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Possible UA/US Merger Thread III

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USA320Pilot said: "Both US Airways and United are in deep trouble."

767jetz responded: "Perhaps. But US Airways is considered to be deeper due to their lack of tangible assets to borrow against and raise capital. As everyone knows, solvency is all about liquidity. If and when airlines start to falter, the first to go will probably buoy the rest."

USA320Pilot comments: 767jetz, I do not understand why you as a UA employee frequent the US message board so often and bash the Tempe-based airline. You seem to enjoy negative US news. And, you're very defensive when an analyst or news media person takes a swipe at UA always trying to convince readers why UA is so good and why US is so bad.

The fact is both companies are good airlines with good people and both companies are in deep trouble. If one fails I would not be so certain the other will not too.

Finally, I believe the two comanies will merge, God knows how many times that have tried, and then this discussion may become moot.


USA320Pilot comments: 767jetz, I do not understand why you as a UA employee frequent the US message board so often and bash the Tempe-based airline. You seem to enjoy negative US news. And, you're very defensive when an analyst or news media person takes a swipe at UA always trying to convince readers why UA is so good and why US is so bad.





USA320Pilot said: "Both US Airways and United are in deep trouble."

767jetz responded: "Perhaps. But US Airways is considered to be deeper due to their lack of tangible assets to borrow against and raise capital. As everyone knows, solvency is all about liquidity. If and when airlines start to falter, the first to go will probably buoy the rest."

USA320Pilot comments: 767jetz, I do not understand why you as a UA employee frequent the US message board so often and bash the Tempe-based airline. You seem to enjoy negative US news. And, you're very defensive when an analyst or news media person takes a swipe at UA always trying to convince readers why UA is so good and why US is so bad.

The fact is both companies are good airlines with good people and both companies are in deep trouble. If one fails I would not be so certain the other will not too.

Finally, I believe the two comanies will merge, God knows how many times that have tried, and then this discussion may become moot.


USAir will be chapter 11 by the end of the year. Our stock was down 20% on Friday- UAUA and the rest were down less than half that. Wall Street knows something Doug is not owning up to about the state of our airline. There will not be any relief for LCC with our crushing debt load, poor product and terminal labor strife. Tilton knows this too, so I would speculate that if there were to be a merger with UAL, it will be on their terms. THe same would go for ALPA and their MEC- they have the numbers, the unity and the experience to successfully capitalize from a merger.
Consider this scenario, USA320. UAL cuts a deal with Parker to allow him to be CEO in exchange for most of the domestic cuts come from the LCC side of the house. Perhaps we would see 25% of LCC on the street with the deal but Parker would get what he wanted and the UAL employees will get what they wanted. In other words, both big players are taken care of while we are left out in the cold. Look at the prenup Delta made with their pilots- same is probably happening right now between Tilton, Parker and ALPA. From where you are at right now in your career, I think you would want to stay independent from UAL.

Why did you write "pot, kettle, black?"



P.S. I believe you will hear some very interesitng news this week!
Just like newlyweds, merged airlines have rocky beginnings

Delta and Northwest are tying the knot. US Airways and United want to date—again.

See Story

Stock spotlight

Shares of Chicago-based UAL Corp. -- parent of United Airlines -- fell 7.7 percent to $7.52, bringing its loss for last week to 46 percent because of soaring fuel prices. Other airlines suffered last week, too. AMR, parent of American Airlines, lost more than a quarter of its value. US Airways shares lost 43 percent.

See Story


This merger flip flop talk is driving me crazy.


I bet a grande cinnamon dolce latte it isn't going to happen. Anyone wanna take me up?
Hey Shannon, I agree on both. Those cinnamon dolce's are pretty good but can be bad on a 32inch W.
Look to all of you awa FA’s I know where your coming from , I was until recently still an AWA fleet service worker , but then we got the new contract , and boy is life looking better … I know EXACTLY where many of you stand .. But getting to where we are now at today was NOT EASY at all …. We had to fight and fight and fight , and even then we still had many who wanted to keep pushing for unreasltic goals ..
Geeeeeeez 2012 …. Geeeeeeeez you’ve got to be kidding me ….. If that’s what your waiting for than DANG your one patient work force ….

