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US/UA Merger Master Thread

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Pretty much sums it up in one paragraph, taken from another website...

"Over the last 30 years since deregulation, U.S. consumers have been treated to astoundingly low fares and have been unwilling to pay for what it actually costs to run an airline. The American public has given the federal government a free ride on all of their many failings - both with the airline industry and with so many other public policy problems, and refused to demand real change in Washington. Customers want top-notch services at Orbitz prices, every time, and they don't care how they get it: if it means outsourcing reservations to Manila, baggage service to Bangalore, or maintenance to Beijing. All they care about is price, price, price. And as long as that is how consumers behave, then chaos, bankruptcies, poor service and long delays is what they'll get."
The typical American " entitlement " attitude. It's absolutely appauling. I'm sorry, i still firmly believe that the ability to go 1000 miles in 2 hour's is a luxury, not a right.
SWA in DEN is a losing proposition for both F9 and UAL- think US and BWI 8? years ago.

They are "the Borg' and they are coming to get us and UAL and they are running out of places to go.

How about ATL/CVG/MSP/MEM to start. Wonder why they havent hit those markets yet? Could it be because DL and NW dont give up and run?
And neither is flying an unprofitable route just because it is in a union contract.

Let us be somewhat ‘flexible’ here when discussing ‘entitlements’.

No offense to the pilots, but your ‘legacy’ mindset is what is really going to bring us ‘ALL’ down.

So if I am understanding you, the routes and employees of Allegheny and Piedmont of yesterday did not somehow come together (i.e., "merge") to make part of the LCC of today?

Thanks for the clarification.

Allegheny Airlines had not only become USAir about a decade before, but had also merged with PSA before Piedmont came into the picture. The Shuttle was acquired before it became US Airways, with America West added in the last two years (thats when the silly LCC ticker came about).

So, no, it would be a little bit like saying Varney Air Lines picked up some of Pan Am's assets.

Unless of course, you are talking about the wholly owned commuter airlines, Allegheny was indeed absorbed into Piedmont a few years ago, although I doubt that's what you are thinking of.
Since LCC's board members did the shuffle last week, and upper management at UAL changed yesterday, I look for an anouncement to be made by Tues or Weds of next week. Happy Happy Joy Joy... Look Boss, It's getting bigger....

Just my opinion...

Your opinion appears to be sound, but my guess is for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT on May 16.

Allegheny Airlines had not only become USAir about a decade before, but had also merged with PSA before Piedmont came into the picture. The Shuttle was acquired before it became US Airways, with America West added in the last two years (thats when the silly LCC ticker came about).

So, no, it would be a little bit like saying Varney Air Lines picked up some of Pan Am's assets.

Unless of course, you are talking about the wholly owned commuter airlines, Allegheny was indeed absorbed into Piedmont a few years ago, although I doubt that's what you are thinking of.
This is really getting silly. I was referring generally to ALL of the former airlines (yes, including Varney, Boeing Air Transport, Mohawk, etc.) that became today's UA and LCC through various means (except perhaps the HP-U transaction, since that is still in progress to a degree, but even there those entities have been cobbled together in some form). Yes, I see I should have expressed it more clearly; I was in a hurry when I posted. I just listed two of the better-known pieces that came into my head first which became today's UA, and two which became today's LCC. But I see this is beyond the comprehension of some despite my repeated explanation.
The Tempe Wonder Twins in charge of UAL? Oh, I need a drink just thinking about it. The SHOOSH lives! :lol: They are coming to Chicago to jack UAL up AW style 😱 NO worries they will just add the UAL logo into that heritage circle. They are packing the big silvery one in the HQ lobby in bubble wrap for COMAT to ORD. Be very afraid.
The Tempe Wonder Twins in charge of UAL? Oh, I need a drink just thinking about it. The SHOOSH lives! :lol: They are coming to Chicago to jack UAL up AW style 😱 NO worries they will just add the UAL logo into that heritage circle. They are packing the big silvery one in the HQ lobby in bubble wrap for COMAT to ORD. Be very afraid.

Everyone seems to assume that if Parker gets control of UA it will be the same LCC method of operation. I don't think that will happen. I think the whole low cost approach was to try to be unique in the industry, a way to compete with the big boys. If he gets control of a combined US and UA, which would be number one or two in size depending on how many routes we cut, there will be no reason to try and create a low cost carrier. In fact, I would guess that might be part of the negotiation process UA will insist on. They will give Dougie control but under certain conditions that will define the new airline.
I would hope they will have the sense to retain a brand aimed at high yielding business and international travel, rather than the once a year spring break crowd. I'm hoping the point is to not have to be a faux-LCC.
Everyone seems to assume that if Parker gets control of UA it will be the same LCC method of operation. I don't think that will happen. I think the whole low cost approach was to try to be unique in the industry, a way to compete with the big boys. If he gets control of a combined US and UA, which would be number one or two in size depending on how many routes we cut, there will be no reason to try and create a low cost carrier. In fact, I would guess that might be part of the negotiation process UA will insist on. They will give Dougie control but under certain conditions that will define the new airline.

Let's hope so....but I doubt it. Parker's style is to put $$$ in the bank at any cost. He will burn the furniture to do it too; as evidenced by LCC. Investors love this. It's great insurance for their investments; which is what they will demand with todays economy and high fuel prices.
Parker and Kirby in charge of the "new" UAL? I can see it now - 8 FC / 400 Y seats on 747-400s to LAS and MCO, party cups across the Pacific, plastic cups and tuna burritos in FC to Europe and a reservations system run with an abacus. :lol:
Doug and Scott can't even run their own company, let alone UAL/US. Just talk to any employee at USAirways/East.

These are the same guy's who told us that the 190's are the best replacement for the 737's. It's a crapshoot whether the 190's will start and run each day. Brazilian Junk...I'd rather trust Boeing.

It's unfortunate that institutions own the airlines, rather than individuals. No wonder BOD's are held accountable.

What a mess this industry has become..............
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