I had been told that you have to re-enter the system from where you were furloughed. If that is the case then the INDY people won't be able to get back into the system.
Many of the IND mechanics "supposedly" refused to bid their seniority and bump the junior man in the system unless it was WHERE they wanted to go... It's been reported or Rumored that they thought the company would re-open Indy One Has to exercise your seniority to keep it My Own daughter was laid off from SFOOV and had the last seniority of Sept 2000. I doubt she'll EVER see recall. and her adjusted seniority wold keep her on he bottom of the list as well. All of this talk about coming back and bumping CAL mechanics is pretty far out I think. If Cal opens a station to accept mechanics then It might be a VERY long time for any CAL mechanic to see Denver , Seattle or Honolulu just as it might be for a UAL mechanic to see MCO Newark or Boston.