US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Hey those are your people that you elected.......guess what they're still running the show under a new name...UsApA! Same progress............

........and furthermore.....wasn't it a majority of YOUR pilots who voted "YES" in favor of that contract???.....or tell me, did some big bad ALPA bully just come along and shove it up your arse?
........and furthermore.....wasn't it a majority of YOUR pilots who voted "YES" in favor of that contract???.....or tell me, did some big bad ALPA bully just come along and shove it up your arse?

You have to remember that in USCABA world, the idea of Majority Rules and the altruistic ideal of Democracy is only valid as long as it throws West pilots under the bus and steals their careers. Any other example of the aforementioned ideas that do not conform to the USCABA mentality will be dismissed as the evil empire...ALPA... mistreating the poor unfortunate Easties.

IOW, They're all mentally insane. Cleary leads the way to the asylum.
Are you saying our CEO lied? Why not go to the next crew news and stand there before him with that allegation?


Watch the PHX November crew news. Parker blatantly says that he often says things that aren't true, for effect.
Are you saying our CEO lied? Why not go to the next crew news and stand there before him with that allegation? The truth about AWA hurts, doesn't it? Don't let it get to you, it's no reflection on you.

I read the transcripts a while back, and for now I will just wait to see what happens. I just wonder why a west guy would spent his time on them, but, whatever. Looking for that AH-HA moment no doubt. Kinda like pre thought she had with the "growth" thing.

I'm not saying anyone lied. I can't know whether they lied, as I wasn't there when they negotiated LOA 93.

It's interesting that you believe a UHL under oath rather than you CEO. Or should I say, you do when it is convenient?

Pure diversion on your part. I quote your captain and how he wants his and screw the junior guy. You brought up Parker not me.

So how about commenting on my point? Typical east mentality. No unity, screw the junior guys.
So how about commenting on my point? Typical east mentality. No unity, screw the junior guys.

In years past there has been a screw the junior guy attitude, but no junior was ever screwed like Nic screwed them. The support for the junior guys over the Nic seems to indicate a change.

I'm just puzzled by a west guy's interest in that.

You put in cap's how US was DONE without the merger, quoting USAPA, so I just needed to remind you the shape your side was in.
In years past there has been a screw the junior guy attitude, but no junior was ever screwed like Nic screwed them. The support for the junior guys over the Nic seems to indicate a change.

I'm just puzzled by a west guy's interest in that.

You put in cap's how US was DONE without the merger, quoting USAPA, so I just needed to remind you the shape your side was in.
Once again. Someone points out the bad of US Airways and you jump to say it is none of your business. You see unlike east pilots, west pilots want to know the truth and go the source not crew room rumors.

But to answer your question. When the LOA 93 house of cards collapses the support for DOH and usapa will die in favor of a contract. Accept what you should have accepted 4 years ago and we can all move on. I expect the same screw the junior pilot attitude to prevail and the captains will want their money before they retire. What was it Brookman said?

Pilots would say, I'm going to give up
15 this pay for the next five years, and then some
16 junior puke is going to gain the benefit of my hard
17 work at the lower rates.

As far as "junior" guys. That is exactly what you are trying to make west pilots. So the screw the junior guys continues it just happens not to be the same junior east guys your pilots have been working over for years. Good thing Nicolau say through that. Remind us again who ran the east side of the arbitration? Was it Nicolau that screwed you or was it the east pilots that screwed yourselves by overreaching and not being more reasonable and compromise?

LOA 93 has nothing to do with the shape the west was in. US Airways was heading toward the trash bin of history. How about sticking with the point and stop trying to deflect that fact.
Not true. Ask your east cohorts who claim you gave up your pay as an investment that you can now use as equity with the company and your losing seniority battle.

You can't blame ALPA for your pay and then also take credit for it. One or the other. Your choice. But try to get your collective story straight. The double talk is getting pretty blatant.

It is an investment...the same way that Don Corleon got people to invest with him!!
We had the figurative gun at our heads and did not get to vote on the pension termination
...please read these posts with a little more insight than a 6th grader.

But to answer your question. When the LOA 93 house of cards collapses the support for DOH and usapa will die in favor of a contract. Accept what you should have accepted 4 years ago and we can all move on. I expect the same screw the junior pilot attitude to prevail and the captains will want their money before they retire. What was it Brookman said?

You know you are really hard to follow when you get worked up. Which one of the following questions did that answer?

