not sure what information you are seeking or the point you are trying to make. If I recall correctly you have stated that you were a steel mill worker and have no other education except for the government funded A&P training that you received and that after your layoff from the steel mill you proceeded approximately three years unemployed and collected welfare. With the stress of this causing broken relationships and a bankruptcy. I for one could definitely understand the emotionally turmoil this must have caused and truly feel that a relapse into these social issues would be counter productive for a healthy individual. Every person has their limits as to what and when they feel they need to react and I feel it is prudent for me to take the actions I have in preparation for any forthcoming opportunities. I truly wish you the best of luck and hope 2003 is a grand year for you.[BR][BR]P.S.- Maybe this will help answer part of your question. I would not pay a premium to employ an individual whom has no education or marketable skills and is easily replaceable. I would compensate them at a modest rate.[BR][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]brother,i feel your pain...i too have an easy 20 years of which to enjoy gainful employment.if i can find someone of your youthful age to push my wheelchair around the workplace,i will feel free and unencumbered to do my best even in the advanced state of life that i am burdened with.i am assured of work into my 70's with recent legislation and help from the americans with disabilities act that should assure me of a place to spend my waning days working on aircraft.during the hardships that you have so kindly mentioned,i must,if i may tell you that someday my youthful friend,you may have to endure similar if not more tragic venues(which i pray not).i fear not of upcoming events as i was preversed in the dilema many years ago..my concern is for people like you who will be forced to deal with events and learn as you go.i dealt with my situation in the past and am very well prepared to deal with my future .call it what you like,but my past dilema's were great learning experiences both personally and spiritually.may you also be blessed .[BR] you seem to be quite sad in your posts...i feel a great emptiness on your side...if you are so torn up,why do you persist to endure the pain of employment? if your grand plan is so worthwhile,wwhy don't you end the pain?[BR] my friend,what you call a marketable skill and what you have to market are some of lifes cruel learning experiences.[BR][BR]'let he who has not sinned,cast the first stone"