US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Well it was a great meeting in PHL today it seems everyone is one the same page big time which is nice. The big item is with alot of the east pilots (my self included) beginning to have problems with unauthorized credit card charges and other issues the FBI will be picking up the pace on this investigation. The three in question should be very worried, I personally think they were the fall guys and that it goes to a higher level in management. This is NOT going to go away so spin it all you want kids. Someones going down for this one.
I want to see the east as a group of mature level-headed professionals who make disciplined deliberate actions in their personal and professional lives, as I imagine they do in the cockpit.

Ok. You didn't answer my question, but from that statement I can gather that you are a west pilot. Isn't it the height of arrogance to proclaim how another group feels? I'm part of that group, and unlike your previous proclamation of fear, fear is the one emotion I haven't seen out east in a while. I've seen anger, frustration, apathy, resignation and determination, but no fear in a while.
Well it was a great meeting in PHL today it seems everyone is one the same page big time which is nice. The big item is with alot of the east pilots (my self included) beginning to have problems with unauthorized credit card charges and other issues the FBI will be picking up the pace on this investigation. The three in question should be very worried, I personally think they were the fall guys and that it goes to a higher level in management. This is NOT going to go away so spin it all you want kids. Someones going down for this one.
Lies. Lies. Lies.

Absolutely Nothing will happen to them. LOL!
Clown, you are the bread and butter of usapa, a mental midget long on rhetoric short on facts and a disposition of a lemming.

This from the orator of the west, the one that delivers such well thought out posts, such as clown, you're a clown, clowns, clowns school. Yeah, your buddies must be proud.
New East bid for July... 55 more pilots.... few less lines..... overall movement in the right direction overall.

Something is up. Blocks are down but there are 48 captain vacancies, only 1 of which is the EMB190. Aqua stated that the east was overstaffed on captains, so why 48 new vacancies? In the past we kinda wondered about resource planning and their bids. The joke was that they were neither a resource nor did they plan! But last time I talked to Dennis he said that all of that was now done in Tempe, so it must be right. What say ye Aqua?
Something is up. Blocks are down but there are 48 captain vacancies, only 1 of which is the EMB190. Aqua stated that the east was overstaffed on captains, so why 48 new vacancies? In the past we kinda wondered about resource planning and their bids. The joke was that they were neither a resource nor did they plan! But last time I talked to Dennis he said that all of that was now done in Tempe, so it must be right. What say ye Aqua?


it's 35 captain openings correct?

49 Plus Minus 14

for a total of 35?

but I see where you are getting the 48... In the vacancy numbers
Well it was a great meeting in PHL today it seems everyone is one the same page big time which is nice. The big item is with alot of the east pilots (my self included) beginning to have problems with unauthorized credit card charges and other issues the FBI will be picking up the pace on this investigation. The three in question should be very worried, I personally think they were the fall guys and that it goes to a higher level in management. This is NOT going to go away so spin it all you want kids. Someones going down for this one.
Unauthorized charges? Take the card away from your wife.

Calling drunk at 2 in the morning to the home shopping network is authorized even if you don't remember.

Really! The FBI investigation is picking up. Care to share any details? Are the arrest just around the corner or will it be a few more weeks? Did Cleary give you his word on it?

Our reps said at the last BPR meeting the east reps authorized a law suit. Where is it? How about the AZ AG? Cleary sent him a big bad letter quoting the law to the man. What has he got to say about the alleged ID theft? Anything?

it's 35 captain openings correct?

49 Plus Minus 14

for a total of 35?

but I see where you are getting the 48... In the vacancy numbers

The way I read it is that we will have 35 more captains at the end of the bid. We have 13 captains leaving, for 48 captain vacancies, 8 of which will be filled by returning captains.

So, if I got it right 40 new capt opportunities, but the company feels it needs a total of 48 more captains to be "more overstaffed", since they like the east better and all. :blink:
Unauthorized charges? Take the card away from your wife.

Calling drunk at 2 in the morning to the home shopping network is authorized even if you don't remember.

Really! The FBI investigation is picking up. Care to share any details? Are the arrest just around the corner or will it be a few more weeks? Did Cleary give you his word on it?

Our reps said at the last BPR meeting the east reps authorized a law suit. Where is it? How about the AZ AG? Cleary sent him a big bad letter quoting the law to the man. What has he got to say about the alleged ID theft? Anything?
Sorry Clear, AMEX issued a new card afiter 2 false charges (wife does not have one of those) I had money transferred form a checking acct to a paypal account which I did not do. It sems awful funny this has never happened. Timing is everything. PS Cleary has nothi ng to do with this one, it's at the federal level now. As far as a lawsuit that ssems to be forming with out the unions help. Remember the law moves very slow as we all know.
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