You okay buddy?
What did Parker just say about AWA absent this merger?
What did Parker just say about AWA absent this merger? Hmmm?
You remember the little dust up about USAPA not following the ALPA payout plan for the LOA 93 lump sum?
Do you know what group the ALPA payout plan favored?
Are you saying our CEO lied? Why not go to the next crew news and stand there before him with that allegation? The truth about AWA hurts, doesn't it?

It's interesting that you believe a UHL under oath rather than you CEO. Or should I say, you do when it is convenient?

Want to really answer any of them?

I'm glad your crystal ball can tell you the outcome of LOA 93, but I don't know, it wasn't too good aboutt he Addington.
Free Speech aint it great! MM!

It is until it crossed a line. Me calling Mikey Spud, he and flyPG calling me Duphis is not a big deal.

When you start making phsical threats, the game changes. All I have to do is point out recent events in Tucson, missed signals, threats which lead up to an act of violence. This is my argument, the one I used in my meetings.

I have no idea who is making the threats. As Jim pointed out, there may be one person with multiple screen names.

It is up to the Feds to so sort it out.
You know you are really hard to follow when you get worked up. Which one of the following questions did that answer?

You okay buddy?
What did Parker just say about AWA absent this merger?
What did Parker just say about AWA absent this merger? Hmmm?
You remember the little dust up about USAPA not following the ALPA payout plan for the LOA 93 lump sum?
Do you know what group the ALPA payout plan favored?
Are you saying our CEO lied? Why not go to the next crew news and stand there before him with that allegation? The truth about AWA hurts, doesn't it?

It's interesting that you believe a UHL under oath rather than you CEO. Or should I say, you do when it is convenient?

Want to really answer any of them?

I'm glad your crystal ball can tell you the outcome of LOA 93, but I don't know, it wasn't too good aboutt he Addington.
What did Parker say about LOA93?
What did Parker say about LOA93?? Hmmmm

Any ideas?
You have to remember that in USCABA world, the idea of Majority Rules and the altruistic ideal of Democracy is only valid as long as it throws West pilots under the bus and steals their careers. Any other example of the aforementioned ideas that do not conform to the USCABA mentality will be dismissed as the evil empire...ALPA... mistreating the poor unfortunate Easties.

IOW, They're all mentally insane. Cleary leads the way to the asylum.

I agree partly with the above, Cleary is insane. His followers aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, however- I wouldn't say they are insane. Just stupid.
Excellent. There is only one way to deal with bullies, be they the cyber kind or the face-to-face kind.

I didn't realize you're so new around here. Many people are long time lurkers before they finally step in and voice an opinion. It's only a matter of time before the east lynch mob mentality gets to a person.

I've been on this forum for almost 9 years, and the what you see around here now is par for the course. As a UA pilot I've gone toe to toe with them through multiple failed merger attempts. In 2000 they showed their true colors with their DOH shell game and their ambitions to repair their careers on the backs of others, claiming some perceived entitlement. Unfortunately AWA was not lucky enough to foresee the inevitable. After several successful battles to fend off the parasites, we finally left them at the alter once and for all for the "prettier" CO.

Another history lesson about this forum you may be interested in. Last year there were moderators who worked very hard to keep this place somewhat civilized. It was a full time job for them, and many east pilots were banished to the corn field for their language, behavior, threats, lies, baiting, etc. Unfortunately, the owner of this forum, a furloughed east pilot I believe, decided that traffic and economics demanded a more hands off approach. Hence there was an amnesty period for all banished posters, and the old moderators were replaced with far less active ones. Since December of last year this place has sunk into the abyss of the sewer, and the result is increased traffic for the administrator, less actual discussion, ever increasing rhetoric, name calling, and threats. Much like Jerry Springer brings out the dregs of humanity, so does this forum.

If any legal action you take actually materializes, it would be interesting to consider the legal ramifications of any actionable offenses to this forum and it's administrators. I would think that tolerating the threats and allowing known offenders who were formerly banned, to come back and have free reign, thereby enabling the threats might be of interest to you and your attorneys.
We know about those moderators. You cried like a baby all the time. You would like Libya. They ascribe to your censorship likes. Speaking of parasites, your airline unleashed the pests on CO with those large RJ's. I feel sorry for Continental getting you on board. Most of the UA guys are pretty decent. You are the major exception.
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