Once again, I am not a West pilot, and have never worked for America West or US Airways. So if you have some inside knowledge of the West's legal strategy then great for you. I read Stephens testimony and I think it was not germane to the outcome of the trial. Trusteeship? Who cares?
The point of the trial is that there is a seniority list. Now the East pilots want to reshuffle it. Is it for some higher union purpose, like punishing scabs, or is it for illegitimate purposes like favoring the majority over the minority? To everyone that is not an East pilot it is clearly the latter. The email that Bradford wrote said essentially:
- We found a lawyer to represent us
- He said what we are doing is a violation of the duty of fair representation
- Therefore, we need to hide our true purpose and disguise our intentions
It is clear that not only was USAPA founded on the premise to deny the West pilots their rights, it was intentional and not just an accident. That is not a higher union purpose. You cannot re-order a seniority list willy nilly. Certainly not because you didn't get your way in a final and binding arbitration that you agreed freely to.
So you can call me newbie or claim I am a West pilot spy or whatever you want, I really don't care. I have no interest in the outcome of this case except that it is clear that this is an injustice to the West pilots and it is difficult to watch. On a more personal level, it is good to see that the crackpot theories that the East pilots have used in this ordeal have been destroyed at every step of the way. It makes it easier to argue against my own pilot group using the same crackpot theories.
Now, the East pilots are going to finance their own crackpot secret investigation into the pension termination. Great, now I won't have to pay some assessment to have some crackpot secret investigation for our pension termination. Thanks for saving me the money.
If you're not a west or east pilot maybe you need to set that drink down and go to bed.