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Funny the letter HP sent to the NMB shows a few mechanics still on furlough.

Posted on the 104 web page.

By the way US is hiring off the street in PHL, BOS and DCA.

Don't let the facts get in your way!

Those guys were in bwi and they were let go by the company around 6mo ago when they stopped doing 757 a checks there when they started up etops, they were all offered jobs within the system but took the layoffs.

well if you ran glass off ,whys he working in tempe?? :lol:

He is not with the new company that was showed before he has his own outfit in dca he does contract work, he was not involved with any union contracts that were in work!

And why does HP outsource all heavy mtc to Timco and Aeroman if you ran off Glass?

Again ole smart one how many times til it sinks in (just work on those parts buddy) that was all done by Bill Franke well before this happened!

How many times do I have to tell you that the ibt was unable to bring the work back in-house for almost ten years now?

Don't let the facts get in your way!

Your IAM let the company contract out more work then the IBT has and you keep mouthing off!!!!
" just worry about your parts and let us take care of the planes!!!!
You guys have no clue.

Your beloved ibt was/is helpless to bring the work back.

Since 1998 you have shown that.

Keep Trying!
the IAM just keeps losing work and the tool/utility/stock clerk positions are next.

yeah bub,its decertification..just like last time IBT was on U property!
good, 2 years of not having to hear from dell/700 and utility/tool/stock clerk positions go away.
I Got A $7.00 An HOUR RAISE And The Pay Freeze Removed That We Had Been Under Form 1991 Plus All The Benefits. We Got Workers And Jobs That Were Farmed Out Returned.
dude the question wasn't about your distortion from the truth but actually like I said before, how many got canned as your result of buying a contract from IBT? and now you tell me you recieved a $7.00 RAISE AT THE EXPENSE OF FARMING OUT YOUR WORK??and what of those guys and gals you worked next to everyday that lost their jobs due to your unionistic venture??
ahhh dude ,you didn't get a contract until 1998 when you bought one from IBT... :shock:
Thoughs of us that were FIRED in 95 were given a chance to come back starting in 99 everyone that wanted to come back came back others went on to other carears.
dude the question wasn't about your distortion from the truth but actually like I said before, how many got canned as your result of buying a contract from IBT? and now you tell me you recieved a $7.00 RAISE AT THE EXPENSE OF FARMING OUT YOUR WORK??and what of those guys and gals you worked next to everyday that lost their jobs due to your unionistic venture??
ahhh dude ,you didn't get a contract until 1998 when you bought one from IBT... :shock:
in 98 when the IBT was bought no one lost there job.
i agree wait till it is all done and the transition agreement is signed ( if there is one ). poeple might not like that c checks will come back over time not over night.
again that is if people vote and i would bet most will not.
Ahhh....the wondrous world of "what if". Those two words cover so much and so little at the same time. They speak volumes for those who have fear of the worst possibilities. They speak nothing to the those who are confident of an outcome, good or bad. Those words cause some to question their motives and others their requirements.

Living in the world of "what if" is a distraction at best and is for those who have no commitment. Choose a value and stand up for it.

Just a thought.

"back to our regularly scheduled programs" 🙂
dude the question wasn't about your distortion from the truth but actually like I said before, how many got canned as your result of buying a contract from IBT? and now you tell me you recieved a $7.00 RAISE AT THE EXPENSE OF FARMING OUT YOUR WORK??and what of those guys and gals you worked next to everyday that lost their jobs due to your unionistic venture??
shh dude ,you didn't get a contract until 1998 when you bought one from IBT... :shock:
NO ONE GOT canned as your result of buying a contract from IBT.

During This Time The Company On DEC 2ND 1995 Fired 500 Techs, SHUT DOWN C-CK, Backshops And Employees And SOLD ALL TOOLS FOR C-CK AND FARMED OUT C-CK.

We Got OUR CONTRACT AND WE GOT OUR MEMBERS BACK Plus A RAISE And The Pay Freeze Removed That We Had Been Under Form 1991 Plus All The Benefits.


The only reason HP brought you all back was not to pay the massive fine by the FAA.
well after asking yesterday several times...thank you for the information....
you are right , i beieve you or someone else posted that a while ago..
you guys try and make issue out of the fact that IAM members were forced out of work due to BK contract modifications...most knowingly voted themselves out the door with the realization that maybe they would be able to come back to something if it helped the company to survive.they hold a high chance for callback due to the high seniority at U and now there are good chances many will realize this.
working at U was a rollercoaster ride with all the rumors and truths of a twice failed plan of reorganization....IAM did not put its members in harms way,i don't care how you look at it.IAM approached U with their own cost savings plan more than once and were told basically to take a hike....all the glasses and hemingways had a better plan and ramrodding concessions down peoples throats with the stark realization that if concessions weren't made voluntarily,they would be imposed drastically upon the IAM membership with catasrophic job loss.
we had the opportunity of living through this nightmare and none wish to go it again.....remember the old indian proverb:
don't judge a person until you've walked a mile in their moccasins 😉
A total comprehensive package was given to the company on 1/5/05 and it met the target and preserved most of the jobs.

