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USAirways pilots labor thread 7/23-7-29

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The Hearing Board is comprised of three members of our peers. The Hearing Board found Ms. LeCarre and Mr. Albers guilty of violating Article X.1.(j):

j. Doing any act contrary to the best interests of the Union or its members.[/b]

"The board clearly found Ms. LeCarre and Mr. Albers guilty of theft, lying, and breaching the trust of the joint negotiations committee...""


Clearly you are incorrect. They were acquitted of those charges.

j. Appears to be a very broad subject. Anyone could be found in violation of anything.

Saying that they were found guilty of the other things is overreaching and wrong. If they had they would have been punished. Instead both sides. East and west were told to try and work it out and get along.

The charges that you attempt at attribute they were found NOT guilty of.

They are both still in their position. They were not removed. Try and think for a minute. If they had been found guilty of what you say. Why would the AFA leave them in place.

That is what Flores was hoping for. Remove any opposition to his power grab. Why did he keep information from the west president?

The panel consisted of AFA Officers from three other airlines. The charges before the Board were violations of:

Article X.1.(a) Acquitted
Article X.1.(d) Acquitted
Article X.1.(g) Acquitted
Article X.1.(i) Acquitted
Article X.1.(j) Upheld
Article X.1.(l) Acquitted

The Hearing Board regretted that this dispute was not resolved among the parties before coming to Washington, DC on June 24, 2009. After the Hearing Board heard testimony and evidence they found LeCarre/Albers in Violation of Article X.1.(j) and directed them to "refrain from any similar conduct in the future" and furthermore directed the parties to "make every reasonable effort to rebuild a mutual trust on the JNC and to continue to negotiate a single contract for the US Airways flight attendants." I have not been informed of any instances where this matter has impeded an already sluggish Merged Negotiation of 3 1/2 years. We all must work together for one common goal " a merged agreement to improve the quality of life for all US Airways flight attendants both East and West. In the future I am in hopes that any information afforded to any member of the JNC would be shared with all members of the JNC for the benefit of our membership. The JNC is comprised of two members from the East and two members from the West
To be honest I don't think the AFA issue is relevant to this topic thread.

It's relevant for the America West pilots. It's easy enough to start to believe your own sound bites "angry F/O club" now, Captain " I hate you guys " is making the rounds amoung the East F/A group. Okay - perhaps not the most timely issue - but I know a gaggle of PIT gals who wish for a 'candid conversation' with a West pilot. And, ironically enough, the AFA gals are more hard over on Date of Hire for pilots than the USAPA dudes. But they always did have more backbone than the front end weenies.
Where have you EVER seen me say either of them? Oh, and what sound bites are you referring to?

Now you can apologize.

It is relevant to any West pilot thinking of bidding East and the sound bite comment was clearly ( to me ) contained in a generic sentence to that pilot group.

I used to look forward to your postings HP but no longer.

Moving on to another post:

I was an ALPA committee chair. Our MEC office was located near the airport and if a commuter was in town for business one of us would pick him/her up. I submitted exactly one expense report during the three year span I was a committee chair and none as a volunteer.

One expense report in 3 years, what kind of back water Committee was that? Thanks for proving my point - imagine if you had to show up every week out of base 156 times
Merger Committee

The Merger Committee Updates on this page are for historical purposes only. Please interpret any position statements included on this page that conflict with the court order issued by Judge Wake as historical information, not the current position of the Merger Committee as compelled by court order pending appeal.

I guess the reality of the situation is starting to land in CLT HQ. This is the header listed under the merger committee on the USAPA web site.

Taking usapa at their word. DOH is HISTORY. The USAPA seniority list is missing too.

Is everyone beginning to understand now?
Freighter, I will point out that you quoted me leading into your post. That is where I was coming from.

I will drop this now.
Are you beginning to understand?

I don't think so, but you guys keep on spinning things, that's what you do best, :lol: :lol: The Nic ain't going anywhere, so relax.
I know. You guys may never understand, but the Nicolau is the list. No spin required. I have a 53 page finding of fact and a federal injunction that says the Nicolau is the seniority.

What have you got that says it ain't going to happen?

No spin required when you have the facts on your side.

ps That is so 80's. "Frankie says RELAX"
Well, I am a little older than you, do you guys think you'll even be around buy the end of year or so?
If you are so will we. If you forgot. Single carrier, single airline, single corporation.
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