Great Post. Here's the problem you're not addressing. USAPA, with the benefit of hindsight, engineered the C&BL to permanently disenfranchise the West. It's hardly a level playing field...that was by design and it was proven to be Illegal. You sound like a rational guy, the problem is you and guys like you are not running this fake union, the Narcissistic Hardliners that absolutely refuse to allow any fwd movement are running this crazy trainwreck. They have NO intention to actually represent the best interests of ALL US Airways pilots. You're asking what the definition of "fair" is in this business. Actually, there is a universally accepted answer to that question. It's call the Arbitrators Ruling. That's why it's pre-agreed that his word is to be final and binding. Nic. is and the other neutrals are totally unemotional about combining lists. You all picked Nic. and trusted that he would come to a defend-able, articulated, reasoned conclusion. He did. Where in this process is this ALPA's fault? Binding arbitration happens hundreds of times a day in all forms of business. It'd be great to knock off the chicken&^&%$ and "get down to business" but what "business" is there to get down to? USAPA is the union, there is no "west" any more.
There is only one party to this...the pilots of US Airways. USAPA screwed the pooch big time when they went for single carrier status. That evaporated any chance to negotiate another deal because you need TWO parties to negotiate with. They eliminated the smaller one thinking that they'll simply hide behind a trumped up, pre-loaded Constitution and hide behind their version of US Labor Law. Against all advice, (except $eham) they pressed fwd. They violated the Law, the West still has rights, and there is no other mechanism in existence to modify the Nic. Award. AOL isn't a competing labor union. They're a vehicle to organize and finance the defense of the Injured West pilot. They have ZERO power to negotiate any settlement with USAPA. If they did, another group of West pilots could Sue AOL. It's Nic. or nothing. Single Carrier status cemented that in stone. Most of the Vocal Easties here are voting for Nothing. I don't see the other 5000 pilots and their families going along with that. Bottom line, if you want to move fwd. USAPA leadership needs to hit the road. They're Caustic, Immature, Vindictive, Selfish, Narcissistic, incompetent, self aggrandizing, delusional sociopaths. Not quite the combo for a successfully run Labor Union.
Until the full frontal assault on the West from the East stops, you're not going to see any changes. The West holds the high ground, and all the legal cards. A decent contract will pass. Like you, I feel that once the 9th crushes the DOH cram down for good, this thing will really be over and the Rodents that run this fake union will start to jump ship to save face...perhaps the real work of a real union that actually represents ALL the pilots can move fwd. Change comes from the top, and the top of this ugly mountain of SH** union is rotten to the core.
Hopefully rational people such as yourself can help to turn this around.