The company rejected saying it kept too many people on the payroll and they did not want to be in the maintenance business.

Welcome to the world of Glass and Hemenway.
The only reason HP brought you all back was not to pay the massive fine by the FAA.

ROFL.....good response 7. By the way I like thin crust, with everything..... no anchovies. You need to start practicing again....... 🙂
America West Airlines fined for 41,000 safety violations
By Martin McLaughlin
16 July 1998
The Federal Aviation Administration has settled a safety complaint against America West Airlines after the Arizona-based airline agreed to pay $2.5 million in a civil penalty while not making any admission of wrongdoing. The FAA agreed to waive another $2.5 million in penalties provided the airline complies with an agreement to change its maintenance procedures.

The dimensions of the alleged violations of safety regulations are staggering. According to the FAA, 17 America West Airbus A320 jets made 41,000 flights after they were overdue for structural inspections. Airbus Industrie, the European manufacturer of jetliners, notified airlines in 1994 that the A320 jets needed structural inspections of the cargo doors, but America West did not carry them out for two years.

Other violations charged by the FAA include allowing 737 and 757 jets to take off with their cargo improperly secured and putting a 757 jet into service without making a required repair.

While the penalty paid by America West was headlined in the US media as the largest fine in US aviation history, the $2.5 million fine is barely a slap on the wrist for an airline which made record profits of $75 million in 1997.

Given the large number of violations, the fine averages a little over $50 per violation. In other words, the airline is paying less of a penalty for potentially putting hundreds of lives at risk than an ordinary motorist would pay for a traffic ticket.

The cozy relations between the FAA and the airlines it is charged with regulating were exemplified in the language of the agency's press release, which emphasized the "positive manner in which the carrier's management team responded to the allegations."

The settlement was announced on the day of a Senate hearing on legislation, introduced by Arizona Republican John McCain, which would award America West 12 of the 24 new landing slots at Washington's National Airport.

America West has followed in the footsteps of ValuJet and other startup airlines which have gained niches in the industry by outperforming their rivals in cost-cutting. In 1997, according to the company's annual report, it reduced its operating cost per available seat mile by 2.2 percent over 1996, to 7.27 cents, 23 percent less than the average for other domestic airlines.

The company had the highest aircraft utilization rate in the industry, operating its 102 jets an average of 12.3 hours per day, up from 11.8 hours in 1996. It cut its labor costs per seat mile from 1.97 cents in 1995 to 1.77 cents in 1997, mainly by eliminating the jobs of 500 mechanics who performed heavy aircraft maintenance. This work was contracted out in December 1995, and the mechanics fired.

The violations alleged by the FAA included problems with procedures at the contract maintenance bases, and America West agreed to better supervise its subcontractors as part of the settlement of the complaint.

America West's treatment of the mechanics is typical of labor relations in the airline industry, going back to the mass firings of the PATCO air traffic controllers in 1981 by Reagan. Since then airline after airline has broken strikes, fired workers and subcontracted jobs virtually at will.

The insignificant penalty imposed on America West also contrasts sharply to the fate of PATCO and its members. The union was dissolved in bankruptcy under the burden of strike-related fines, and the strikers were blacklisted for a dozen years. Only a handful ever returned to work in the air traffic control towers.

APA 90-98
Date Posted: July 14, 1998
FAA Announces Civil Penalty Settlement Against America West
WASHINGTON -- The Federal Aviation Administration today announced an agreement to settle a $5 million civil penalty with America West Airlines of Phoenix, Ariz., by accepting a payment of $2.5 million and suspending the remaining $2.5 million if the carrier complies with the terms of the agreement. The settlement involves alleged violations of aircraft maintenance and operations regulations.

In reaching the agreement, the FAA considered America West's overall record of compliance with Federal Aviation Regulations and the positive manner in which the carrier's management team responded to the allegations. The signing of the agreement does not constitute an admission of wrongdoing by America West.

"The airline understands it must meet the FAA's stringent standards and we expect full accountability for any air carrier's failure to comply with safety regulations," said FAA Administrator Jane F. Garvey. "The FAA is pleased with America West's cooperative attitude, actions to correct problems and commitment to operate at the required levels of safety."

The FAA has found that America West is currently qualified to operate under aviation safety rules and regulations. Today's actions require that the carrier have the appropriate systems in place to maintain safety. Under the settlement agreement, America West must implement improvements that exceed regulatory requirements

Alleged violations cited in the settlement agreement include conducting numerous flights of 17 Airbus A320 airplanes overdue for significant structural inspections. Also cited were instances in which passenger and cargo flights were made with cargo hold webbing improperly installed, and a case in which an aircraft was put back in service with an elevator part not serviced according to requirements.

This announcement is being made in accordance with the FAA's policy of releasing information to the public on newly issued enforcement actions involving penalties of $50,000 or more.

### An electronic version of this news release is available via the World Wide Web at: http://www.faa.gov
suddenly nothing to say?

tag teaming@12:49est
So.....what's your point?
Not just history but ancient history. The days of Bill Franke. Yes, the company was leaving out scheduled maintenance and other items as well as reducing its maintenance work force to an illegal level. 🙂

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