You altered a message from an AA pilot to further your argument. It quite obvious that you did it.
I want to know why you did so? Is your position that desperate that you've had to resort to that sort of trickery?
BS. What is "quite obvious" is that you're utterly bereft of even the rudimentary mental facility required to actually answer any of the offered questions, or clearly realize that doing so would allow you too little wiggle room for your pathetic hypocrisy, which in your case, requires a VERY spacious area indeed.
I'll cheerfully leave the readers to determine the degree of "desperate" you've shown there 😉
So...What the real truth is, is that you clearly can't actually answer: WHY isn't all the west BS "logic" that was eagerly employed justifying the nic, equally appropriate to the current scenario?
WHY is not using a "snapshot at the time of the merger" equally valid NOW? WHY isn't assigning ZERO value to those that they aren't going to "bring a job" to this dance, equally "reasonable" for this round? WHY isn't using "where you were at the time of the merger" equally valid now?...Ummm...and WHY can't you answer such simple questions? 😉
There's but few ways to go with this:
1) Your merry little band of zealous nicsters simply don't believe their own opportunistic BS
2) The premises used to justify the nic are naught but trumped up LIES.
3) The "ethics" of nicsters are unquestionably "situational", and are nothing more than a patina of polished BS, which can be removed and replaced whenever it suits them.
4) Nic supporters don't truly BELIEVE in relative seniority, one's position on a list at merger time/etc, as being ANY semblance of an actual PRINCIPLE!!!
You pick.
PS: I guess you really don't need any actual PRINCIPLES...after've got "Integrity Matters" T shirts 😉