OK, Without further disputes over anyone's presumed and pompous omniscience; I'd agree that the company realizes savings based upon not paying pilots for jobs thery're not flying. Are you asserting it to be a reasonable notion to demand that of them? If so; I can think of a lot of furloughees/retirees/and those on long term disability that'd be better candidates for such benefits.
If they had achieved that trade-off, indeed if the NAC/BPR had achieved anything in return rather than just rolling over like an obedient puppy, you wouldn't hear us complaining.
That you feel it was a concession without gain's noted. It's my honest take that it was simply an official acknowelgement of reality in the wake of the age 65 change. Opinions on most anything..as we've so frequently noticed and demonstrated hereabouts, will differ.
Which brings us back to:
Fair Treatment for Experienced Pilots Act.
PLANS. Any amendment to a labor agreement or benefit plan
of an air carrier that is required to conform with the requirements
of this section or a regulation issued to carry out this section,
and is applicable to pilots represented for collective bargaining,
shall be made by agreement of the air carrier and the designated
bargaining representative of the pilots of the air carrier.
Are you now suggesting that the NAC/BPR was
required to make the change to conform with the requirements of that section? I'm sure you have access to the entire act; would you be so kind as to highlight precisely where the age 58 limitation was in violation of the act?