Megasnoop said: “What arbitration took 2 years? Yeah, debating something you cant win, not much logic in that. And its pay restoration, not snap back.â€
USA320Pilot comments: If I thought the US Airways pilot group would obtain “pay restoration†I would be the first one to jump on the bandwagon. However, many people smarter than you and I who were directly involved in LOA 93 negotiations along with people like Stephen Bradford have said it is unlikely the East pilot group will obtain “pay restoration.†I have a lot of respect for Donn Butkovic, but many people with knowledge of the situation disagree with his well-written opinion. I’m not going to go into this more, but Arbitrations can take up to two years to complete if a party decides to stall the process. Do I like this? No, of course not, but it’s reality.
Megasnoop said: “The $35M for our LTD pilots comes to mind. And yesterday's MEC 07-05-01 Jets for Jobs Benefits and Pay arbitration win. Also stopping the fuel bump intimidation.â€
USA320pilot comments: The majority of the LTD Arbitration work was done by ALPA R&I including representatives from Herndon and people like Rich Alter and Mark Minor. In fact, ALPA attorney Paul Girdany wrote all of the legal work. USAPA inherited the work done by ALPA with USAPA simply obtaining the Opinion & Award.
USA320Pilot comments: All I know they have done is misrepresent information, personally enrich them self with increased pay, authorized them self new vehicles for their use provided by the union, and authorized them self OCONUS/GSA per diem breaking campaign promises to the pilot group.
Megasnoop said: “Oh come on, same old song. They cant hold a candle to the FPL and perks our former MEC had. Please site campaign promises broken. Kind of hard to understand your biting the hand that helped you out. “
USA320Pilot comments: Former NC Chairman Doug Mowery, who was once politically aligned the RC4/5, the Hardliners, and the BPR tried to warn the pilot group about USAPA and people like Mike Cleary and his dishonesty. Mowrey wrote a letter to the pilot group to warn the pilots of USAPA’s lack of character. Click
here to read where Mowrey publicly states "(USAPA) communications to you are, at times, misleading through a failure to tell the 'whole story'."
And, you're wrong about the former MEC's FPL. ALPA officials were never paid a stipend and they never withheld information about their special pay and benefits to the pilot group. Click
here to read about USAPA's special pay that the BPR authorized for them self without asking the membership or permitting the membership to vote on USAPA getting special pay, which I believe we will find out may be a violation of DOL law, when another DFR lawsuit could be filled against USAPA in the not-too-distant future.
Finally, confirming Doug Mowrey's concern and his warning click
here to read about how USAPA changed the UOM when they authorized them self the use of new cars for their personal use that are being paid for by union dues.
What is interesting is that USAPA's East support is collapsing with the Addington decision, Judge Wake's remedy, information coming out that the "pay resostoration" will likely not happen, USAPA's officials personally enriching them self, a 5% chance the Addington appeal will be a successful "slam dunk" (click
here to read more aobut this), and a lack of transparency on the BPR, according to Doug Mowrey.