I know that the pilots are a lost cause , but why are there no AFA threads on this board , your group in general seems rather subdued …. Shouldn’t you be getting really enraged at having gone all this time without a new contract ?
You have NO CLUE WHAT IT IS TO BE AN AWA FLIGHT ATTENDANT my friend!!! 🙄 We are on a outdated B.S contract from 1999, probably before you came here!! Our pay in no way reflects that of the East even after there 2 BK's. From Franke to Parker, they are out to rob the poor even more. You think you won something from your NEW CONTRACT??!! Read between the lines, they hosed you guys as they did the Mechanics. Nothing will change until the Reign changes and actually WANTS to start treating there employees as VALUBLE HUMAN BEINGS and not continued LIABILITIES!!!!!!!!!!! You will get no symphathy from me or the rest of AWA flight Attendants, and I am sure EAST FA's either. MGMT has always been a complete joke all these years. AWA with a little more pant size! Grow up, and get for real! 🙄 :down:
You have NO CLUE WHAT IT IS TO BE AN AWA FLIGHT ATTENDANT my friend!!! 🙄 We are on a outdated B.S contract from 1999, probably before you came here!! Our pay in no way reflects that of the East even after there 2 BK's. From Franke to Parker, they are out to rob the poor even more. You think you won something from your NEW CONTRACT??!! Read between the lines, they hosed you guys as they did the Mechanics. Nothing will change until the Reign changes and actually WANTS to start treating there employees as VALUBLE HUMAN BEINGS and not continued LIABILITIES!!!!!!!!!!! You will get no symphathy from me or the rest of AWA flight Attendants, and I am sure EAST FA's either. MGMT has always been a complete joke all these years. AWA with a little more pant size! Grow up, and get for real! 🙄 :down:
you are spot on WCT this poster is proud he got the worst contract in the industry,achieved by an obviously tainted vote. just look at the revenue threaded he started the poor guy has drank so much koolaid his mind has been affected.personally I am enjoying watching him get his just flaming in multiple threads.Now the entire board knows what we in fleet have known for months.

on this merger does anyone besides me think it is laughable that Parker and Tilton are playing power games to see who leads this train wreck? LOL I don't think either is qualified,I know Parker isn't. The thought of either running the show should frighten the wits out of both US and UA workers

Why did you write "pot, kettle, black?"



P.S. I believe you will hear some very interesitng news this week!

He 767jetz didn't write it.

I did.

I've been around here long enough to watch your thinly veiled glee whenever something happened that might put the UAL pilots at a disadvantage.





You know the old adage.
You have NO CLUE WHAT IT IS TO BE AN AWA FLIGHT ATTENDANT my friend!!! 🙄 We are on a outdated B.S contract from 1999, probably before you came here!! Our pay in no way reflects that of the East even after there 2 BK's. From Franke to Parker, they are out to rob the poor even more. You think you won something from your NEW CONTRACT??!! Read between the lines, they hosed you guys as they did the Mechanics. Nothing will change until the Reign changes and actually WANTS to start treating there employees as VALUBLE HUMAN BEINGS and not continued LIABILITIES!!!!!!!!!!! You will get no symphathy from me or the rest of AWA flight Attendants, and I am sure EAST FA's either. MGMT has always been a complete joke all these years. AWA with a little more pant size! Grow up, and get for real! 🙄 :down:
Every original USAirways employee wishes that could get back their 1999 contract. The reason the contracts SUX for original USAirways employees now is that management tries/try mimic American West labor employees cost. American West had and has some of the worst pay benefits and work rules in the airline industry. American West lower the bar for industry standard
Every original USAirways employee wishes that could get back their 1999 contract. The reason the contracts SUX for original USAirways employees now is that management tries/try mimic American West labor employees cost. American West had and has some of the worst pay benefits and work rules in the airline industry. American West lower the bar for industry standard
Now everyone knows the TRUE REASON, we are underpaid! American West. With all due respect John John, it is AMERICA WEST. And I agree. All the airlines went so LOW to HP salaries, yet US AMERICA WEST FA's are still making 1999 negotiated wages, which are LESS than the EAST after ALL BK 1 and 2 CONSESSIONS!!! You think we are going to stand for another Merger with less than standard wages??? GIVE US ON THE WEST A FU$KING RAISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😱 🙄 :angry:
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