- Apr 22, 2005
- 1,182
- 558
In my opinion, the East pilots non-USAPA supporters and the West pilots represent more than 50% of the pilot group and the USAPA vs. West pilot log jam will be broken one of two ways: A merger with an airline larger than US Airways where the NMB will be required by law to administer a Representation Election or the East pilots non-USAPA supporters and the West pilots banding together to elect another union to replace USAPA.
There are a number of reasons why I believe the sentiment has shifted. If you click here, here, here, here, and here you can read why the sentiment is shifting on the East to no longer support USAPA.
P.S. For a comprehensive look at why I believe the East pilot sentiment is shifting to no longer support USAPA click here.
That imposition isn't working out so well, is it?