The agents just want the final binding arbitration award
Here is a DFR seniority case that some Customer services agents at USAirways had against there union
The CWA found itself in a difficult position. However the union
read Article 12, Section C, it was bound to ignore the wishes of some
set of workers, be it senior employees in the ten closed locations or
more junior employees in numerous other locations. But the fact that
its decision disappointed some of its workers does not mean in itself
that the CWA failed to fairly represent any of its members. The duty
of fair representation prohibits only "invidious" discrimination, such
as discrimination based on constitutionally protected categories like
race or gender, or discrimination that arises from animus or prejudice.
O’Neill, 499 U.S. at 81; see also Considine v. Newspaper Agency
Corp., 43 F.3d 1349, 1359-60 (10th Cir. 1994).