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USAirways pilots labor thread 7/23-7-29

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That's only what $500-600 per eastie?
No problem. That bill should come just about the same time that $7000 check from their share of the $35 million shows up. It should be fairly painless to hand that money back to Cleary.
No problem. That bill should come just about the same time that $7000 check from their share of the $35 million shows up. It should be fairly painless to hand that money back to Cleary.

Let's assume anyone actually buys this latest BS as a done deal:

It would seem that some are discounting the benefit of enhanced income via west dues payments.

In any case; What's your point?..That an immediate embracing of the nic, supposedly, shortly followed by voting in another entirely sub-standard, subject-to-further-obliteration-in-BK-contract, that entirely eliminates the 70 million/the potential for LOA84 rates/etc.....is somehow a more rational avenue for the east to walk down? :blink: 🙄 :lol:
No problem. That bill should come just about the same time that $7000 check from their share of the $35 million shows up. It should be fairly painless to hand that money back to Cleary.

Very painless, lets drag it out another couple years. Heck for 500 a year to keep you guys from bidding East, worth every dime!
Someone please inform the BPR that they need to set aside 1.8 million dollars for the West legal fees.

Filed this morning.
There will be no claim, more west BS, nice try though!!!!! Keep wasting your money.
I disagree. I doubt that they will get the whole $1.8 mil, but I think that it is likely that they will get a substantial part of it. I want to see whatever they file in support of the motion before I go too far out on a limb with figures.

I had previously made what I termed a very conservative $700k simply based on what I had seen done. But I had no idea of actual rates charged by plaintiffs' counsel nor the actual time billed, so the $1.8 mil doesn't shock me. The USAPA LM-2 was nearly that much and that had a cutoff date in early March, well before the actual trial, so the public knowledge about the USAPA bills from Seham is unknown. But, the fact that the respective bills are seemingly in the same neighborhood causes me to think that the plaintiffs' class counsel claimed amount may well be justifiable and within the range of normal.
And nothing was going to come of the Addington case either, right?

One would think you'd get tired of listening to yourself.
Do you really think you will win the appeal, Your spin is what's tiring, but thats all you have.
I thought you guys were all about the delay yet USAPA just filed a motion to expedite.

Wonder why?
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